Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Other news in the world!

Other news in the world!

Yes it's true, there is actual other news in this world beside's our big presidential campaign!
  I realize this may be hard to believe that Clinton's Emails, and Trumps reckless talk are not the only serious issue's affecting the rest of the country! Just as serious there is more going on around the other side of the world that could affect us all that has nothing to do with even ISIS!

  We at times can find ourselves so enthralled with issues that we end up with a form of tunnel vision! I'm in no way immune to this as well, As I have found myself so immensely entangled in Donald Trumps web of, off the wall remarks and comments, that I have been stuck in his tractor beam of insult as well!

  We have this crazy race riot brewing in Milwaukee that has been lightly hitting the news these last few days! This is one that the community should bite their tongue on, as the African American man that had been shot and killed by law enforcement was armed, and with a stolen loaded weapon!
  Until I hear and see all the information, I will definitely side with law enforcement on this one! Unfortunately most of the community has taken to the streets creating civil unrest!  All that it is really doing is hurting a cause that started as a just and notable one!
  Somethings you just can't keep crying foul on every possible issue, and when you do, your cause is only making you look more like an excuse to keep the Injustice fire burning! It's only making the cause look really, really bad!

  Moving right along in other parts of the world we are bombing ISIS still in Syria and Iraq, In which we have been making actual ground! In Syria two thousand plus civilians were able to get out of the city of Manjib after coalition forces were able to take back the city.
  ISIS had been using these two thousand people as a human shield In which the men were forced to grow beards and the women forced to wear Niqabs as they were forced to abide by their captors fanatic religious standards as well!
  The U.S. has been helping in Libya at the new Governments request with bombing campaigns against ISIS that have been very successful!  
  So we have some good news in some parts of the world I suppose! Though it's still a very long road to go! Despite what Donald Trumps thinks and says, it cannot be won overnight! That's just a pipe dream thinking the such!

  We of course are still seeing the South China Sea heading in uncertainty!
A fleet of Chinese fishing ships of around 200 headed towards the Senkaku Islands which are more contested Islands from China that  are under Japanese control.
  They were being led by 6 Chinese coast guard ships which some of them were armed with military capabilities after being refitted from naval vessels!
  This is an area of uncertainty and one that just may shape the future of everything we know! 
  China claims that the whole South China Sea is part of their rightful area of ownership because of an ancient belief that they were the original founders of the whole area! 
  Which is debatable, As well as contested by just about every other Asian nation that borders the South China Sea!
  One of the reasons that China want's complete control of the area is because of the fertile fishing grounds and the large amount of natural resources that lay at the sea floor!

  Coming up is the G20 summit, and it's anybodies guess what will be in store with all that is on the plate! 
  The E.U and the Brexit fallout, As well as the rumors of more breakaway's looming on the horizon!
  Another big talk will be with Russia and how they are going to weigh in with matters pertaining with Crimea! It sure is one of the big concerns from the E.U. and the U.S., As well as is the rest of the Ukraine! It Should be some heated debate!

  I know all of the world event's are much to be concerned about! With myself China's action are that of which I have been watching with a great worries and much concern!
  Actually it should be a concern with all! The Asian pacific summit had just recently taken place, Which the U.S. and much of  the rest of the world were highly anticipating to see if China might come to an agreement with the hotly contested man made islands that China has taken over and claimed!
  The summit ended up being less then what the U.S. hoped for, With talks of China's actions not really being the hot topic among those affected most!

  The Hague had ruled in a court hearing that the Philippines had the right to the islands in which China had taken over! China had said they would not honor any ruling from the Hague, and one especially against them!

  Of course China has militarized all seven Islands in which they had built up out of mere shoals, And this was after they had promised and made statements that they would do no such things!
  China has made an impact around the world with their rise into capitalism! One area in which they are very large in is on the African Continent! As a matter of fact they are in the process of building a military base there as well! And it so happens to be in a very close proximity to a U.S base!

  What does these all mean? Well I have touched on China's involvement on the African continent in some other blogs, and the one thing I can promise it is in no way any good towards the people of Africa! 
  China has giving African communities silly things like soccer stadiums while in return China has been strip mining whole communities of all their natural resources!
  The reason for African nations to decided to do business with a communist country such as China is simple and I'll explain!
  Even though I called China Communist, The CCP (Chinese Communist Party!) They are essentially anything but!
  China is more of an authoritarian leadership country! Capitalism has grasped a hold of the country under the state and private sector. My personal views are that China is more dangerous at this stage then Russia is even close to being! 
  China presently has the second largest amount of private citizens that are billionaires only second to the United States! Germany is the closest with an almost tie. China with slightly over 150 and Germany almost at 150 while America with over 500!

  So I really don't even classify China as Communist anymore, But without a doubt in this world they are a full on Authoritarian ruled people! They still have state run media and the such, So freedom of speech is a long off pipe dream! Although occasionally a few people will, and do speak out! Some get bothered very little, while others have disappeared completely!
  China is well know for the lack of any type of worker safety rights of any kind whatsoever! Their human rights record is a non existent joke!

  With this fact well known and China's involvement in Africa their land isn't only being taken and stripped from them, The African's that do work at any Chinese business, They are under paid, and if hurt their pretty much S/O/L/ shit out of luck! This happens frequently! 
  Another thing that is very concerning is the fact in a lot of communities China has replicated everything after Chinese culture! Buildings, residential neighborhoods in which China had paid to rebuild all these areas, But all after Chinese cultural looks!
  On top of this all the kids in school are required to learn and speak Chinese! This may sound unimportant though this is where it gets increasingly worrying!

  China is spreading across Africa that is at an alarming rate! As China woo's potential Countries within Africa they donate money and build potential countries all sorts of gifts from Bridges, Buildings, Stadiums, Whatever it takes to win the hearts of the people they do!
  This is where the U.S. and other western alias have failed with the African people! We have pretty much only giving a lot of these struggling countries charity and aid and!We preach the importance of freedoms and democracy! And in return we just ask them to be loyal to a democracy that does very little for them besides that!

  The Chinese have offered them more of a financial lifestyle and freedom which is what these people actually want, and desperately need!
  The price they must pay is a loyalty to the CCP (China) which in no way recognizes Democracy! This is where it should concern everyone! 
  China has not just taken stakes in Africa, As they have been negotiating deals with countries all around the world!

 What's this all mean? Well China had made plans back in the 90's to start a different approach and start planning in ways where they were able to guarantee their survival into the future world by having the means to do so! 
  This means with everything from the natural resources to agriculture and everything in between! This would place themselves as a power house with not just enough, But the larger amount of everything! 
  Their goal is obvious as not just a global competitor, But more of the global leader! With this they are well on their way! They have been going as far as challenging the American military by not backing down! One big thing they have done is to tell their citizens to prepare for war with the United States! 

  So this along with our present Presidential race we should be thinking of the greater importance! With the facts of what China is doing, As well as who we potentially might place in the White House, it's a potential powder keg!
  I would suggest someone with the intelligence to negotiate around some pretty complex situations as this is what will be in store for them!
  They better have skill, Knowledge, And the capacity to not take things personally!
So there's some food for thought and other issue's happening around the world!


Friday, August 12, 2016

What makes a true leader?

What Makes A True Leader?
By T.J. Rockford

As if I need to bring up the facts with the happenings within our Presidential 
race at this very moment of August 2016!

  In case you've been hiding somewhere or lost at sea, You may may not have the skinny on the comments and remarks of Donald Trumps latest attempt to win the hearts of Americans!
  Trump has said that President Obama and Hilary Clinton are the actual founders of the terrorist organization ISIS!
  Yes I said that right, And no you didn't read it wrong! They are the founders of ISIS! 
  How is this possible you ask? It isn't! If you actually believe him because you just don't know any better, Or because you are not well informed on event's within our world, Please allow me to tell you that there is no way, No how, any truth to his statement into this absurd suggestion!

  Granted there could of been more done to trying to squash ISIS in their rise to power, But whether you believe this or not, This had actually been attempted by President Obama which never gained momentum due to legalities!
  Well since Trump had made these accusations of President Obama And Hilary Clinton he has since backtracked and said he had only made these comments out of "Sarcasm!"
  That may be, But he has made these accusations at least a half of dozen times! And if you had actually been able to hear any of these particular speeches in which he made these statements I'm fairly certain unless your I.Q. is 80 and lower none of these speeches in which I've heard him speak sounded anything like sarcasm! 
  Though without trying to brag my I.Q is in the 140's So maybe I'm reading it a bit different! Though with my I.Q. being such I feel pretty confident I can say that most civil rational people probably would agree as well, That it wasn't meant as sarcasm!

  This in itself may seem like just a minor incident as there is always some sort of drama when it comes to the election season. Well unfortunately with Trump he has a track record of making risky, Dangerous, Unintelligent, and just plain dumb comments and remarks!
  The very dangerous thing he has done and started  claiming are these off the cuff comments were just joke's, And sarcasm! 

  Well I'll say with myself and others these remarks are weighing pretty thin within the popular consensus!
   It's not just the dangerous stuff he says, But to turn around and say it was just a joke or sarcasm! This is anything but the actions of a responsible leader!
  I don't care how much you dislike Hilary Clinton! The one thing I will promise you is the fact she doesn't joke when it comes to the seriousness of being the leader of this, The most powerful nation on the planet!
  And anyone who, First of all makes irresponsible remarks has already proven their lack of capacity to be the leader of this, The greatest nation on planet Earth! And second pawns off things of a serious nature as sarcasm is just plain horse shit!

   I really wish that every person in America would understand that Trump is a threat like none other to this country in the history of our being!
  I'm not saying this because I'm a loyal Hilary Clinton supporter, But I without a doubt know that she is unequivocally 100% more responsible and fit to lead this nation! Joke's and sarcasm have no place when it comes to a thing as serious as what you say and how you say it! Especially when your running for the most powerful position in the world! Sure that's just a big joke to him! Well I'll tell you I take it absolutely freaking seriously!

  I would have gone into more detail into the other comments he has said, But honestly I just don't have the stomach to rehash his comments that should get him ejected from this race!
  Why? Because he is the most unfit person out of the top two candidates of which would actually win this race!
  This isn't a joke! There is no place for sarcasm with a person that plans to lead this nation! If you are a person that thinks I'm looking at this as to extreme, Well all I can say is then it is not only him that is the problem! It is you as well!

  This country has had problems and issue's, As it will always continue to have problems and issue's! We have seen bad and good times, We have faltered with differences and come together when things were the toughest! But if Trump were to become the President it is not just this country that will pay the ultimate sacrifice, It is potentially the whole world!
  If you are a person looking at things from a Republican point of view and worried of who may become the next supreme court nominee! Well it won't really matter much if there isn't a country for it to matter anymore! Or potentially a world! 
  Here's one other small tid-bit for a thought for all of Trumps supporters.
Just so you know if Trump becomes president and decides to start being a comedian and joking with another world leader that doesn't find him to humerus and then trying to excuse it off as just sarcasm. How do you think that will all play out?
  Now imagine with Trumps thin skin and decides to act irrational just like he speaks and the worst possible scenario happens do you think Trump is going to give a thought about how your going to survive? While he is guaranteed a safe bunker to hunker down in, You really think he's going to be sitting in their worried about you? If you haven't learned anything or figured this out yet he is a narcissist!

 This means it's all him! He doesn't care about you, Me, Or for that matter very much about his own kids! How can I say such a thing? In case you didn't watch the RNC the kids pretty much said it all when they described their childhood growing up! It sure wasn't with daddy! It was pretty much that daddy didn't have the conventional parent responsibility! I have a pretty good idea it sure wasn't something high on his list!

  So if you feel like your in safe hands because you feel he's the answer because he sounds strong and tough and won't back down from a fight! I bet your right ! I bet he'll be starting plenty of fights with little care to the outcome because he won't have the worries! Like usual he doesn't care what position he leaves his creditors in, Or the smaller business he has left in the lurch!
Some of which that had gone bankrupt because of his selfishness!
  That should have spoken volumes just by knowing this information into how much he cares of Americans and their financial woes!

  Just some food for thought into what makes a true leader! The one thing without a doubt is Donald Trump is the farthest thing from a responsible true leader for this the greatest nation on Earth!