Tuesday, May 31, 2016

It's official, Their here!

It's official, Their here!
By T.J. Rockford

LOOK, UP IN THE AIR,  IT'S A PLANE! NOPE! IT'S A METEORITE, NOPE! OH, IT'S SUPER....Ugh Nope, Not him either! Oh, It's just another space ship filled with alien's!
This U.F.O. was videoed 10 mile's from Wright Patterson
Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio

   This particular video(Which you can view at the image below) I happened to see it on Fox News. and what's that you ask? What's the big deal? Well that's a very good question! What is the big deal? 
  Just out of curiosity if you happened to see this, Is this what you thought, No big deal? Did you just brush it off and say, Sure just another hoax? If you did you're probably one of those people up in the 90 percentile bracket that do feel this type of thing is a hoax! Just like Trumps theory on global warming! All a hoax! 

  I have to admit I'm one of the people in that 10 percentile bracket that do have a bit of curiosity into the U.F.O.  phenomena! So does that make me nut's? Just another crazy person that probably believes in Santa Clause as well, Right? Think again!
  If you've happened to notice every time something like this pops up on some top news site the census among the news correspondents is that of chuckling and giddy laughing like it's nothing but a load of garbage! Have you asked yourself, Why is that? 
  Why is it something so possibly Earth shattering, Possibly a life changing event to all humans on this tiny blue marble could promote such a big who gives a hoot response?

  The answer to this is because we've all been desensitized into the U.F.O. phenomena! OK I get it your probably saying this guy is one of those conspiracy theorist type of people!
  Honestly you couldn't be further from the truth! Because I'm one of the harshest critics of any type paranormal event! Whether it's ghostly affairs, Or yes even the U.F.O. phenomena!

  If you're asking why I keep referring to all of this as a phenomena? Well isn't that what it truly is? If you put aside all the disinformation that you have rattling around in your head, Topics that our government has made small of, Phenomena would be the word you're looking for!
  Believe this or not! But there are things that are still unexplainable to this day happening all around us! Like how can things survive in the deep dark abyss by a thermal vent that is hot enough to cook you! Though life is thriving! Humans are finding new species of life almost on a daily basis, As is there are species going extinct just as rapidly! So why is it so far fetched that we could be visited by some unknown life form from within our vast Universe?

  Or maybe these events some are witnessing aren't from as far away as we may speculate! As I had stated I'm curious into these type event's, which is far from being a radical conspiracy theorist!
  Occasionally in researching these event's I do come across that small percentage of hard to debunk can't blame it on swamp gas happenings! As well as there being some highly credible witness's! 
  So in what class would you throw these case's in? As much as the government has made in the way of off the hook crazy explanations! It has to make a rational person raise their eyebrow doesn't it? Some of these event's really should be questioned! And why aren't they?

  Again why aren't they being looked into on any kind of scale? Or just maybe, they are! And we simple minded common folk aren't being told! That's not a so far fetched theory and one that has been voiced from a lot of higher status type people then myself! 
  I mean really, like it would be the first time our government has kept us in the dark on projects of a military nature! I'm sure if you follow, or know anything about military projects in America you have heard such things as "Skunk Works!"  Most of the things created within this department are above top secret!

  I will admit that with all the people out there that push the U.F.O. topic a bit to far, and make the whole thing, and everyone in it look like a bunch of nut's! 
  This is exactly what our government loves to see! It truly makes their job that much easier in a few different ways!
  The first way is, if there is actually any truth into this phenomena, thanks to the few that push the conspiracy theory a little to far, it helps take the spot light off of any black projects we are into!
  Second is the fact that if we are actually somehow fully aware of the phenomena, and in some way have been working on reversing found alien technology, and have actually achieved the making of some bizarre crafts that defy all we understand, and are test flying this stuff, Our government could do it right out in front of us without any repercussion because we've all become complacent to it!

  That was a little long winded so in short anything alien is 100% discounted due to it all being bull according to the government! Somehow most Americans just go with the flow, like a flock of well obeyed sheep! If that stings a little, Well it should! Imagine if you happen to one day see something that defies all rational thought and snap off a few pictures, Or even a video. Will you expect the world to jump on board with your findings? Even though you know for certain, 100% unequivocally without a shadow of a doubt, you've encountered something from beyond our known universe, who's going to buy it? Just like the way you had always looked at everyone Else's claims, this is how you will be scrutinized! 

  The funny thing is whether one person, Or even 100 people send in 100 different images, video's, and claims to proof of an alien armada flying around! In the end the most it might get is a small bit of air time on the news, possibly! More then likely it will just muster up a short column in some backwoods news paper!
   That's how desensitized we have become to anything to do with this U.F.O. phenomena! I really hope people realize just how bad this really is! If we all fall into this same type thinking it may just give the government more ammo to control other things in your everyday life, and you may never be the wiser! 
  Complacency is a dangerous state to fall in! It's a very hard hole to dig out of once it has been dug! And if it's any sort of future thing of importance, where it affects all on a mass scale, But everyone just follows along blindly like those good sheep, you could be looked at just as every other conspiracy nut out there if you try raising a red flag, a foul, Or a call on the governments play!        According to some out there our government has gone to some hard core extremes to keep things in the dark and out of the public eye! Why do you suppose that is? When something our government deems so important due to some kind of alien conspiracy talk that it requires them to silence the whistle blower, What could it be they don't want us to know?
Is this why we follow what we're told when big brother speaks for fear of repercussion or possibly something worse? Almost sounds non-American! It definatley falls from the grace of our constitutional rights, whatever they use to be?

  The only time we seem to be allowed free thought is at voting time! Under the Obama administration anytime someone has questioned something, Or voiced an opinion they have come under investigation! I have always been under the impression this is not how our country is supposed to be work! Time's are changing and if history has shown us anything it's that life is like an endless circle, as much as we would like it to be like an arrow, old habits are hard to break!
  Presently there is the climate skeptics that are under full attack from our government! The sad thing is I'm totally on board with the fact our climate is in danger! and any skeptic out there  denying our climate is suffering has certain type agendas of their own! So the sad part is I don't mind seeing this happen, even though the president shouldn't over step his authority! I'm thinking in this case though it just may be the right thing for the fate of humanity!

  So is this the same type scenario with this U.F.O. event's? Are we being kept in the dark for the better of humanity sake? It's a hard one to call? But I do know there are some very compelling case's out there into the U.F.O. sightings! And this recent sighting being such a case!
  This case is actually a two part story where this actual video was sent to this  particular organization that receives videos and images from people all over the world, of U.F.O.'s and event's of atmospheric anomalies!
  The odd thing is that a few months prior to this video they had received a couple of pictures in an email and the images are exactly the same shape object of what we see in this video! The kicker is they are from the same state being Ohio, the same city being Dayton, And in the same proximity of Wright Patterson Air Force Base! The same base that has come under loads of controversial U.F.O. knowledge scrutiny!

U.F.O. video near Wright Patterson Air force Base!
Please excuse the circle it was meant for
video and I just wanted the image.
the point is this picture was sent in several months
before the video that has just recently gone viral!
Compare the two images above and I would think you would
find them strikingly similar though they are months apart!
As well as they both were filmed in separate locations though in the
same vicinity as W-P Air Force Base
 When I watched the video in it's complete entire version, not just from the news snip it, which was easily available online. I was able to do some digging around and tearing apart at my own discretion!
  I have to say it's all very intriguing, And it got me digging around into more sightings captured around the vicinity of the Air Force Base.  One more video in particular I have to say was really highly interesting and is the type that makes you wonder what the heck is going on? 
  This is where I imagine the most of society would just rather turn their heads and look the other way! Almost like it's to overwhelming, and because you just can't make sense of it, so the easiest thing to do is turn a blind eye and not think of it! If you think about it for a second that probably sounds about right! Isn't it much easier to say, NO WAY! NO WAY IS THAT POSSIBLE! 

    It's so much easier to just deny an unexplainable event then to actually try to solve especially one of the U.F.O. nature! Because really how do you try solving it? Who do you turn too? The government? You already know what their going to say, And the answer is an unequivocal, "NO THEY DON'T EXIST!" 
  The crazy thing is you could show someone in the government who is supposed to be the people we turn to for help for this type thing, and it could be the most detailed jaw dropping piece of evidence and they will look you straight in the eye and say, NO IT DOESN'T EXIST!
  How's that even remotely possible? Just say no and  that's the end of the subject! Not even a HOLY SHIT THAT'S AN AWESOME VIDEO! Just a plain no! We've looked into the U.F.O. phenomena and it poise's no security threat to the nation!

  Now I hope you caught that last part because this is what was actually said by our government. They said in their findings "they have concluded that U.F.O.'s pose no security threat to the nation!"
  This part is usually left out when you see any of those U.F.O. conspiracy documentary shows, But it is true!
  So it's not like the government doesn't believe in them, They just don't care! Because until they start invading the country all they are to the higher ups are a nuisance! Like a mosquito that we occasionally have to chase around when they get to close to sensitive areas like military installations or an important government complex type place. 
  They are very aware something is there, though they don't like having to go into detail and try explaining what is going on! So they just deny it, and it's that easy! Problem solved and everyone goes back on with their lives and everyone that witnessed the event are left holding the bag and looked at like a bunch of fruit cakes!

  I'm sure not going to try convincing everyone that all this U.F.O. business is vitally important to believe. Although there has been some very compelling evidence that on a few occasions, well maybe more like several occasions there have been situations that have seriously affected people in numerous ways.
  I'll leave those type event's to be believed by the beholder, But I'm going to weigh in on my two cents for whatever it may be worth!

  Back in the beginning of this article I had made a comment saying maybe these U.F.O.s aren't coming from as far off as one may think! I really am an avid space junkie and love everything that deals with the study of our universe just because it's so amazing! 
  Not to mention that it's amazingly huge as well! Just trying to imagine the actually size of the universe is mind boggling! Not to mention the actual amount of matter in the way of stars such as our sun, And planets such as what we're all standing on presently!
  To give an idea of size astronomers estimate that there are 170 billion galaxies in our observable universe and this is on the conservatively low end! There could be as many as 1 trillion galaxies! At the 170 billion figure that would figure into 10^23 for the amount of stars like our sun. Yes that's an incredibly large figure but accurate! Then think of what the amount of earth like planets there could potentially be out there, and then ask yourself if we're the only life in this universe? If your like Donald Trump your probably saying we're it ain't no more end of story!

  As for myself I guarantee there is absolutely 100% positively life out there besides us! So back to why I said maybe U.F.O.s aren't coming from the far side of the universe, but maybe a little closer. I say this because of two reasons, the first being because the universe is so huge it would take a very long time to get anywhere, even traveling the speed of light if it were possible! 
  Just to go from one end to the other end of our own Milky Way galaxy travelling the speed of light it would take you 100,000 years! 
  So now imagine the furthest we can see which is slightly over 13 million light years away and that's how long it would take us to get there travelling the speed of light, 13 million years!
  So there would need to be a faster way to travel if anything from a distance was coming to visit us! One of the ways could possibly be via a worm hole if there was such a thing! Which hypothetically, sure there could be such a thing, though we don't know of it yet! That doesn't mean a higher form of intelligent life doesn't know what one is!

  The other possibility, and one I kind of am leaning towards, is these U.F.O.s aren't coming across the universe but rather from another dimension! I know it sounds crazy, But one of the biggest things in science and physics is the thought of there being multi-dimensions! Though I do lean towards this thought I almost tend to believe in the possibilities of being visited by both! 
  I'll give a few reasons why I say this! The first is because of the difference in the type vessels that have been described and some videoed.
  There is certain shapes that defy all aerodynamic capabilities, and therefore those I believe may be the dimensional ones! Whereas the typical saucer shape type, or the ones that have a shape that looks capable of flying at high speeds could possibly be from within our universe!
  The particular video that this article is in relation to, you will notice the shape of this possible U.F.O. , and it certainly is the furthest thing from being aerodynamic, Or for that matter totally nonsensical in any proficient type shape! 
  Though if it were from another dimension I suppose this shape would make sense to wherever it came from! Or whatever form of intelligence that may be operating is so far advanced a shape of a ship is obsolete because of the way it travels! 
  When some of these U.F.O.s have visited us in the past, and have been chased by military from around the world, the pilots have stated that the U.F.O.s made maneuvers that nothing from earth could possibly do! And the speed of some of these craft ranged from 6000 to 12,000 mile's per hour within our atmosphere! Which would by hypersonic by our standards and we're still trying to get the kinks out of our hypersonic missiles, So never mind a ship of any size! At those particular speeds our atmosphere would melt the skin off of any conventional type craft!

  So there it is, My two cents! I do believe we are being visited! I know our own government knows and has known! Whether or not there is any dialect between them and us on any level, I dunno there!  I could possibly comprehend it if they were from another dimension and we somehow formed a union of sorts, though I don't know why it would be kept so secretive! That's my only hang up with the whole thing! Is why don't they tell us if they are communicating? Or why don't they tell us if they are visiting, if they really are?

  Is our government afraid to tell us the truth after all the lying they've done to us over the years? Are they thinking we won't ever have faith in the way our government works because of the way they've treated all, like a bunch of crazy lunatic lying low life's? 
  I'd have to probably say that's why! How could we trust our government ever again?  Or maybe there's a bigger thing going on here then they dare say? And another thing that would get them in even more trouble with the public! Which in fact there are some very wild claims out there of our government knowingly letting these aliens take humans for experimental purpose's! I know that's pushing it a bit far, But really that would make sense for the way they dodge the truth!

  Who really knows what's going on? Maybe some day we will all find out! Maybe the aliens are the actual beings behind global warming, because they need the warm high carbon dioxide environment! 
  That would make sense why all these politicians question the validity of global warming! It would make sense why Trump would back out of our deal with the rest of the world as much as he wants to jump in bed with oil and coal industries to add more crap to the environment!
 He says its for the profit though I question that because I look how close he is with Newt Gingrich! Ole Newt doesn't believe in global warming! He's probably an alien himself! As a matter of fact he looks suspicious to me! And who names their kid Newt? Only an alien that doesn't know better!

  Anyway I know this whole U.F.O. thing is a hard piece of candy to chew on, But it really needs to be seen, and I believe it merits our attention! There have been past presidents that feel as though they witnessed other worldly vessels, Reagan and Carter to name of few! There was one incident that was witnessed by thousands including a Governor from Arizona! That was a huge ship supposedly from the way all describe it! There have been law enforcement, Military personal have come forward, Airline pilots and some incidents are documented with military involvement! The list goes on and on!

  So sure I believe! But now what? It's all been pretty much proved by the millions of witness's and Governments, And military around the world! So now what? I guess we're all waiting to finally see what E.T. looks like I guess! Because short of that we'll all be stuck in this endless loop of pictures and video's and people being called whacked out and crazy! It's a never ending story and one that has gone on now for years with little ground being made!
  So until then keep your eye's to the sky! You never know what you just might see! And remember if you do capture something on video and need to tell the world not everyone will think you're crazy!

Here's a few more links to some activity happening around Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio!

This is a particularly interesting video for myself
Considering the length of the video and
what happens towards the end it's 
truly amazing!


Friday, May 27, 2016


By T.J. Rockford

If your like Donald Trump the republican presidential candidate front runner and you believe that global warming isn't happening, Well your delusional!

Here's a graph of global warming recordings from the
last 135 years! 

  97% of the scientific community is agreed upon, that due to human activity by releasing certain man made gases into the atmosphere it has, and is causing the earths temperature to rise!  
Since the dawn of the industrial age it has, and is rising at an alarming rate!
  As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.    

  So when you see a proven scientific measurement that shows a rise of 0.7 degrees Celsius rise in a hundred years that's alarming!
  What else it shows, this is at our industrial push into the modern era! So then we add the fact we understand our atmosphere and how it works, and the types of gases being released into the atmosphere, and what can, and can't be filtered out. As well as how long it takes to be filtered and then we start doing the math and wondering!

  Wondering what the potential impact could take place due to the rapid rise in temperature? We can play out a role of scenarios which we know aren't really to great for anything living on earth, Or in the waters! 
  We know sea levels will rise, We know that by adding to much fresh water from ice cap and glacial melt off it will affect the salinity in the oceans! Which in turn will create a whole host of problems, and some possible severe problems that we don't quite even understand yet! Though we know it could potentially be catastrophic! If you like gambling this isn't the thing to gamble on!

  Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual.  

  These are figures at the rate at which we are going now without change! So if we actually start to progressively act we may be able to help curb this warming acceleration!
  If we go the path of what Donald Trump has planned "if he becomes elected," Well putting it bluntly we are screwed!
  With Trump in his near 70's he could care less of what happens in the next hundred years! Which gives you a pretty good picture of his character into his views on caring about his kids lives or their kids lives for the future!
  But then again I think I have a pretty good picture of how much his children really give a hoot , By going on their big game hunting trips shooting exotic animals such as Lions, Cheetahs, and African Elephants, Just for fun! It's a rich thing you know!
  The world cries about people killing off the worlds Elephants, But as long as you have enough money they'll sell you a permit! Quite a world we live in! And their showing you just how much they hold it in regard!

  I suppose if your in that upper bracket of financial security maybe your concerns are less because they may feel they can buy their way out of it, Or somehow pay to be able to survive what the rest of most of us will not be able to do! So I guess that shows how much Trump really cares about the rest of America! Or the world for that matter! But we are all pretty aware of his stance on anyone who is not of this country or his ethnicity!

  Every kid growing up in the last 20 plus years has been taught, and is learning of the consequences of global warming. As well their learning of what needs to be done to help solve the issues! 
  Then you have this guy running for president telling everyone he thinks it's a hoax! How smart is that? Considering in the beginning of this article I stated 97% of the scientific community is agreed upon this known climate fact!
  If your willing on gambling on that 3% that isn't satisfied with the findings you might want to know that 3% are the scientist backed by the oil and coal industry! If you can find comfort in that then we're all truly screwed!

  Trump has stated he will squash everything the Obama administration had accomplished in working to curb climate rise!
  Trump will break from our signed U.N. Paris accord that 197 nations have signed!
So you can expect places such as China to follow suit and continue everything as the U.S. in full swing!

  "TRUMP STATES GLOBAL WARMING A HOAX!" http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-vows-cut-us-funding-climate-change/story?id=39410375

 Trump in his talks to the folks from the U.S. energy coal and oil dept stated a slew of things he would do to get them working full tilt in his scheme to make the U.S. money!
  Another thing he is all for is the practice of fracking, Which we know will deplete our fresh water supply, as well as pollute our remaining water supply, and we know it causes a negative affect to the geography which in turn has been causing earth quakes out in the Midwest!
  So in case you didn't think it could get bad go ahead and cast your vote for him and find out how much more worse it can get!
  The one big thing to keep in mind is even if you could care less about your own life or anyone else's on the planet! How about your families live's? How about their future and if you're looking at it from a financial perspective it really won't matter much compared to the actual quality of life there will be on this planet, if this were all to actually happen!

  Trump is the most intellectually defunct person I have ever seen, yet less run for the presidency of this country!
  I just can't believe he has made it this far running for the Presidency with NO knowledge of foreign affairs, Totally ignorant to how this world works on a global scale, And is willing to to accelerate the global warming process 100% with ZERO regard of our lives! Our AMERICAN live's! Our CHILDREN'S LIVE'S! 

  If the people of this country are willing to let this all happen and then sadly to say this country has certainly lost any values! Family values, Moral values, And just plain humanity values! 
  I truly cannot believe people would stand behind this insanity! The sad thing is that global warming is already here and is affecting the world now! It's truly just a matter of time before we all are impacted, But we actually have a choice for the speed of this to happen, and so many are willing to just let it all end now! 


  This country has seen and had rough times, But when all rational thinking is replaced with desperation for making money this is not good for America, Or the world! It's sheer insanity! A form of mass hysteria!
  When people are willing to lay down in defeat and sacrifice a planet, and the one and only planet we live on! All for the dollar! 
 Well maybe we should just kill ourselves off and let this all happen because we for certain have no place in this universe if this is what we are willing to let happen! 
  I thought it was bad from the speed at what we've been moving at to do anything about global warming as it's been, But now with Trumps plan! WOW! It's just amazing he has any supporters at all, I would think!

    It really seems to me that with every new statement Trump says, or even his simple remarks, he tries testing how far Americans are willing to go, and still back him!
  He views women as sex objects and a step below man, He shows extreme prejudice, He has threatened the use of nuclear weapons and promotes for more nukes for the world to have to deal with, He is ignorant to world economics and foreign affairs, His child like name calling is an embarrassment to any respectful intelligent American person, As well it displays his maturity level! And if people were smart they would see Trumps true ignorance! By people showing this man support he is mocking Americans intelligence! It's truly staggering the following he has! As well as sadly pitiful the amount of American citizens willing to stoop and bow to this man's level!

  I personally feel that Trump really has no desire at becoming the President! I mean really why would he want the job? He's already rich! He would be under a great burden and could potentially go down in history as the worst President ever, Or the man that destroyed the world! There's a great legacy to leave behind!
  With all the zany ideas and remarks he makes there is no way it will make "America Great Again!" It's as if he is trying to push people away, But instead it draws more people in! I hate to keep throwing the word intelligence around, But come on America where do you draw a line?

  I would just rather vote for a rock compared to what our choices are, But empowering Trumps insanity is far from the right solution! He will lead the country and the world down a path all will one day regret if they let this happen! And taking it back will be far from an option! Things like "Only if" apply for casino gambling not the fate of this world! Settling for this because of it being what people feel "The only option!" How lost this country truly is, and has become!
Here's a view of a few graphs showing just how much of a "HOAX" Global warming really is Mr. Donald Trump! And mind you these are not unpredictable models! These are factual recorded temp increases accelerating greatly over a course of a few years by the Earths scale of time!


A few web sites that may help people understand  global warming!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Email gone wild!

Email gone wild!
By T.J. Rockford

  Ok unless you've been living under a rock, In a box, and on a deserted island somewhere around the South Pole you're fully aware of the BIG Clinton Email scandal!

  As much as it may have some merit into security protocol do you think it really needs to go this far? I mean hell's bells! 
  Sure there may have been some rules broken! Do you really think she's the only one to have done this? I guarantee you right now if you go back in the stacks of files and documents you would find a lot more high officials in our government have done this same sloppy practice! And sloppy is all it should be chalked up to being!

  Stop this nonsense and let's get on to some more important business at hand! Give her a fine, scold her, reprimand her, do whatever besides turning this into some major crime scene, because it's not! All this is, is a way to make the general public think the feds are actually doing their job for a change!
  If the government wants to impress us have them dig into Donald Trumps tax records for the last 30 years so the public supporting him will see that he probably hasn't paid any taxes since he was old enough to actually have to pay! 
  I will guarantee the regular average working class family pays more in taxes yearly then he ever has in a single year! And this is how the rich get richer and we get stuck paying their share! Think about that if you're contemplating on supporting him! 
  He's far from being the only rich person that doesn't pay taxes! Taxation was meant for the commoner! Not for the aristocrat like people! I think if you look up the definition of the word aristocrat you would find an image of Trump with his freakish smile!

  The bigger issue here is the amount of money that has been spent on chasing down this horse and pony show of a scandal! If your familiar with the word "Red Herring" Well this would probably fit in here somehow! 
  Anything to dig up dirty laundry and spend millions of dollars, Or bury dirty laundry spend millions, Or buy someone else's dirty laundry for millions and then spend millions more chasing down some smoke and mirror parlor tricks, our government will be willing! Anything to waste some money their willing! 

  Well I'm not willing! And I'm tired of this B.S.! And I want to see some better head lines in the news besides the millions more were spending on this Email crap! News like maybe we've finally stopped ISIS? Or how about we've come up with a solution to curb climate problems? Now there's a few examples I wouldn't mind seeing millions of dollars flying out the window for! Not all this man power and money just going down the shitter' and for what? What the hell is going to end up coming out of this? That's right nothing!
  Nothing but a big fat waste of millions of dollars! Like we don't piss enough away let's try spending millions and see if we can screw over Clinton somehow!

  Don't worry about what's happening with China! And how their hacking into America's highest most vitally secret documents! Like we couldn't be spending all these wasted millions of dollars on maybe ramping up our computer security! Or maybe paying someone smart enough to build an impenetrable firewall system! Heck we didn't even have a security system on our computer's for the last hack they did stealing tons of government employees info! Couldn't afford the 79 bucks for a years worth of BullGuard computer security, But we can afford millions with the big Email scandal! Makes sense if your in the American government!

  Like this country isn't in a enough of a spiral shit spin! We have this lunatic republican feeding the country a bunch of horse shit and everyone's sucking it up without even thinking of the impact of anything he says! 35% to 45% Tariffs to China, Mexico, and Japan! And the crowds go bullshit wild! Until China, Mexico, and Japan snap back and raise the price of everything 110%! If you don't think these countries would do that you're as delusional as Trump!

  Another thing Trump just said he would do right off if he became president is reverse the Canadian keystone oil pipeline deal! For those of you that don't know the Obama administration squashed it from happening! And why you ask? A little thing called the climate is going to hell in a hand basket! Going ahead with that plan would defeat the purpose of what "the whole world" is trying to accomplish and curb global warming!
  That is everyone but "Trump!" He had actually said to the press back in 2014 that the government was wasting tons of money on trying to curb climate change and global warming, Trump said it was all a "hoax!" 
  While at the same time his company was petitioning the fine people of Scotland's Government to let them build a gigantic seawall at the location where one of his golf courses is because due to climate change and global warming is happening faster then predicted that sea level rise is going to double what previously was thought! So they want to try protecting the golf course! "Some hoax huh?"

  So just what we need the Canadian oil pipe line! Trump said he would support big global trade in our oil and coal industry! He said with all this energy we're sitting on we can make loads of money! Sure never mind what kind of world we'll leave our children! 

  So enough about Clinton and her phone! Let's get on to more important matters because it's not just kind of important! The future of America and possibly the planet are at stake!
  China was able to hack America's computer system and obtain the prints for our most expensive trillion dollar F-35 joint strike jet fighter and has the government spent millions on finding out who let that happen? No! 
  So once again enough with this witch hunt!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


By T.J. Rockford

  One would assume with this planet being covered with more water then land this wouldn't be an issue, Well guess again!

  The Earth is covered by 71% water and of that over 96% of that water is in the ocean, So that leaves a little less the 3% left as fresh water!
  Seems like a small number considering the amount we see in areas such as the great lakes, or for the fortunate few that still have a lake in their back yards unlike some not so lucky people in parts of the world where their lakes have all but disappeared!

  We humans are facing some serious and troubling times in the not so very near future! Oops, The future is here! See how fast that happened!
  Those that do pay attention already see parts of the U.S. that are facing a water shortage and a crisis. We have been constantly hearing of the shortage of water in California and this has only gotten worse over the years.

  It's far from just California that is affected! There is a shortage happening all over the globe! Though we in the U.S. tend to back shelve others issue's until they affect us in some form or fashion directly!
  Lake Meade is at a historical low presently and the water department there is letting it dip a few more feet before they start a bit of relief by opening the gates! Which certain areas can fall and rise due to conditions, But the conditions the human race is facing is one that is slipping from our control each and every day!

  Our climate is in a change that is heading in an uncertain direction though we can paint a pretty good picture! As for what is going on presently with water shortages in certain areas of the world we do know are because of what humans have done and are still doing!
  Human interaction is the cause and affect it's that simple! We see the cutting down and burning of the rain forest in South America and this is being done to create more land for food type essentials such as crops and mostly cattle. 
  Unfortunately in doing this it has caused a change in how everything works environmentally in this area and the affect is being felt!
  South Americas largest city Sao Paulo Brazil is literally almost out of water! Who in the world could imagine this happening? I know I'm having a hard time! For the last few years they have actually had count down's to the day they would be completely at empty!

This is one of Brazil's Aquifers! As you can see
instead of  water it's growing grass!

  I think of South America and the rain forest I think of nothing but a damp and wet place! Well thanks to all the deforestation it has changed the weather patterns in that area and this is what happens!
  It's not just there where water is going extinct it's all around their neighboring villages and cities as well even Rio De Janeiro is going dry! 
  It sounds like some crazy conspiracy theory especially considering their location we are speaking of! 
  This is no conspiracy and it is really happening! So if we see it happening there let's do some hunting!

  We see the effects happening around areas of large populations which of course makes sense! The problem is the population! New studies show that more than half the people in the whole world suffer from catastrophic drought conditions at least one month out of the year!  Then a quarter of the worlds population is in drought conditions the whole year long! 
  How are those statistics? Sound alarming? We haven't even scratched the surface, and the surface is looking pretty dry, and scary!

  One of the big problems as said is the worlds out of control population growth! With more people come more needs! Needs such as food! 
  Now agriculture is a huge area of water consumption and you need to see it in this perspective.
  Humans need to eat and we eat things such as vegetation from crops. Needless to say it takes an amazingly large amount of water to grow things in case you didn't know!
  Now we have to look at food items such as cattle! Cattle eat crop items as well so now we are growing massive amounts of crops for cattle along with humans. It's a whole lot of water!

  The next biggest water consumer is industry such as agriculture and mining! With the newer technology of fracking to get to oil it takes a huge volume of water and even worse it pollutes as well! As if the water waste wasn't bad enough we're going to poison the rest of what's left! Makes sense only if your a human!
  With the way the climate has been changing and the greater volume of water humans are using mother nature is not providing enough to balance the usage out! We are just not getting the same amount of snow and rains to offset this and there is only one solution! Well there is a couple but I don't think 4 billion out of the 7 on Earth will like being told they need to leave!

  The other is our insane consumption of fossil fuels! We have been told what is happening to our climate! We know the deal and now it is getting even worse for the human race and our survival what will we do? 
  The answer is continue our insane course of self destruction!

  Think of how rain is produced by our atmosphere soaking up the moisture from the earth until it soaks up so much it eventually comes back down as rain or snow!
  When the water from rivers and lakes have been depleted there is nothing left for the atmosphere to soak up and you can see where this cycle is going!

  Of course this is only going to be the issue in certain areas as most of the planet is covered by water from the oceans of the world! But by doing the things we do it is causing a negative impact nonetheless!
  South America is not the only place where deforestation is happening! This is happening at a global level even the islands of Indonesia's rain forest are suffering now as they to have been cutting down the forest there as well! And guess what for? If you said oil you get a gold star!

  I really just can't get over the fact that we do what we know is the thing that will destroy us all! It's not even a matter of IF! It WILL! The only big question is when and how?
  Will we die from a water shortage first? Or will the climate have changed so drastically that some catastrophic event will happen and beat the water shortage to the punch!

  I do believe the earth feels what is happening and in order for the earths own survival it will do what needs to be done out of sheer self preservation!  
  We know this has happened through the earths history and every time there has been something tipping the scales such as climate issues something ends up giving!
 We humans have an attitude that we are so smart, We have it all figured out! I see Saudi kings act and look like they are above everything in existence
 and nothing will affect them! 
  I see the Pope and the way he carries himself like this is no biggie shielded 
from any dire events! 
  The same goes to these rich people such as "the Donald" (Trump!) His own arrogance will shield him from all!
  Funny thing about him (Trump) was the fact he publicly denounced climate issues as being a hoax and blamed the government for wasting money trying to do stuff about it! Despite the fact that 97% of the scientific community is agreed on reasons for climate issues!
  The other crazy thing with Trump is at the same time he's telling everyone it's a hoax his company is applying for permits to build this huge sea wall over in Ireland at one of his golf courses!
  All due to the fact they predict that sea levels are rising faster then predicted due to climate change, and they want to protect the golf course! 
  Talk about unpredictable, and people want this guy to run a country! Our species is out of control!

  The truth is no matter your beliefs or religion, if your rich or poor, good looking or ugly, short or tall, fat or thin, blue eye's or brown, your screwed!
  Simple as it may not seem we are looking at the beginning of the end! People will deny this and say things can get under control! It's a load of B.S.! 
  We are in a death spiral and the people smart enough realize this and hence fourth why things are still going and moving as always!
  We just can't stop everything in order to save the world! It just can't happen like that! 
  The people smart enough to see what shape the planet is truly in, and know that no matter how much we cut back stuff like the burning of fossil fuels it won't change anything at this point! Because it will be way to little way to late!

  If anybody has doubts just look at the shortage of water and ask yourself, How is this going to be resolved anytime soon? 
  All of these things were on there way to happening it was just a matter of time! It wasn't supposed to be this quick! I remember all the science talk of projections and what would happen if we didn't do certain things what would happen by a so and so date! Well guess what? That date was way, way off!
  Here's a little point to ponder! Back in the early 90's when hurricane Andrew wiped out Homestead Florida, I had gone down to do some work and help out.   The devastation that was done was incredible! And it has stuck with me like it was burnt in my brain forever! 
  It was truly horrific! What was even more horrific is what people are capable of when there is no food or water around! 
  People had to stand in line for hours upon hours just to get a jug of water and a small bag of sandwiches! These were the people that had lost everything and had nowhere else to go!
   I witnessed people at their best and worse all in one shot! I witnessed several beatings!
   I saw one guy that was accused of cutting in on the food and water line! He got jumped and beat half to death by 5 other grown men! 
  His whole nose was bitten off, half of one ear was bitten off, and he was knotted up so bad from the swelling of the blows to the face he looked none human! And yes I said body parts were bitten off! This is what people are capable of! 
  So now imagine a country, or a whole continent that is running dry of water or near enough they know something needs to happen!
  Water shortages will mean food shortages, starvation will be rampant! And yes it always leads to wars, just like the guy cutting in line somebody will get beaten! 
  lots are bound to die, and yes this was all foreseen years ago!  Heck I think this is even in the bible if I'm not mistaken! But I'm more of a hands on, need to see it happening in front of me kind of guy!  
 Well guess what? It's happening!

  I'm sure people will take little heed to what I've just said here, And some will not believe it at all!'
  If there is any smart people curious they will probably go online to see if any of this is remotely true, Which they will find it is!
  But what happens then? Most will just be thankful it hasn't affected them yet in any capacity! That doesn't mean it's far away from happening though!
  Others will say screw it! There's nothing I can do! So that's just what they'll do, Nothing! 
   Seem's like that is the biggest problem with all of this! No one is willing, Or for that matter cares!

  So for the time being in these early stages everyone sitting in their beautiful home's on some serene lake with a view, Such as myself! Enjoy it while it's there! And as a suggestion if you have family I would try to keep that lake view home, as that water in the back yard just might  be a gold mine! Or even more important it might be your last chance for survival, That is if can protect it, and yourself just like that guy cutting in line!

  There are some factors involved with South America's predicament. One being they had been warned five years before everything started going dry that this was on the way, But did nothing to seek any alternative measures!
  Not that there were many choices short of screwing something up even more so!
  The point being the more we use the more we have to seek other areas to tap into and then the more we deplete and screw up another form of pour environment! 
  It's a vicious circle and one that industry with big money at stake care's little about! 
  When does our survival outweigh the all mighty dollar? For your sake or your children's sake, people better start asking these questions!



Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A rift felt around the world!

A rift felt around the world!
T.J. Rockford
From the File's

  Like it's new news, Or maybe it is for for some? nonetheless it's one that should be resonated daily in order for people, especially in America to hear and better yet fully understand!

  The rift I'm speaking of is the rift happening in America as you're reading this during these time's of woe and worry! The worry of in which direction the country is heading, the candidacy, the feeling of a lot of Americans are showing the strong resentment towards the government which in turn is being absorbed around the world!

  With the way things are playing out in the U.S. right now it is making a lot of other countries on edge and highly nervous of the outcome! 
  So what does one do when felt in danger? Well a smart few will run like hell! I know if I were on the other side of the planet right now and was witnessing what is happening amongst the most powerful nation on the planet I would be planning for the worst!

  The worst I'm speaking of is the unknown financial future that may be affecting the whole world very soon! 
 So since the Chinese started their version of the world bank AIIB (ASIA INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK) and was offering loads of cash to be borrowed, as well as all the trading, buying, restructuring they have been involved in, most of our own alias have been jumping ship and opening up to the Chinese embrace! Japan and the U.S. held out the longest to join, but we both have sense expressed an interest to work together.
  What happens then? Well this really all depends on a few things! One of the big problems with this is where China's stance is on topics such as climate, workers rights, Or more importantly Human rights. 
  I should point out China is notoriously horrible towards any type of human rights areas! Which should be of grave concern to all! But it seems when the cheaper things come the less people care! So this will be an interesting area to watch when it unfolds!
  The other issue is China's very non existent in their transparency department! Seems to me this is, or should be a huge issue! 

  The point of China starting this whole banking scheme is to try placing itself as a major world player, Which if looked at as a country just wanting a piece of the capitalist pie, that's fine! But, and this is a big BUT! Imagine a country such as China dominating the world market? With the lack of everything I had just stated above!

  When I look at the the progressive things China has done, and is doing, I personally feel like they are working towards being more then a world player, But more like the dominating world power!
  I had written a previous blog How's your Chinese? Which touches on some of the things China is involved in and has done to advance itself as a player and a power!
  The other thing to point out is the fact China is struggling a bit financially as well. Maybe from moving a little faster then they should of, maybe not!
  China is working at changing their market instead of being the leading nation in making other countries items cheaply, such as clothes. they are branding their own items for the market as well!
  What this will mean is a rise in costs around the board! So if you still want your products made in China expect an increase in price! I wonder if Trump will still continue to have his clothing line made in China? You would think as much as he spews of America values he would of had his clothing line made right here in America with pride, and American values! Like I have stated he is not about pride it's all about himself and the dollar!

   China had started all of this all off of their trading idea they came up with several years ago now and called it the silk road! Having loads of investments now all over Africa, Asia, and into Europe and beyond! 
 The silk road is expanding vastly and rapidly! Of course this being their reasoning for militarizing all the shoals and reef systems. As well they are presently building up a military position on the African continent, right down the coast from the U.S. base. This is all due to their capitalist expansion they have been working on and their supposed reason to protect their investments!
  And if you believe that I got a bridge I'll sell you! Only problem is it's in China!
  It's kinda funny all these countries will jump on board with the Chinese banking and trading scheme but when the Chinese come snooping around some of these other countries back yard territories, say such as India well that's a bit to much!
  For several months now Chinese submarines have been spotted off of a particular strategic location off the coast of India.
  Out of concern India has actually embraced the U.S. in return for some help in tracking and monitoring the Chinese activities off of their coast!

  India has held out for a long time wanting any western involvement and had actually worked with Russia on various military involvements such as their version of the hypersonic missile system! 
  Just so they didn't have to get entangled in American bull, I mean bureaucracy! But in this particular case where the U.S. has the best submarine tracking capabilities on the planet they decided it was time to start talking an alliance of sorts! Because India is getting very concerned about China's ruthlessness, and plans! As are several other nations, Though everyone is still on board with working with them, Like any of that makes sense is beyond me? Hey China thanks for the help but please stay the hell out! NO TRESPASSING!

  With all of our issue's here in the U.S. of course the world is watching very anxiously! If  Trump follows through on any of the B.S. he throws around I fear the rift will become more like a gaping gap!
  He say's stuff people want to hear, But following through with these things especially with foreign affairs will be a very bad idea! 
  There is a very poor outlook with either potential candidate Clinton or Trump! Trump will lead this country down a path I'm unwilling to travel just from a moral stand point alone! Well actually it's a bit more than that, But that's for another very, very, long blog!
  Clinton is just another cog in the machine that is crushing the life out of America right now! If she kept on this path that Obama has started I fear some drastic measures would arise from the good people of this country!

  This is not only a rift felt around the world, this is a huge rift happening right here in America! You have a group of people loving the rhetoric Trump is barking and sadly he really has no plans on what he really would do to start America back on a path to prosper!
  He says things that really will hold little water, but he knows this is what America wants to hear! Once he got to the white house I'm absolutely certain he will be in his glory with his proud as a peacock love of himself! But as for helping America dig out of this mammoth hole were in he will accomplish nothing!
  I guarantee one thing is for certain for whoever gets the big job they will have the weight of the world upon their shoulders, Literally!
  I know building a huge wall even one that bordered the entire Continental United States would matter and do very little! Sure it sounds great we can all huddle in our own private little fuck you the rest of the world bubble, and what will that get us?
  Sure you can say to other countries, hey if you don't pay us more money for our military covering your soil and providing a sort of umbrella of protection we're packing our bags! 
This would be the stupidest move we could make if we followed through with because once they say screw you then what! Because in all actuality it's more of a better thing for us being there then them needing us there from a front position strategical point of view, So what then? 
  Yup it sure sounds good when Trump say's the things he does, But if you know anything about anything it's a load of garbage! 
  The rift being felt now is nowhere near as bad as that of which Trump could possible create if he attempted to apply have of the stuff he rambles on about! 
  So what's the choice, Clinton? Well I suppose with her at least we would already be prepared of what to expect! 4 more years of the bog we're mired in now! 
  Although I may be willing to do that considering the other possible choice! With any luck someone a little more tactical with solutions and ides may arise from the ashes of 4 more years of the past 8! 
  Are you actually that desperate to place your future, your families future, everyone you've every loved future's in the hands of a man that admits he does most of what he does to entertain the people? Not to actually fix anything, But to entertain us for our vote! If people actually make this person the leader of the free world because he is entertaining I'm not sure how I could handle that? Talk about a rift! If you want a person that's entertaining please vote for someone like Howard Stern because at least he's truly real and entertaining, And I actually like him, I could deal with that!