Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Our political arena, and what to do with Trump and China?

Rockford Files 2.Oooh!
Trump and China?
T.J. Rockford

 If someone were to ask, I vote as an Independent! If asked why? I would say because It's what I feel is the American way!

 I have voted for both democrats and republicans, And once back in 1994 for an Independent Governor in Maine where I live.
 Which as a matter of fact that particular Governor is now a Senator for Maine in D.C.
 I like most independents don't like to be categorized as undecided! I am very decided in my beliefs, but unfortunately my beliefs border on both sides of the republican and democratic beliefs.
 I suppose essentially that would leave me on the fence, Or on the future Trump wall that separates us from Mexico!

 Like most independents I view Trump as a very uneducated person in world policies and politics! I base these facts like most on his crazy talk about nuclear weapons, by making claims of possibly use of them in Europe! and as well as allowing our allies in Asia to arm themselves up to fend for themselves!

 First off It's my belief if you are and want to remain a world power you need to have a very firm position, and stance as well as a presence in areas world wide that require us their for various reasons!
  For any people that don't understand this well, keep to reading the funnies and don't vote for a person just because you liked watching him on some reality television show!
 As a matter of fact don't vote at all! because if you don't understand anything about politics all you will essentially do is possibly cause some serious potential harm to not only your country but possibly the whole world!

 Not vote you say! That's Un-American! Well yes we in America have the God given constitutional right to vote! Just because you have that right doesn't mean you should utilize it!
 I say this because if a person does not truly have a understanding of what politics is about and where the United States actually stands in this world as a power, as well as how this power has to work in the world, then either for the love of God learn or stand down!

 This country is reeling from some hurtful past politics and lies, and deceit, and the list goes on, But look at how often this goes on in our presidential history! Yes Americans are resilient and we usually bounce back over time but, time is something we don't have at this point in current world events!

 America more then ever right now needs to stand strong and unite! If people actually had any true understanding of what is happening in this world right now then they should be very concerned!
 If these people stuck and dazed in the headlights of Trumps rhetoric took a second to think of who this man really is they should say what the hell is he talking about?
 A man blasting Ford for moving to Mexico and saying if he were president he wouldn't let this happen! Yet here he is with a clothing line with his name on it which is made in China!

 You poor people stuck in this Trump fantasy and so deep into it! you feel you can't back out now because here you've backed this egotistical, materialistic, Fraud and are to afraid because it will make you look like  you were an idiot to support such a fake that you'll lose face! Well suck it up because it's just going to get worse if you don't jump ship now!
  This man has a particular issue with thinking he knows the best way to run everything despite what he is told! In the long run this attitude of his has really hurt him in past dealings.
 Unfortunately he never learns from his mistakes and keeps making them! How could you put faith in a man known to run this course with his actions?
 He is told to clean his act up and act more presidential does he? No! I can't even imagine a person wanting someone that talks of such things running anything yet less a country!

 I'm sure not many have thought about Trump's wife to much of any degree, one reason because he tends to not have her around! Why is that you ask? Could it have anything to do with the fact that she is super model hot? Does it have to do with the fact she's not even from America? Yes that's true for those that don't know it!
She is from Czechoslovakia.
 I really have a very hard time imagining her in the white house to be honest. I mean really! The biggest thing she cares about is the next $20,000 dollar purse she's going to buy to match her $40,000 dollar dress!
 Sure you might say what the heck they have the money why not use it? Well honestly if voting for a person that's going to be the next leader of the free world I'd like to have him some what more humble, a little more down to my level, So he might have a better understanding of what my needs, and wants are, because honestly why should he care? He already has what we all want! What makes you think he gives to shakes about you or me?

  OK besides picking on his wife which is minute compared to the larger issue which is Trump himself!
 I'm not sure if any of the people that cheer and yipe it up at his conventions are any sort of history buffs, Or know anything of history at all?
 But back several years ago in a place called Germany there was a guy that brought the people together after a particular rough patch and he spewed a bunch of things that the people were ready to hear because they were hurting as a nation as well.
  How so many people get all hyped up to the point of hating nationalities and cultures to the point their ready to commit acts unbecoming of a once proud nation is pretty darn sad and shameful!

  How can so many people not see the craziness behind half of what Trump says is beyond me? But when I really sit down and look at the actual numbers of supporters he has it literally makes me feel ill!
  I think of how many people there are in this country, in which I have loved, and would sacrifice my life for "Or would of at one time" and see the hate behind their actions it truly saddens me!

  I myself see the problems that need to be fixed with this country! and I to have complained about all the things that have gone backwards, and all the foreign affairs that have gone awry in this last administration!
  How are military has gone down hill by being reduced and mismanaged, More then half of our aircraft are inoperable and need maintenance!
how very important it is that this country really needs to beef up it's defense as you will read more below to find out just how important this is!
  I myself understand all the things that need to be addressed, But at what cost? I know there are better solutions then what Trump has brought forth!
  It doesn't take much to understand what type of people are standing behind his horse pucky and it's disturbing because the whole world is watching and they to are seeing what I am seeing and it's scary! People wonder why other countries aren't very fond of Americans well if there was any questions just watch one of Trumps past conventions!

  He has one agenda, and he's only thinking of one person, and that's himself! He's already made statements of things he would change such as freedom of the media and what they publish so it would make it easier to sue them, In case you didn't already know, suing the media is something he likes doing when news outlets talk bad of him. Pretty crazy! A guy that likes being in the spot light so much as long as your talking nice of him you'll be good!
 Though if you think like Trump he values his name and says "just the name Trump alone is worth billions!" Yes he banks on that as well.
 Now imagine this man in office and imagine that he is going to give to shit's about you or me? I think not!

 This is just another way to brand the value of his name even more! He isn't in this for America or the people that's for certain!
 If you think so then your delusional!

 If these particular Americans truly want what he is selling then America will no longer be what it once was!
 What did America once stand for? What were the true American values, Thoughts, Acts that we have  involved ourselves in all around this world?
 It would all essentially have been for nothing! Years of fighting and countless senseless deaths of our children, Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Friends!
 All the things we stood for tossed out the window! All because the rants of a single man and because Americans feel betrayed! So the only solution is hate, and vengeance, So let's lock our boarders down and cower and hide inside our wall! Screw the world!
 Better start practicing to speak some Chinese!

 If these really are the beliefs, then yes we are truly sunk! China is already spreading throughout the world in ways most Americans don't know, Or understand!
 The Chinese are on the fast track of world dominance and if people don't know this it's because they are either uneducated or they haven't been paying attention!

 China had put things in motion several years ago to move itself into a position to be a force to reckon with! They have bought land all over the world for cultivation, farming, and for strategical purposes as well!
 Some of these lands they have created by sprouting them up out of the sea where there never even was land to begin with! Just some shoals.
 They have accomplished more then most Americans give a hoot about. Though these Americans should be giving a hoot! In all honesty and reality Americans should be very concerned about what is going on! The whole world should be paying more attention as to what the Chinese are truly up to!

 China has embedded itself in Africa like a tick on a dog and is making a major influence into how the countries within Africa are being run, Such as like Democracy, and China has no room for that!
 For those that don't know China is a Communist country and they do not treat the Africans that are doing all this work at making China even richer very well!

 The Africans do most of the work, The Chinese fund it and then the Africans pay back the Chinese! The people that need to benefit don't, China get's richer and a foothold in a nation!

 China is moving into parts of Europe, South America, "Our back yard!" Australia and beyond! The deals they have made around the world are in the trillions and moving fast!
 They have purchased more companies in this country "America" then most Americans realize or for that matter probably care!
 That's because these particular Americans are uneducated and don't understand the scope of what or why this is happening! They have no comprehension of what China is doing, or even up to, so they just don't care!

 Well let's sum it up like this, In those parts of Africa the Chinese are dominating the children in school are required to learn Chinese! Don't believe it? Well then I'm sad for you! Look it up, In particular check out the Congo region for starters!
 Pretty amazing by all rights as to what the Chinese have managed to accomplish in a short amount of time!

 The Chinese had put this thing called the "Five year plan" into affect back in the early 90's! They set goals for every five years to further the nation into a better position with their agriculture needs, as well as their mineral demands to provide a strong economy and not just for themselves, but for a capitalist way as well!

  They want what America had, Money! They wanted capitalism, but controlled to their tailored communist ways!
  They have got it! And are gaining ground that the U.S. in no way can catch up with at this point because we have squandered time in the Middle East when we should have been concentrating in Asia!

 China has made some very bold land grabs in which they have made land which wasn't there! There were shoals and fertile fishing grounds for several nations like Indonesia and the Philippines area, 600 hundred miles from mainland China in some case's.
 The U.S. did their little freedom of the sea yip-yap while China built these locations up and fully militarized each area, which is up to 7 locations at this point!

 By taking over these areas and claiming them as Chinese territories it cuts all other nations off from the fertile fishing grounds, as well as the mineral rights under the sea. Which contains a fare amount of oil and other resources!
 A very bold move and one that is going to the Hague for a court ruling in which China has already stated they were not going to recognize as legal!

  China had stated they had built these shoals up for the reasoning of protecting their investments on the sea! Of course this was after they had told the U.S. they were not going to militarize these areas, And wouldn't you know they have more military hardware on these locations then most countries dare mess with!

  Local fisherman that use to eek out a living in these shoals are now chased away! and in a few instances there vessels have been struck by Chinese coast guard patrol boats causing them enough damage they needed to be towed to safety.
 There is video of the Chinese coast guard in one location where they are using there high pressure water hoses blasting the small fishing vessels into submission.

  This land grab and militarization is something that should never have been allowed! What will America do next? China already made the statement that they would not hesitate to go to war with the U.S. in the region!
  So America do you think this may be worth going to war over? If you look at history and every time a nation has done exactly what China is doing worldwide it has always lead to war in the long run! What say you? Ready for war with China or should we just let them be the number one power of the world?

  I'm afraid to ask! But I know for myself I have no desire to learn Chinese at this point in my life! As for Trump if my answer wasn't obvious enough NO!
Stay tuned for the next episode topic on "The Rockford Files 2.Oooh!" in which we will be on topic about Hilary Clinton is she better for the job then Trump?
T. J. Rockford weighing in on what matters! Stay tuned for the announcement for the live online radio shows date's and show time's!
 A show done with a twist of what matters and personal input! These are the views of T. J Rockford and we welcome yours!

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