Friday, June 17, 2016

Breaking records!

Breaking Records!
By T.J.Rockford

Just the other day in June 2016 Greenland had a record breaking temperature of 75 Degrees F. It was warmer there then it was in New York City which is extremely unsettling!

  The fact of the matter is every year for the last 15 years have broken records one after another each year being hotter then the last globally!
  It looks like we're right on track to shatter the thermometer again as well. Every month since the beginning of 2016 have been hotter globally then any previous recorded monthly temperatures since we started recording temperatures which is an absolute red flag!

  It really doesn't take a genius to see the scare factor here! Most scientist are all on track with agreeing what the cause is and what the solutions are to try slowing it down but, Politicians seem to think they know more then people that study this for a living so here lies the problem!
  This issue cannot go any farther or the Earth could be in potentially mortal danger! Or more so humans could be in mortal danger and the Earth will come out smelling like a rose, In say another 100,000 years or so!

   I really can't figure how more people aren't in some kind of panic mode about all of this? With these crazy global temperatures going red line people better start at least making pretend their getting nervous!
  Greenland is the second largest area on Earth with landlocked ice, With Antarctica containing the main mass, and if Greenland's ice melts, Globally the sea will rise an astonishing 20 feet!

  Does that help to add some fear in your mind? If not well the rising sea isn't the only problem we will be experiencing! As a matter of fact if it were the only impact we were facing it might not be to bad! Besides possibly having to either move every coastal city, Or build some pretty huge sea walls!
   The problems lay with all those other nasty things that will be taking place! Such as weather going sideways in some extremely bad ways, Like flooding out areas that once grew crops, and then droughts in other areas where we can't grow crops! 
  We will witness global crop failure, Famine on an unimaginable scale and don't worry because it only gets worse if that doesn't kill you! There will be a few other potential natural disasters that may wipe you out in a quicker fashion then starving to death! If you can find comfort in the thought!
  Things such us epic hurricanes beyond our normal categories that we're use to now such as a 1,2,3,4,5, We could potential see hurricanes, the likes on other planets in our solar system, that contain winds of over 300+ MPH!
  And that goes the same for tornadoes as well! Imagine a tornado that is miles in circumference! Nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide! 

  Are these things actually possible? Yes! Are they likely? No one can say with any definitive proof, Just because we've never had to live through such time's!
  But these event's are a very possible scenario if we don't jump on the wagon and start imploring governments to take preventative measures now!
  Fossil fuels are going to be this planets, and the inhabitants demise! If our governments can't get on board with this and get these type industries and their vasts amounts of wealth out of the pockets and wallets of these politicians telling the people all this global warming stuff is a hoax, Or just some natural event and all will be fine! If you voted for a politician that supports oil and coal then you've elected someone that honestly doesn't give 2 shit's about you or your wants and needs! As a matter of fact you've just elected a person that would probably be willing to shoot you dead, and anyone else that bad mouths the gas and coal industry if asked by them! 
  What's the difference? If their willing to support and back these elements that are going to destroy everyone in the long run, then yes they don't care!? 
  It is in my mind, criminal! And any politician that supports this and lies should be held accountable for what will eventually be the worst atrocity since human evolution! 

   In America we elect our officials to work for US! Not for their own personal little crusade such as that of Donald Trumps little romp! He would undoubtable be the worst thing for this country and the world if elected! If everyone has any desire to live some kind of long and fruitful life they better start forcing their elected officials to stop their petty nonsense and start making shit happen!
  America has spent so much money on other things besides the things we need such as a form of a clean burning energy efficient form of high speed mass transportation system like every other major country has, and has had or years!
  Instead the U.S.throws billions of dollars into all these middle eastern countries and the restructuring of them when we don't even have are own country structured! 
  We have spent to much and been in the pocket of whomever has the biggest check book account telling politicians what to do for way to long!
  It is time for a cleansing of our corrupt system and it's time for the super rich to start paying for their share of the bill instead of all these tax breaks and incentives while the little guy gets paid crap and has to pay the high end of the rich persons share!

  Climate change, Government change, World change, Life change! If we plan on surviving our future these are the things that will need to take place and it seems like such a task for society to actually acknowledge!
  So in turn most just avoid, Tune out, refuse to believe, Or just go on with life with their heads in the sand oblivious to the going on's around them!
  We need to accept the facts and start the change or the things that will be changing will be to massive to avoid, As well as to late to change!

This is an image of the Aral Sea the before pic is 1977 and the
after pic is 2013.

  In some areas we will and already are witnessing droughts of epic proportions and in other areas we will and are seeing sea levels rise!

These 2 photos are from Venice, Italy which has 
been flooding on a regular and alarming rate!

Eventually there will be retreat of the water
and Venice will be lost forever!

  This last May 2016  the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific witnessed 5 islands disappear under the waves of a rising ocean. These were the first documented case's of the ocean levels rising as direct result of global warming!

Solomon Island disappearing

  This is only the beginning of a story that will in short time affect the whole world! Not just the poor people that are being affected by it here at these locations, where the majority of the world doesn't even bother to give this the time of day as a thought! 
 All will very soon wish they paid a little close attention, As well as wishing they took more of an action then instead of waiting until after it was to late!

  Make your voice heard! Petition your congressmen, Or congresswomen to take action there is no room for failure with this issue, Bills need to be passed now in order for the next generation to enjoy the same as what the last passed generations have, The future is not ours to destroy!



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