Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Twittin' Trump

Twittin' Trump!

                                                                               By T.J. Rockford

  At times lately I just can't help but feel like I've stumbled into some alternate universe where everything I thought made sense no longer seems to!
  So why is this? Well It mostly revolves around the fact Donald Trump has been elected into the most power seat in the world! Scared doesn't sum it up very well! Perplexed barely covers the feeling I'm shrouded with in these closing days to his inauguration into the white house!

  Ever since Trump had won the election I find myself walking around in a daze of disbelief that people think this con artist, and man that admits to abusing women has the capacity to excel our great nation into being greater!   
  With his  business dealings around the world that we really have no clue into the depth of his ties, and with whom because of the lack of transparency!
  As well as the fact people seem to give little care into this matter which is what really makes me scratch my head?

  How could you not be concerned with Trumps love affair with Russia and his admiration of Vlad Putin? Then you add in the lack of transparency with tax returns then it kind of paints a picture not so pretty of what might really be up with Trump!
 As if that is not enough to make you wonder, then we have the new President elect refusing to believe our intelligence agencies accusations that Russia was, and is behind the democratic hacks that helped present a slow drip of not so flattering information and behavior within the democratic party!

  Yet he still refuses to admit Russia is not a friend of the U.S. and they have no great desire to see democracy prevail around the world!
  Instead we have a man that tweets flattering statements of Putin! As a matter of fact we have a man that tweets all of his concerns, thoughts, feelings, and it shows his emotions of how much of a thin skinned man he truly is!
  this is where the scared part comes into play with myself! Scared at the fact we have a man in office that cannot contain and conceal his emotions! Scared at the fact twittin' is not the way to speak to the people, yet his core supporters care little of this and instead embrace this way of communication!
 I'll put this in a way people may be able to understand. Imagine you're a parent, and you, instead of sitting down with your family and having face to face talks, you instead do everything via Twitter! Are you getting the picture now? If not I'll elaborate a bit more!
  So say you're communicating everything with all you know via Twitter! How do you really know who may be the one you're really talking with? If the person is sending everything out via Twitter it doesn't always set out the emotional, sensible, severity, honest feeling behind the message! 

 I have a theory as to why he jumps to his Twitter feed! Well there's actually a few reasons why I think he does so! One being that he gets something in his head that he just feels the need to blurt out, and usually without thinking it out to well before he does!
  The other is I believe he is persuaded to instead of speaking directly to reporters! Especially if he is without a script.
If you hadn't noticed whenever he speaks from the hip he says things that don't sound very intellectual! He sounds like he isn't very well versed in the English language because he uses very simple words and seems like he has a hard time coming up with any words besides "great" and "believe me" and how can you not forget when he said he knew more then the generals! Does this sound like a man with any intellectual capacity? If you're like me the answer is "Are you kiddin' me!"

  I believe Trump and his Twitter account are not the way to do business! I believe if he continues to do so we will soon find some very hard times in store for us because of his lack of discipline for control!
  The bigger issue will be whether or not I wake up from this strange haze I seem to be entranced in! Will I ever be able to wrap my head around the fact this all is really taking place!
  I'm certain I will never understand how he won, but accepting the fact he did is a must if I ever hope to find my sanity! Maybe he will surprise me with a Tweet!
  With all the negatives I have shared with my feelings for him I could see the tweet now! Saying "You're fired!" As I'm being deported to my ancestral homeland of Scotland! I might not mind that to much at all at this point!
  Until any of this happens I guess I'll just have to continue in my world of limbo as we hang on the edge waiting to see what gets blurted out from our new President, Twittin' Trump!
Heaven help us all!