Friday, July 28, 2017

What is
Normal anymore?

By T. J. Rockford

With a White house in turmoil such as it is all the time lately and the commander and chief playing games of chaos normal is a thing of the past!

  The fears I have are with all the bombastic behavior coming from POTUS that this volatility will become acceptable and a new way of life for everyone!
  I don't care if you're on the left or the right we all have to keep civility and ethics a priority for our future generations or all that will ensue is chaos such as what is taking place within our White House presently!

  This bombastic behavior has come out once again today as Trump was speaking in Suffolk County Long Island NY in front of law enforcement and ICE agents when he spoke of "roughing up" possible suspects.
  With all the actions happening in the country lately between society and law enforcement I don't think a comment such as he made today was anything but smart!

  This is the person that ran on "law and order!" What I've been thinking is he confuses law and order to whatever he thinks it should be compared to what it exactly is.
  If you have been paying attention to Trumps rise and, right along through the last six months, you've might of noticed that Trump doesn't really seem to have much of a clue about a lot of things! 
  It wasn't meant to be disrespectful, even though I am quite a bit to this POTUS!, I just don't like him because of his ignorance! But despite that he just doesn't seem to have much knowledge of what the laws are within this country and, that just because you're a police officer it doesnt give you the right to violate them!

  The same thing applies to the position of POTUS! Which I don't think he has grasped! He seems to think his position is above the law!
  It dawns on me quite a bit whenever I find myself writing anything involving Donald Trump I find myself using a lot of exclamation points!
Imagine that!

  That's how complicated he has made our environment and I fear there may be no turning back- exclamation point.
  I see the generations of today with all of their crazy, wild, and violent video games with all the trade marks of Trumps rhetoric that jumps out and speaks directly to the young people of today.

  When I see the drug problem tearing this country apart along with our failing education system all I can envision is the country going down a road that isn't the American way!

  We use to stand for integrity where other countries looked up to us! These countries saw law and order from a President that could lead with respect and not by bombastic tweets.
  These countries admired how we followed law and order from a constitutional point of view, not from force!

  And then comes along Donald Trump and has totally shrugged off any type of norm, as a matter of fact anything that would be considered ethically correct, and spits in the face of the Constitution because he feels he's above it or, maybe he just doesn't understand it because he's never read it?

  The point being with the way things are rolling, what as a country do we really want to be? One of integrity or, one of no ethics with lawlessness behavior? 
  Well maybe not quite "lawless" but ignoring how our Constitution is written!

  I fear we have hit a fork in the road where there's no turning back! A portion of the country seems to love the way he talks, which is no way how I want my children to speak or behave, and the way he runs things through Twitter? Give me a break!
  How can we have a leader tweet out policy? Is this a sign of modern times? We have a lazy leader sitting on the shit can in the morning tweeting out major policies he hasn't even discussed with his staff because he just had an apithamy while sitting on the crapper?
OMG! For the love of everything sacred please Trump supporters get with the program on what's best for this country!

  Some things are better left unchanged, Such as just plain decency! I fear with the country being as young as it is we may be in for another civil war, because people just don't seem to get it! So in turn they think Trump is the answer when in fact he is clueless but, knows how to entertain, and that's good enough for a group of people that are just not all that bright!

  Once Trump is finally out of office will we ever find our "normalcy" again? That's for time to tell! 
  I sure hope for the sake of this country that we do come back to what this country is all about, and that is acceptance and compassion towards those that are suffering! It's called integrity! 

  Trump thinks loyalty is what matters most, even though with him it's a one way door, and that's because the one big thing he is lacking any of is "integrity!" To me that's what I consider "normal!" 
PLEASE  America don't forget and lose sight of that! Because if we do we will be no better then all the countries we have always strived to be the opposite of! Authoritarian shit bags!


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