R.I.P Democracy
By T.J.Rockford
So, I'm really not really sure where to begin with the crazy rhetoric Donald Trump has been spewing about massive wide spread voter fraud! Of course there's an (and,) Because with Trump there's always more!
So anyway (and,) he is saying it's "all rigged against him!" Like everything from widespread voter fraud, The election is rigged, the media is rigged because their all biased against him!
The Clinton's have some kind of secret world power that's working against him, and even the big banking world is somehow magically casting some special powers to sway the whole rigged election against him!
The Clinton's have some kind of secret world power that's working against him, and even the big banking world is somehow magically casting some special powers to sway the whole rigged election against him!
WOW! That was a huge mouthful! The one thing I have come to understand about the population that is still supporting Trump, (Like his die hard core), is the fact they believe all this insanity!
They literally believe there is some dark world order in the works here! and all of it is playing against this man! The man they view as the only one to battle this evil empire and guide them into riches with roads made of gold!
Sound familiar? Sure it does! Every good cult needs a charismatic showman for a leader!
I'd recommend to his followers not to drink the kool-aid should he throw a party!
Sound familiar? Sure it does! Every good cult needs a charismatic showman for a leader!
I'd recommend to his followers not to drink the kool-aid should he throw a party!
First off, if there were some rich, powerful, dark world order out there? The last person I would put my faith in is some rich billionaire such as Donald Trump leading the charge against it to protect and save me!
Especially one that he himself has been a part of at hurting the working class little guy like myself!
He has run Trump University, that has been run out of several states because of scamming thousands of people out of hard earned cash! This is no conspiracy theory either!
This was proved by law enforcement in Texas, but instead of doing the right thing Gov. Greg Abbott, which was the attorney general at the time, let Trump skate and pack his medicine wagon up to head west to California! Where once again he continued to scam loads of Americas out of their hard earned money!
This was proved by law enforcement in Texas, but instead of doing the right thing Gov. Greg Abbott, which was the attorney general at the time, let Trump skate and pack his medicine wagon up to head west to California! Where once again he continued to scam loads of Americas out of their hard earned money!
This whole Trump University at this very moment is in the process of going to court for the people of California that were fraudulently relieved of their money. So yes this is a very real issue!
Some points to be made about the Trump University is it had been in Florida as well! It had been sent packing, but as in the same case as Texas, Florida attorney general Pat Bondi didn't bring up charges! Why?
Well if you look at the political ambitions of both these attorney generals, from both states, Florida and Texas, you will notice they both ended up receiving financial support from Trump when they went to further their political careers! Go figure!
Pretty obvious what happened whether you want to believe this or not! It is without a doubt a pay off which anybody with any intelligence and sense could see!
I have no doubt in my mind that these two, at the time attorney generals, received more then just campaign financing from Trump! I bet if someone actually did some digging they would find much more at play here!
Think about where an attorney general could go after bringing down a rich tycoon such as Trump? They would have their future handed to them on a silver platter! So why didn't they pursue it?
Aren't attorney generals suppose to protect the people of their state? Think Texas had Trump dead to right busted! They had undercover officers attend the Trump course and proved they were scamming the people of Texas out of their hard earned money!
Aren't attorney generals suppose to protect the people of their state? Think Texas had Trump dead to right busted! They had undercover officers attend the Trump course and proved they were scamming the people of Texas out of their hard earned money!
Only a fool would not see there was something more at play, But fortunately it never received the attention it should of until it hit California! People finally said this is enough!
Trump is finally being sued and rightfully so! Because he has scammed and stolen money from average AMERICANS wanting at a chance of reaching success such as they were told they could through Trump University!
Trump is finally being sued and rightfully so! Because he has scammed and stolen money from average AMERICANS wanting at a chance of reaching success such as they were told they could through Trump University!
This is not the first time he has screwed average working class Americans out of money! Or money owed to them from Trump! He has habitually stiffed people that supplied services to him.
Presently he has over 4000 law suits against him! 4000! Think about that?
Presently he has over 4000 law suits against him! 4000! Think about that?
These are AMERICAN CITIZENS! So how can he say he is running for the Presidency for the people? When all he has done is screwed the people over! What the hell!
So maybe if he somehow does get elected, instead of just screwing over tens of thousands of us Americans, he will screw over the whole lot of us! Why not? He's never cared about who he's done it to so far!
Think about this for a second, Trump is already a rich man! So what if he does run the country into the dirt? Such as he did to his casino's!
Think about losing a BILLION DOLLARS in one year owning CASINO'S! Casino's are in no way "losing type's of business's" but somehow Trump did!
So maybe if he somehow does get elected, instead of just screwing over tens of thousands of us Americans, he will screw over the whole lot of us! Why not? He's never cared about who he's done it to so far!
Think about this for a second, Trump is already a rich man! So what if he does run the country into the dirt? Such as he did to his casino's!
Think about losing a BILLION DOLLARS in one year owning CASINO'S! Casino's are in no way "losing type's of business's" but somehow Trump did!
You know why he did? Because he wouldn't, and didn't listen to everyone that was telling him this was going to happen! The key point here is, "HE DIDN'T LISTEN!" Nor did he care how many people or who he hurt in the process!
So what makes all of his supporters think he'll listen to his adviser's if he does get elected? I keep hearing people say, "Well I don't really like him, Or trust him! But I'm confident he'll listen to his adviser's and go the right course!"
People have not been listening! Or they don't want to believe! They think the media is crooked so all this stuff is made up to hurt him! Well in the case's I just brought up, They are 100% all him and true!
Trump has not even listened to his own adviser's during this election! He has been notoriously known for not listening and "just doing his own thing!"
Sure this defiant Trump people love! The guy against the establishment! The problem here is Trumps core supporters can't win the election! But they do believe him! And this is where it gets scary with all of his talk of a rigged election, and he may not concede at the outcome!
Trumps tough defiant talk attracts the masses without a doubt! But there's a large majority of these supporters that are willing to take his talk to a whole new level of violence which is a huge threat!
Trump has stirred up the pot so much that there's people openly talking of bloodshed on the outcome of this election! So what does this mean? Should we worry? Well I'm worried just knowing people in our country are willing to kill someone, like myself, a fellow American! Just because I believe Trump is a huge threat, not to just this nation, but to the entire world as well! So because of this I have to worry about being shot?
These people don't understand what our country is all about! Nor of how it came to be! This is why when you look at the poll's, Trumps largest core supporter's are uneducated white people! They apparently know nothing of what the foundation of our democratic nation is all about! But because they don't like it they are willing to threaten the very democracy, (we Americans), are all entitled to! Our individual right to vote for who we want without threat or persecution!
There are a large number of Trumps core supporters that do believe in these whacked out conspiracy theories! So they eat up all these conspiracies he throws out!
Just so everyone is aware of this, a lot of these people are so heavily into conspiracy theories. like there being some dark secret government, and a large lot of them even believe our government has secretly been working with aliens from outer space! They even believe these aliens are doing experiments on people out in the desert somewhere and our government knowingly let's them! I'm being completely serious here! and this shit worries me to death! What the hell are these millions of people willing to do?
Hell we've seen what's happened in the past with cult leaders that had amassed hundreds of followers that were willing to follow their leader to death!
So what could really be potentially possible here with millions of lunatics with guns that have had the truth distorted so much they believe Clinton's trying to take their rights to bare firearms away?
Just so everyone is aware of this, a lot of these people are so heavily into conspiracy theories. like there being some dark secret government, and a large lot of them even believe our government has secretly been working with aliens from outer space! They even believe these aliens are doing experiments on people out in the desert somewhere and our government knowingly let's them! I'm being completely serious here! and this shit worries me to death! What the hell are these millions of people willing to do?
Hell we've seen what's happened in the past with cult leaders that had amassed hundreds of followers that were willing to follow their leader to death!
So what could really be potentially possible here with millions of lunatics with guns that have had the truth distorted so much they believe Clinton's trying to take their rights to bare firearms away?
Can people understand what kind of threat these people could potentially be because of these whacked out beliefs? They think our country is behind it all and they feel like their in eminent danger if Clinton becomes elected because of stretched out lies!
Because Trump plays to their fears! and even incites some! He listens to their crazy talk then he shouts it out on his megaphone to the masses that the government is corrupt and rigged and now the media is even against the people!
This talk is crazy! That is unless you're trying to start your own media empire! OH! Now wait a minute! Think about that all of you suckers out there that may be thinking all of his horse pucky is real and true!
Yes of course this is the reason he is trying to turn off all of his supporters to all, and I mean all and every other form of media outlet out there! From main stream media to social media, paper form, magazine form, every form!
He is dumping on them all so he can sell you "HIS BRAND!" all you silly sheepish suckers!
This is right! He never wanted to win this election! I mean really come on! Why the hell would this guy with the worst history with temperament, and his terrible track record with people of color and women want this? Why would he want to get tossed into the spot light knowing he would never win and possibly be destroying his brand name in the process if he failed?
He wasn't going to fail! He was going to sell his whacked out brand to all the whacked out masses that will believe, like, listen, embrace his lunacy because he knows theirs a huge mass out there that do believe all these YouTube conspiracy hacks!
Mr. Trump is going to become a media mogul because he knows there's a ton of money in it! Especially if you can get that following, like the one that has embraced with his rigged conspiracy hate talk!
The horrible thing with this is, he has opened a door to this part of America that has no place in America for it! Hate, conspiracy, hate the government and bring bloodshed type talk has no room in America!
The only thing that will come from this is Mr Trump will go down in history for being a form of democratic terrorist! He, as far as I'm concerned, is a threat to this country way more then any Muslim terrorist!
This of course is just my view! I think he is anti-American and unpatriotic! The only thing he cares about is himself! He cares about MONEY! He doesn't care about you or me! I wonder how much he cares about his own family? He will say what you want to hear, especially if he knows you'll listen!
I think he is the biggest disgrace this country has to show to date with his lack of patriotism! He will go down in history possibly for the jack ass that ruined America! and the only people to blame are the fools fueling is insanity and stupidity! Congratulations!
As a note I want to make it clear that have no disillusions that the government doesn't have corrupt entities! The one thing I know is Trump sure isn't going to do a thing to change any of it! If anything he will just burrow himself further into that exact same type corruption he yaps about so much!
He isn't wanting this position just to help the "little guy!" His agenda is much more real then any conspiracy theory! People should start looking at things more for as they really are instead of some fairy tale he is spinning! The hash tag on this should be #GetReal!
This talk is crazy! That is unless you're trying to start your own media empire! OH! Now wait a minute! Think about that all of you suckers out there that may be thinking all of his horse pucky is real and true!
Yes of course this is the reason he is trying to turn off all of his supporters to all, and I mean all and every other form of media outlet out there! From main stream media to social media, paper form, magazine form, every form!
He is dumping on them all so he can sell you "HIS BRAND!" all you silly sheepish suckers!
This is right! He never wanted to win this election! I mean really come on! Why the hell would this guy with the worst history with temperament, and his terrible track record with people of color and women want this? Why would he want to get tossed into the spot light knowing he would never win and possibly be destroying his brand name in the process if he failed?
He wasn't going to fail! He was going to sell his whacked out brand to all the whacked out masses that will believe, like, listen, embrace his lunacy because he knows theirs a huge mass out there that do believe all these YouTube conspiracy hacks!
Mr. Trump is going to become a media mogul because he knows there's a ton of money in it! Especially if you can get that following, like the one that has embraced with his rigged conspiracy hate talk!
The horrible thing with this is, he has opened a door to this part of America that has no place in America for it! Hate, conspiracy, hate the government and bring bloodshed type talk has no room in America!
The only thing that will come from this is Mr Trump will go down in history for being a form of democratic terrorist! He, as far as I'm concerned, is a threat to this country way more then any Muslim terrorist!
This of course is just my view! I think he is anti-American and unpatriotic! The only thing he cares about is himself! He cares about MONEY! He doesn't care about you or me! I wonder how much he cares about his own family? He will say what you want to hear, especially if he knows you'll listen!
I think he is the biggest disgrace this country has to show to date with his lack of patriotism! He will go down in history possibly for the jack ass that ruined America! and the only people to blame are the fools fueling is insanity and stupidity! Congratulations!
As a note I want to make it clear that have no disillusions that the government doesn't have corrupt entities! The one thing I know is Trump sure isn't going to do a thing to change any of it! If anything he will just burrow himself further into that exact same type corruption he yaps about so much!
He isn't wanting this position just to help the "little guy!" His agenda is much more real then any conspiracy theory! People should start looking at things more for as they really are instead of some fairy tale he is spinning! The hash tag on this should be #GetReal!
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