Welcome to the death of Democracy
T. J. Rockford
It's only been a mere 100 and something days since Donald J Trump took the office of what I use to view as the greatest position in the land. Well I'm sad to say since he has taken over, that office which I use to admire greatly, is now tainted with more disgrace then one can possibly imagine, Or would want to imagine!
With a title such as "The death of Democracy" one would envision some not so good factors in play, well we are seeing a lot of those things in play as this is written!
Some would say I'm reaching a bit with such talk, but when you look at all the things happening within Washington and the actions of POTUS it's not so hard to see Democracy on the tilting edge of destruction.
We have a President that has zero understanding of what our Democracy is even about and cares very little how he abuses it and takes it for a type of obstruction that is only in his way!
Trump has very little intellectual understanding of much of anything from what I have seen! The man only cares about himself and how well he's being portrayed in the news. Everything that has nothing to do with uniting this greatly divided nation.
I had said way back in his rise to running for office of how bad of an idea he would make as our President because of his horrendous track record in his business dealings.
I had said he had zero ability to listen to advice and to heed criticism!
I believe he has some kind of issue with people thinking he may be dumb, as in stupid dumb!
Which if you think about would make sense seeing how he has said in the past how he has a "big brain" and "gets it" because he's a "smart guy!"
Anyone that has to reassure himself and others on this obviously has some kind of issue with how people view him.
And to think this guy is in the most important position not to mention the most powerful position on our planet! Now this is truly scary when you put his rambling madness all in context!
When I see the horrible partisan behavior happening in Congress and within all of the hearings with the Trump Russia thing, and the FBI thing and all the media interviews and combine it with the crazy talk spewing from the right I truly do see Democracy laying on the chopping block!
I suppose if you know anything of history one might say it was, and is, only a matter of time before Democracy would fail.
The sad thing is it doesn't need to happen and I truly don't understand and can't really believe these people on the right are truly this anal that their willing to go this path and stand firm with Trump? With all of his full blown lies and behavior I really don't get why anyone would even give him the time of day!
In my half century on this beautiful world I've never seen our country in such turmoil! All because of one man stepping up and spewing his hateful and fearful talk and so many people willing to absorb it and stand behind it truly bothers me!
I just don't understand why so many people don't care about anything anymore? They don't care about Russian meddling in our election and instead say they've always interfered!
The facts are the Russians have never gone as far as they have in our 2016 election but they still don't care or just don't believe it!
Why don't people care of ethics anymore? Have we truly regressed right back to heathen caveman ways?
It really boggles my "big brain" how little Republicans care of ethics or even the appearance of blowing over all ethics rules and care little of violating any, and all ethics rules that should apply!
So here we are on the withering edge of everything we use to hold grand and dear all because of a lunatic that people decided to place in power! Congratulations America you wanted something different, well here you go!
The end of Democracy is as different as you can get!
Soon all Trump supporters will be able to kiss the kings ass just like his cabinet had done just a few weeks ago! Sorry to say I'm just not the ass kissing kind of guy! Nor should any truly patriotic American want or expect to be a good and obedient servant to a master in charge!
Apparently our education system has failed at relaying our countries history! The part where we used to be ruled by a King, and that little war that took place where we kicked out the king and his ways!
The special part where we tried a new type of Democracy with the the writing of our independence and then our Constitution! Ring a bell?
Granted it was all an experiment and one that had worked fairly well until the rise of Trump! Blows my mind so many would stand behind a dip shit such as him and it shows where our country really needs to be focusing on, Educating the uneducated!
With a title such as "The death of Democracy" one would envision some not so good factors in play, well we are seeing a lot of those things in play as this is written!
Some would say I'm reaching a bit with such talk, but when you look at all the things happening within Washington and the actions of POTUS it's not so hard to see Democracy on the tilting edge of destruction.
We have a President that has zero understanding of what our Democracy is even about and cares very little how he abuses it and takes it for a type of obstruction that is only in his way!
Trump has very little intellectual understanding of much of anything from what I have seen! The man only cares about himself and how well he's being portrayed in the news. Everything that has nothing to do with uniting this greatly divided nation.
I had said way back in his rise to running for office of how bad of an idea he would make as our President because of his horrendous track record in his business dealings.
I had said he had zero ability to listen to advice and to heed criticism!
I believe he has some kind of issue with people thinking he may be dumb, as in stupid dumb!
Which if you think about would make sense seeing how he has said in the past how he has a "big brain" and "gets it" because he's a "smart guy!"
Anyone that has to reassure himself and others on this obviously has some kind of issue with how people view him.
And to think this guy is in the most important position not to mention the most powerful position on our planet! Now this is truly scary when you put his rambling madness all in context!
When I see the horrible partisan behavior happening in Congress and within all of the hearings with the Trump Russia thing, and the FBI thing and all the media interviews and combine it with the crazy talk spewing from the right I truly do see Democracy laying on the chopping block!
I suppose if you know anything of history one might say it was, and is, only a matter of time before Democracy would fail.
The sad thing is it doesn't need to happen and I truly don't understand and can't really believe these people on the right are truly this anal that their willing to go this path and stand firm with Trump? With all of his full blown lies and behavior I really don't get why anyone would even give him the time of day!
In my half century on this beautiful world I've never seen our country in such turmoil! All because of one man stepping up and spewing his hateful and fearful talk and so many people willing to absorb it and stand behind it truly bothers me!
I just don't understand why so many people don't care about anything anymore? They don't care about Russian meddling in our election and instead say they've always interfered!
The facts are the Russians have never gone as far as they have in our 2016 election but they still don't care or just don't believe it!
Why don't people care of ethics anymore? Have we truly regressed right back to heathen caveman ways?
It really boggles my "big brain" how little Republicans care of ethics or even the appearance of blowing over all ethics rules and care little of violating any, and all ethics rules that should apply!
So here we are on the withering edge of everything we use to hold grand and dear all because of a lunatic that people decided to place in power! Congratulations America you wanted something different, well here you go!
The end of Democracy is as different as you can get!
Soon all Trump supporters will be able to kiss the kings ass just like his cabinet had done just a few weeks ago! Sorry to say I'm just not the ass kissing kind of guy! Nor should any truly patriotic American want or expect to be a good and obedient servant to a master in charge!
Apparently our education system has failed at relaying our countries history! The part where we used to be ruled by a King, and that little war that took place where we kicked out the king and his ways!
The special part where we tried a new type of Democracy with the the writing of our independence and then our Constitution! Ring a bell?
Granted it was all an experiment and one that had worked fairly well until the rise of Trump! Blows my mind so many would stand behind a dip shit such as him and it shows where our country really needs to be focusing on, Educating the uneducated!
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