Making America White Again!
Donald Trump is making America White again one shameful vote at a time! The sad thing is it's painting a fairly good picture of just how large the issue is with the amount of people there are in this country that support Trump and share his anger, hate, hostility, and bullshit!
Please excuse that word, But all of this hate that Trump spreads, and the amount of followers he has, Really brings out the worst in all of us!
His bombastic comments are like a cancer spreading across our nation ripping it apart by turning citizens against citizens, And opening up a huge racial divide! Religious divide, and even a division among family!
I see black men in support of Trump agreeing with his insanity, But the crazy thing is these black men sound and act more white then I am! And I gotta tell you I'm about is white is white can get! I have those true Aryan race features that Trump and the Neo-Nazi's alike would love to see join in there making of America great again!
If you find this offensive, Well it's to bad because what I'm hearing from Trump is beyond offensive and every red blooded American's should find offensive!
I've said this numerous times in my blogs lately with Trump, About how many Americans have sacrificed their lives due to war, To end, And stop the acts of what occurs due to race issues!
I can tell a lot of Trumps supporters are "under" educated! As they apparently know nothing of history and, The cost that has been horrifically documented due to the likes of Trumps dangerous language!
I feel like a broken record with this Presidential race in the last six months. Mostly since Trump actually started being presidential! If this is what the new meaning of "Presidential" is with these changing times, I must be getting old! Because YES, I FIND IT OFFENSIVE!
Shame is a word that comes to mind! But with what the children of today grow up with in the things like video games and stuff like this Grand Theft Auto, It is no wonder that shame is a word that the younger generation wouldn't know, Or for that matter probably even feel!
Consideration, Chivalry, and just plain decency is words that kids can't even spell yet less know! Blame this on our faltering education system if you want! Personally I'd be pointing the finger towards people that don't take the time to provide their children with any sorts of moral foundations!
Let the kids play video games all the time so these parents don't need to deal with, Or be bothered with responsibilities of raising their own children!
Granted this is not all parents, Or children! But by looking at Trumps following it appears it's happened way to much!
I guarantee if somebody were to do a poll on Trumps younger supporters they would find a very common factor of parental negligence, And a passion with violent video games, Or just the thrill of violence, And violent behavior!
The scary sad thing is we are looking at our future! Where are we really heading? America is in a spiral that in the very near future is going to be spinning out of control!
Instead of a black person being fed up with what he felt were an over abundant amount of abuses against his race. We just may find another country that feels we are a country of disgust and we are a threat of relative nature!
Well wait a minute! There are already countries that stand in alliance with Trumps views and hate! As a matter of fact Trump shows all these countries leaders praise in one way or another! He talks highly of Saddam Hussein, Kim Jung Un, President Putin in Russia and Trump are already planning on working together! THAT'S NUTS!!!
Trump praised the way China quelled the Tienanmen Square uprising of students wanting more of a democracy! The way it was taken care of was with the military, Violence, And a lot of kids dead and missing! which means dead as well! Now isn't that funny Trump shows respect to these people? Not!
Trump praised the way China quelled the Tienanmen Square uprising of students wanting more of a democracy! The way it was taken care of was with the military, Violence, And a lot of kids dead and missing! which means dead as well! Now isn't that funny Trump shows respect to these people? Not!
For those that may not grasp this, The countries I speak of are communist countries, Countries ruled with an iron fist instead of what we are supposed to stand for on a democratic platform! DEMOCRACY!
I have this vision of Trump totally screwing things up if he were to become elected, And in turn I see a lot of horrific things to follow! Military involvement against are own people, I see stuff we are use to seeing in other countries NOT HERE!
This are true concerns and I just don't understand how the rest of the country can't see this? Trump has committed fraudulent acts to thousands of people and screwing them out of their money through Trump University, and no one cares!
All of Trumps proposals and ideas on making America MONEY AGAIN! Will in the long run sky rocket our ALREADY out of control national deficit! No one cares!
Trump doesn't believe in GLOBAL WARMING! Says it's a hoax and wants to make America money but going full blast into coal and oil! The leading cause of global warming! WHICH IS VERY REAL! STILL NO ONE CARES!
Trump openly lies by claiming he witnessed things on the news like 10,000 Muslims cheering and jumping up and down when 9/11 happened! NOT TRUE! TOTALLY A LIE!
Again Trump lied and said he witnessed on the news people that were protesting in 11 cities stop and have a moment of silence for the cop killer in Dallas! TOTAL FREAKING LIE! NEVER HAPPENED! NO ONE CARES!
I have to say what a PIECE OF SHIT! What kind of person running for President would stoop so low to make scum bag claims like that! OH Yeah, Trump! Just so he can try causing more hate and problems! What a scum bag!
The bigger issue is still the American people back this piece of garbage up like he's some kind of hero! This is the reason why he claims EVERYBODY LOVES HIM! Because all these people supporting him don't care If he ruins the country, Lies, Steals, Ruins Americans lives, And the number one reason people should think he's a scum bag is because he's a RACIST PIECE OF SHIT!
So there's this weeks blog! Guess Trump really does bring out the best in all of us! Can't wait to see what the country will look like under a Trump leadership!
I'm sorry to tell you America, With Trump as your leader America will never be great again! What will happen though is America will be remembered for the stupid shit they try to teach us in history! Learn from your mistakes again!
This isn't the America I've stood behind and supported all my years! This isn't the America I want to support! With a Trump as President what I will do is flea this country because I don't want myself associated with any of his horrible beliefs! Plus he will totally sink the country into a dismal pit of despair! What a thing to look forward to America!
So when people start wondering where to point the finger when shit goes sideways, If you voted for him start pointing your finger towards yourself! And always remember there was plenty of warnings and plenty of people could see his disgusting ways, But still you voted for him!
I'm already personally ashamed right now at the fact so many Americans are supporting his disgusting bullshit!
If he loses I think all of his supporters should be rounded up and deported! I'll gladly help with that undertaking! Then we will truly make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
We all have our personal views on how we would handle a situation like Islamic terrorism, But all I hear from Trump, "constantly!" Is how we need to get tough and vigilant! I'm sick of hearing that! I want results not requests or suggestions! I want to know what he plans to do?
He will do what the US is finally making happen now! Which is to little to late! Trump has no wonderful great plans on defeating terrorism! He has no idea what he would do! It's a tricky complicated dance that Trump isn't graceful enough to partake in!
I've said it a thousand times, When it comes to this religious battle it will never end! The more we kill, The more they'll sprout up! The only way is to wipe them out off the face of the Earth!
Unfortunately it's not a way to solve it! So where does that leave us? Stuck with Trump squatting in the corner being tough and vigilant!
This isn't how I usually like writing but Trump has got me so flustered with his stupid B.S. I'm at wit's end! Much like Justice Ginsburg I to let my feelings slip over the brim! I apologize for the hard language but to get the point of how I feel across I decided to leave it, Because I'm that disgusted!
People use to stand on faith! Now they don't believe or care about anything except themselves! Shameful America! Just shameful!
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