When will it end?
Below is a text Donald Trump had tweeted in reference to yet another ISIS terrorist attack in Istanbul Turkey at the 3rd busiest airport in Europe a few weeks ago!
Yet another terrorist attack, this time in Turkey. Will
the world ever realize what is going on? So sad.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 28 June 2016
He has made this same comment numerous times "Yet another terrorist attack!" He loves to see these things happen I swear! He did the same thing when the flight of MS804 from Paris to Egypt went down in the Med!
Before knowing anything of the events he just jumped right on his Twitter feed and couldn't wait to strike fear, hate and panic in the hearts of the world!
Of course we are starting to see that the flight was doomed due to it's own devices and not that of Trumps tweets! He should be banned from Twitter for instilling fear, hate and panic! How about because he says racist remarks and comments? How about because he he puts images of anti-Semitic matter on Twitter? Shouldn't that get him banned? I probably would be why not him?
I'm pretty nauseated with Trumps relentless blubbering and crying! It's always something about how everything is rigged and the media is unfair, Or some conspiracy theory B.S. like Hilary is being blackmailed, Or the Clinton's are above the law! I'm sick of Trump crying about Hilary's Email scandal! It's over and done with please shut up and deal with it!
How about Trumps repeat of "Yet another terrorist attack!" I'm not sure what bubble he's been living in but I'm pretty sure the whole freaking world has a pretty good idea on "What is going on!"
I'm really wondering if he knows "What is going on?" He makes it sound as if the whole world is living in some sort of a vacuum of denial! Like no one is, Or has been taking any action in trying to prevent, Deter, And risk their very lives to stop ISIS! Here I've been under the impression this is what several nations around this world have been trying to stop!
I think Mr. Trump is under the impression none of these countries have been doing enough to stop these vial religious fanatics!
Maybe things aren't moving fast enough for Mr. Trump? Maybe a lot of other people feel that things aren't moving fast enough to stop all of this nonsense as well?
Without killing massive amounts of innocent civilians it does seem to drag out!
And I realize this as well! "About not wanting to see innocents die because of certain scum!" I just hope the rest of all those other impatient people like Trump realize as well! Though I do know he mentioned using nuclear weapons in the fight against terrorism! I'm not sure the rest of the world might feel so light hearten at the U.S. volleying nuclear missile's in and around their backyards!
Other countries just may have an issue with Mr. Trump and his reckless carefree idea on how simple it might be to just nuke the problem away!
I know I have great fears of how simple and easy he makes it out to sound! It's almost as if he compares it to waking up in the middle of the night and whipping up a quick sandwich and jumping right back into bed! Snap of the fingers and whola!
Only if we could all have a conscience as dimwitted as Mr.Trump! It's really very obvious with Mr. Trump and his lack of morals and any conscience.
We can see it in his business practises as to how little he cares about how he acquires his money. How many millions he has screwed people out of? How many bills he doesn't pay? Just look at all the lawsuits against him! It's very obvious where Mr' Trump has his moral compass set.
It's pointing straight at him! He is the only thing, and one that matters in his universe! He cares nothing of anyone else or of the awful mess and burden he lays at others feet to deal with as long as he gives himself a raise of a few million right before he declares bankruptcy!
Seems to me there should be some sort of laws in place for the way Mr. Trump has gotten away with a majority of his screwing people and financial institutions over. But unfortunately all it ends up doing is rolling down hill and his gain turns into everyone else's loss by getting the shaft to pay for it! Whether it's through increased interests rates for banks to make up for their loss, Or the shop down the road that made him a hundred thousand dollars worth of furniture which he never paid for and they have to mark their prices up for the rest of us!
I have no doubt Mr. Trump could make America something, But great isn't what comes to mind!
The one thing I am aware of is "What is going on" Mr Trump! I'm afraid you have very little care besides making comments so you can see yourself in the headlines! All your admires will shake their heads in agreement like the good little drones they are! Most uneducated, young, And clueless! More then likely just turned on by your racist and violent attitudes! As this is the reason some of the older crowd admires you so! How do I know this? Because my 70+ year old father loves you to death and he is a racist violent person! So yes I know what type person appeals to your rhetoric and B.S.!
If anyone thinks that they will eradicate any type of religious extremist they are in for a never ending battle and it's as simple and, as sad as that!
Beliefs have willed the actions of the masses since the beginning of beliefs! If anyone thinks it will be over anytime soon doesn't have a very good understanding of any kind of religious beliefs! Or maybe their just not religious at all so they really have zero understanding of how powerful this can be for people!
People that come from nothing and have nothing but religion and faith have nothing to lose! Not everyone is a billionaire! So if you take a good look at how many people that have nothing but faith and their religion, Well you could be in for a long fight!
I think people should study up on religions, Faiths, and beliefs just so they will see that people have been fighting and dying for thousands of years and it sure probably won't be ending anytime soon! Unfortunately!
The day America stepped into the battle of religious extremist and terrorism was the first day until the end of days!
All the people in this world that have any kind of moral aptitude and a conscience of equal wants this terrorism that has plagued the planet to stop!
But at what expense? Are you willing to follow a path that the world has witnessed once within the last hundred years already?
Are you willing to tuck your conscience in a side pocket and let a lunatic get the chance to run the most powerful nation in the world? A lunatic that basis conspiracy theories as proof positive for evidence of wrong doings in this world! A guy that changes his mind every time the wind blows a different direction! A guy that didn't have a clue what "Brexit" was or meant until 2 weeks before the U.K.'s big vote!
Even when he found out what "Brexit" was, He really didn't understand the complex nature of everything involved, All he knew was the value of their currency would fall and he would make more money! Which he so stupidly told the world at his press release! Saying this with no regards to the fact a lot of people were negatively impacted by the decrease in value of their currency! As long as it is good for the "Donald" nothing else matters!
The era of hate and racism is in the ugly past where it should stay! Unfortunately it's a problem with humans not being able to shake and it seems to hang on like that one old tee shirt in your clothe's drawer, You know it's old and tattered but, for some reason you can't seem to part with because of sentimental value! Such is it the same way with humans and their parting with areas in the taboo!
Hilary Clinton is a liar! Donald Trump is a liar as well! Trump has a nasty habit of letting things eat at him and then goes ballistic and starts ranting and raving about it! What would he do as the leader of the free world sitting in the seat of the most powerful nation on the planet? It's a scary thought to say the least!
Hilary would just lie to the public to play it down! Where's the harm in that? Sure she isn't one of my choice's in the least, But these are the two we are stuck with!
Trump just isn't smart enough to go to people that know how things need to be done! He thinks he knows all and has all the answers! Trust me, He doesn't!
He doesn't listen to his advisers which in the past has forced several bankruptcies due to his thinking of knowing all! Sure he made out like a bandit at the expense of everyone else that he screwed over!
I'm sick of it all! I'm sick of hearing the name TRUMP! Everywhere I turn! It makes me sick and disgusted knowing the support he has! He has no business in the white house and it would be the most shameful event in America's history to date!
Hilary has some terrible traits as well and I'm sick of hearing her voice period! That voice alone is enough to stick fear into our enemies!
This candidacy has just ruined my view of our system and it truly has opened my eyes at just how corrupt and twisted everything is!
I think we need a serious cleansing of the system because we have to many things that aren't being monitored and to much money being thrown around like nobody gives a shit! Well I give a shit and I'm fairly disgusted with all I've witnessed during this election so far!
If there were a time to start believing in a higher power, Well that time would be now! because we need all the help we can get, So my suggestion to everyone is to start praying! As for the Trump supporters I suggest you all pray a little harder for all the hate and what not in your hearts!
Enough is enough the Republican party needs to get their shit together and this email crap is over so please leave it alone! Just because you're stuck with Trump and supporting him, You do have a choice not to and from my point view that would be a wise thing to do! I'm sick of this election already so please don't antagonize us anymore over it! Please congress just stop your relentless attempts to find guilt!
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