Race and Racism!
America has been is a state of anxiety over this last week with the shootings of two African American men by police officer's and then by the death of five police officers by an African American man that was specifically targeting white officers!
Our hearts go out to all the families that lost loved ones!
The big talk is of Race and Racism! It would be a huge lie to say that white America doesn't stereotype people of color and categorically place them in a box, Unfortunately that box is a box of question when it comes to law enforcement!
I constantly am hearing and have heard for years the problems with America and racism and what needs to be done and how there needs to be a mutual coming together of sorts to obtain mutual respect between law enforcement and African Americans.
If this doesn't sound odd being in this day and age that we are still experiencing these problems and hearing remarks and comments like this about the disconnect between two races! Because of this disconnect young African Americans are at risk if they don't go to the extreme of obedience when dealing with law enforcement they run the risk of violence ensuing!
As I said if this doesn't sound odd in this era of America's infancy? Then we have some serious problems, and I know we do!
Like I have said, I have been hearing for years how we as a society have got to work on these race issue's and until we do there will just keep on continuing to be problems!
What I do know is I'm sick of hearing the same talk year after year and incident after incident of the race issue every time another black person gets shot and killed we hear the speech of what needs to be done to fix these problems!
Everyone just needs to stop talking because the point is moot! Everything that is said is nothing but a waste of breath and nothing more then a political crutch to quell the incident at the time!
None of these issue's will be fixed until something is done at the heart of the matter! At the heart is minorities living in poverty and getting a sub standard
education from an institution (school) that is falling apart from under funding because America doesn't spend a fraction of what other countries spend on education!
It's really not just a black problem when it comes to education, But unfortunately they are the people most vulnerable to this problem! When you have a person living in poverty trying to go to a school where the roof is leaking, books are out of date, and the teachers are so under paid their just collecting a check without much care of the directions of their students!
Sadly in these hardship scenarios it takes an exceptional kid to want to excel and make something better of their lives because of those crappy conditions it gives them motivation to want to excel! At the same time others see no way out!
Since these police officers were shot on Dallas Texas I have heard of the bravery of the officers that do their job with such great risk and so little pay!
Just that statement alone answers one question, And that question is why would someone risk their lives for so little money? and maybe this is why they don't wait for any chances to be taken and just fire first and ask questions later because they fear for their lives when it comes to it not being worth it from a monetary stand point!
Granted not all officers think like this, But just from what I've heard from the Dallas police chief making the statement of how under paid they are for such a risky job it certainly makes one think and wonder!
Until we separate the ghetto mentality and the treatment difference from the rich and poor and provide equal education to both under equal standards and environments we will always have problems!
Until this is addressed and fixed! All talk is moot to the point it's nothing but a waste of time! Because nothing will ever get fixed or changed!
We will just continue to see a person that becomes an officer because for all the wrong reasons! Then they feel greatly under appreciated for the risk they do for the little pay and decide it's not worth the risk!
They won't wait until a situation has a chance of rising out out of control, Out of fear and under appreciation they'll just shoot first and worry later!
Most of the times the officer doesn't get charged for any crime when it comes to these excessive force type shootings anyways! So we seem to keep seeing it continue time and again!
As much as I hate saying it I feel it was only a matter of time before people ended up mad enough that someone finally felt they had to do something overly excessive in order to be heard!
I keep hearing about how it's not right to shoot police under no circumstance, Well It's not right for the police to shoot innocent people for no reason either!
The problem is two wrongs don't make a right, But these black shootings have been going on for way to long for nothing to have transpired yet!
What we are seeing here is Americans killing Americans! It's not Us-vs-Them! Blue-Vs-Black
It's Americans dying! It needs to stop! Americans! Maybe this is what law enforcement needs to be thinking the next time they look at someone of color with hesitation! Not to look at them as of color, But rather as an AMERICAN!
I strongly support our law enforcement, But at the same time I know from personal experience they can over step their actions! It doesn't mean I would go on a crusade because of it! There will always be a bad apple in every bunch!
The country needs to come together and find a form of unity somehow! As I said I believe education and the stereotyping of minorities needs to change if everyone else expects change! Until everyone is ready to take these steps keep on expecting the same scenario! Sorry to say!
Oh and if you think things are bad now? Do you wonder where Americans stand with racism? Just look at the amount of supporters Donald Trump has and that should answer your question! There's a good majority of the racist in this country! And yes it's a lot sadly!
Now imagine if he became president? If you hadn't noticed Trump had never tweeted a thing after either of the shootings of either black gentlemen!
Even after the Governor of Minnesota spoke, Even after the President spoke, Heck even Hilary Clinton spoke, But still no Trump! Still have doubts if he's a racist?
When CNN asked his campaign manager about his lack of acknowledgement, his statement was because Trumps wanted to know more about the facts first!
Here's a man that Tweets everything! Heck before that Egyptian airliner a couple months ago ever hit the water Trump Tweeted "Another senseless terrorist attack when will we get tough!" He likes causing panic and fear! Perfect for a president! But he couldn't comment on the black men shot by police!
Just some food for thought!
A tribute to the brave men and women in law enforcement! And to the families that lost loved ones! Black, Blue, White Americans need to stop killing each other!
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