Friday, July 28, 2017

What is
Normal anymore?

By T. J. Rockford

With a White house in turmoil such as it is all the time lately and the commander and chief playing games of chaos normal is a thing of the past!

  The fears I have are with all the bombastic behavior coming from POTUS that this volatility will become acceptable and a new way of life for everyone!
  I don't care if you're on the left or the right we all have to keep civility and ethics a priority for our future generations or all that will ensue is chaos such as what is taking place within our White House presently!

  This bombastic behavior has come out once again today as Trump was speaking in Suffolk County Long Island NY in front of law enforcement and ICE agents when he spoke of "roughing up" possible suspects.
  With all the actions happening in the country lately between society and law enforcement I don't think a comment such as he made today was anything but smart!

  This is the person that ran on "law and order!" What I've been thinking is he confuses law and order to whatever he thinks it should be compared to what it exactly is.
  If you have been paying attention to Trumps rise and, right along through the last six months, you've might of noticed that Trump doesn't really seem to have much of a clue about a lot of things! 
  It wasn't meant to be disrespectful, even though I am quite a bit to this POTUS!, I just don't like him because of his ignorance! But despite that he just doesn't seem to have much knowledge of what the laws are within this country and, that just because you're a police officer it doesnt give you the right to violate them!

  The same thing applies to the position of POTUS! Which I don't think he has grasped! He seems to think his position is above the law!
  It dawns on me quite a bit whenever I find myself writing anything involving Donald Trump I find myself using a lot of exclamation points!
Imagine that!

  That's how complicated he has made our environment and I fear there may be no turning back- exclamation point.
  I see the generations of today with all of their crazy, wild, and violent video games with all the trade marks of Trumps rhetoric that jumps out and speaks directly to the young people of today.

  When I see the drug problem tearing this country apart along with our failing education system all I can envision is the country going down a road that isn't the American way!

  We use to stand for integrity where other countries looked up to us! These countries saw law and order from a President that could lead with respect and not by bombastic tweets.
  These countries admired how we followed law and order from a constitutional point of view, not from force!

  And then comes along Donald Trump and has totally shrugged off any type of norm, as a matter of fact anything that would be considered ethically correct, and spits in the face of the Constitution because he feels he's above it or, maybe he just doesn't understand it because he's never read it?

  The point being with the way things are rolling, what as a country do we really want to be? One of integrity or, one of no ethics with lawlessness behavior? 
  Well maybe not quite "lawless" but ignoring how our Constitution is written!

  I fear we have hit a fork in the road where there's no turning back! A portion of the country seems to love the way he talks, which is no way how I want my children to speak or behave, and the way he runs things through Twitter? Give me a break!
  How can we have a leader tweet out policy? Is this a sign of modern times? We have a lazy leader sitting on the shit can in the morning tweeting out major policies he hasn't even discussed with his staff because he just had an apithamy while sitting on the crapper?
OMG! For the love of everything sacred please Trump supporters get with the program on what's best for this country!

  Some things are better left unchanged, Such as just plain decency! I fear with the country being as young as it is we may be in for another civil war, because people just don't seem to get it! So in turn they think Trump is the answer when in fact he is clueless but, knows how to entertain, and that's good enough for a group of people that are just not all that bright!

  Once Trump is finally out of office will we ever find our "normalcy" again? That's for time to tell! 
  I sure hope for the sake of this country that we do come back to what this country is all about, and that is acceptance and compassion towards those that are suffering! It's called integrity! 

  Trump thinks loyalty is what matters most, even though with him it's a one way door, and that's because the one big thing he is lacking any of is "integrity!" To me that's what I consider "normal!" 
PLEASE  America don't forget and lose sight of that! Because if we do we will be no better then all the countries we have always strived to be the opposite of! Authoritarian shit bags!


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Welcome to the death of Democracy

T. J. Rockford

  It's only been a mere 100 and something days since Donald J Trump took the office of what I use to view as the greatest position in the land. Well I'm sad to say since he has taken over,  that office which I use to admire greatly, is now tainted with more disgrace then one can possibly imagine, Or would want to imagine!

  With a title such as "The death of Democracy" one would envision some not so good factors in play, well we are seeing a lot of those things in play as this is written!
  Some would say I'm reaching a bit with such talk, but when you look at all the things happening within Washington and the actions of POTUS it's not so hard to see Democracy on the tilting edge of destruction.

  We have a President that has zero understanding of what our Democracy is even about and cares very little how he abuses it and takes it for a type of obstruction that is only in his way!

  Trump has very little intellectual understanding of much of anything from what I have seen! The man only cares about himself and how well he's being portrayed in the news. Everything that has nothing to do with uniting this greatly divided nation.

  I had said way back in his rise to running for office of how bad of an idea he would make as our President because of his horrendous track record in his business dealings.
  I had said he had zero ability to listen to advice and to heed criticism!
I believe he has some kind of issue with people thinking he may be dumb, as in stupid dumb!
  Which if you think about would make sense seeing how he has said in the past how he has a "big brain" and "gets it" because he's a "smart guy!"

  Anyone that has to reassure himself and others on this obviously has some kind of issue with how people view him.
  And to think this guy is in the most important position not to mention the most powerful position on our planet! Now this is truly scary when you put his rambling madness all in context!

  When I see the horrible partisan behavior happening in Congress and within all of the hearings with the Trump Russia thing, and the FBI thing and all the media interviews and combine it with the crazy talk spewing from the right I truly do see Democracy laying on the chopping block!

  I suppose if you know anything of history one might say it was, and is, only a matter of time before Democracy would fail.
  The sad thing is it doesn't  need to happen and I truly don't understand and can't really believe these people on the right are truly this anal that their willing to go this path and stand firm with Trump? With all of his full blown lies and behavior I really don't get why anyone would even give him the time of day!

  In my half century on this beautiful world I've never seen our country in such turmoil! All because of one man stepping up and spewing his hateful and fearful talk and so many people willing to absorb it and stand behind it truly bothers me!

  I just don't understand why so many people don't care about anything anymore? They don't care about Russian meddling in our election and instead say they've always interfered!
  The facts are the Russians have never gone as far as they have in our 2016 election but they still don't care or just don't believe it!
  Why don't people care of ethics anymore? Have we truly regressed right back to heathen caveman ways?
  It really boggles my "big brain" how little Republicans care of ethics or even the appearance of blowing over all ethics rules and care little of violating any, and all ethics rules that should apply!

  So here we are on the withering edge of everything we use to hold grand and dear all because of a lunatic that people decided to place in power! Congratulations America you wanted something different, well here you go!
The end of Democracy is as different as you can get!
  Soon all Trump supporters will be able to kiss the kings ass just like his cabinet had done just a few weeks ago! Sorry to say I'm just not the ass kissing kind of guy! Nor should any truly patriotic American want or expect to be a good and obedient servant to a master in charge!

  Apparently our education system has failed at relaying our countries history! The part where we used to be ruled by a King, and that little war that took place where we kicked out the king and his ways!
  The special part where we tried a new type of Democracy with the the writing of our independence and then our Constitution! Ring a bell?
  Granted it was all an experiment and one that had worked fairly well until the rise of Trump! Blows my mind so many would stand behind a dip shit such as him and it shows where our country really needs to be focusing on, Educating the uneducated!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Welcome to the death of Democracy

T. J. Rockford

  It's only been a mere 100 and something days since Donald J Trump took the office of what I use to view as the greatest position in the land. Well I'm sad to say since he has taken over,  that office which I use to admire greatly, is now tainted with more disgrace then one can possibly imagine, Or would want to imagine!

  With a title such as "The death of Democracy" one would envision some not so good factors in play, well we are seeing a lot of those things in play as this is written!
  Some would say I'm reaching a bit with such talk, but when you look at all the things happening within Washington and the actions of POTUS it's not so hard to see Democracy on the tilting edge of destruction.

  We have a President that has zero understanding of what our Democracy is even about and cares very little how he abuses it and takes it for a type of obstruction that is only in his way!

  Trump has very little intellectual understanding of much of anything from what I have seen! The man only cares about himself and how well he's being portrayed in the news. Everything that has nothing to do with uniting this greatly divided nation.

  I had said way back in his rise to running for office of how bad of an idea he would make as our President because of his horrendous track record in his business dealings.
  I had said he had zero ability to listen to advice and to heed criticism!
I believe he has some kind of issue with people thinking he may be dumb, as in stupid dumb!
  Which if you think about would make sense seeing how he has said in the past how he has a "big brain" and "gets it" because he's a "smart guy!"

  Anyone that has to reassure himself and others on this obviously has some kind of issue with how people view him.
  And to think this guy is in the most important position not to mention the most powerful position on our planet! Now this is truly scary when you put his rambling madness all in context!

  When I see the horrible partisan behavior happening in Congress and within all of the hearings with the Trump Russia thing, and the FBI thing and all the media interviews and combine it with the crazy talk spewing from the right I truly do see Democracy laying on the chopping block!

  I suppose if you know anything of history one might say it was, and is, only a matter of time before Democracy would fail.
  The sad thing is it doesn't  need to happen and I truly don't understand and can't really believe these people on the right are truly this anal that their willing to go this path and stand firm with Trump? With all of his full blown lies and behavior I really don't get why anyone would even give him the time of day!

  In my half century on this beautiful world I've never seen our country in such turmoil! All because of one man stepping up and spewing his hateful and fearful talk and so many people willing to absorb it and stand behind it truly bothers me!

  I just don't understand why so many people don't care about anything anymore? They don't care about Russian meddling in our election and instead say they've always interfered!
  The facts are the Russians have never gone as far as they have in our 2016 election but they still don't care or just don't believe it!
  Why don't people care of ethics anymore? Have we truly regressed right back to heathen caveman ways?
  It really boggles my "big brain" how little Republicans care of ethics or even the appearance of blowing over all ethics rules and care little of violating any, and all ethics rules that should apply!

  So here we are on the withering edge of everything we use to hold grand and dear all because of a lunatic that people decided to place in power! Congratulations America you wanted something different, well here you go!
The end of Democracy is as different as you can get!
  Soon all Trump supporters will be able to kiss the kings ass just like his cabinet had done just a few weeks ago! Sorry to say I'm just not the ass kissing kind of guy! Nor should any truly patriotic American want or expect to be a good and obedient servant to a master in charge!

  Apparently our education system has failed at relaying our countries history! The part where we used to be ruled by a King, and that little war that took place where we kicked out the king and his ways!
  The special part where we tried a new type of Democracy with the the writing of our independence and then our Constitution! Ring a bell?
  Granted it was all an experiment and one that had worked fairly well until the rise of Trump! Blows my mind so many would stand behind a dip shit such as him and it shows where our country really needs to be focusing on, Educating the uneducated!

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Facts And The

By T. J. Rockford

I'm fairly certain I don't need to bring up the facts about the truth being a scarce form of verbiage coming from our newly elected president, or for that matter from anyone in the white house!

  The unfortunate truth is, most of Trumps supporters and the majority of the republican party don't seem to care! How scary is that?
  Spreading falsehood's and lies so as to sell your idea's and hopeful agenda list is a dangerous, not to mention a scrupulous way of fulfilling your promises!

  I have an analogy I use about climate change that I believe it can be used here as well!
  "To what extent are you willing to go to?" What are you willing to sacrifice in order to fulfill your promises in "Making America Great Again" and prosperous?

Apparently Donald Trump is willing to throw out all rational thought and science fact in order to fulfill his craziness of making America financially independent! He is planning on putting into executive order a roll back of all emissions for coal fired plants and methane release! "To what extent are you willing to do this!" To the extent of plunging the world into disrepair? apparently!

  With all that is happening in America with the outrage of Trumps talk and lies, and his own party not speaking up and pushing back against his delusional remarks and comments really makes this troublesome to people like me! "To what extent are you willing to go?"

  Apparently the Republican party isn't looking at the long game here! What I mean by this, is the fact they will be pushed out for their incompetence!
  They are under the impression that Trumps delusional core supporters are enough to appease and make content!

 How wrong they are! Most of us live in reality and are smart enough to know fact from fiction! Most of us are smart enough to know what a lie is! Most of us have a moral compass, Or at least one that's working!

  Without a doubt there is a HUGE divide in this country! The problem is Trump has, and is doing nothing to help it, but he certainly is doing something to make it much worse!
  Another thing he is failing to see is the fact the majority of this country is firmly not on board with his insanity and lies!

  Despite knowing the divide he continues driving that wedge in deeper as if testing to see how far he can push us all! Maybe this is his goal? Maybe he is hoping for a civil war of sorts so he can capture some sort of complete power beyond being a mere President? After all he seems to admire dictatorship and authoritarian power quite a bit! 

  Trump has said a few times he wants the country to come together! But the way he wants this to happen is for everyone that disagrees with his lunacy to jump on board the crazy Trump train! Seriously? Yes this is how delusional Trump really is!

  We have replaced reality with falsehoods, we've been sucked into some alternate universe where those with a brain are shunned as being the enemy of our country and stupid has taken a main seat at the table!

  America is truly in trouble, and before it's to late, I would hope those in power such as in the congress and senate might step up to the plate!
Oh darn, that's right, both of those are majority led by the republican party!

 I suppose this is where we'll see common sense and truth either prevail, or we'll see it all go down like a sinking ship! Though if party lines matter more then the livelihood of our country the republican party is doomed! Potentially America could be doomed! Wouldn't Russia love to see that! I know their loving what their witnessing so far! Maybe they knew this would happen?

 Maybe this is why they helped get Trump to the white house? Maybe they knew this guy would destroy America with his fearmongering and hate talk?
"To what extent?"  To what extent is Trump willing to go? Where is he trying to bring us people that value our constitution and American way of life together? By painting a picture that immigrants are bad and all Muslims are evil? By not responding responsibly and timely about anti-Semitism events ripping through our country?

  Everything a good leader would do that all could respect and value he hasn't done, Like facts and the truth, but as an authoritarian he should get an "A!"


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Twittin' Trump

Twittin' Trump!

                                                                               By T.J. Rockford

  At times lately I just can't help but feel like I've stumbled into some alternate universe where everything I thought made sense no longer seems to!
  So why is this? Well It mostly revolves around the fact Donald Trump has been elected into the most power seat in the world! Scared doesn't sum it up very well! Perplexed barely covers the feeling I'm shrouded with in these closing days to his inauguration into the white house!

  Ever since Trump had won the election I find myself walking around in a daze of disbelief that people think this con artist, and man that admits to abusing women has the capacity to excel our great nation into being greater!   
  With his  business dealings around the world that we really have no clue into the depth of his ties, and with whom because of the lack of transparency!
  As well as the fact people seem to give little care into this matter which is what really makes me scratch my head?

  How could you not be concerned with Trumps love affair with Russia and his admiration of Vlad Putin? Then you add in the lack of transparency with tax returns then it kind of paints a picture not so pretty of what might really be up with Trump!
 As if that is not enough to make you wonder, then we have the new President elect refusing to believe our intelligence agencies accusations that Russia was, and is behind the democratic hacks that helped present a slow drip of not so flattering information and behavior within the democratic party!

  Yet he still refuses to admit Russia is not a friend of the U.S. and they have no great desire to see democracy prevail around the world!
  Instead we have a man that tweets flattering statements of Putin! As a matter of fact we have a man that tweets all of his concerns, thoughts, feelings, and it shows his emotions of how much of a thin skinned man he truly is!
  this is where the scared part comes into play with myself! Scared at the fact we have a man in office that cannot contain and conceal his emotions! Scared at the fact twittin' is not the way to speak to the people, yet his core supporters care little of this and instead embrace this way of communication!
 I'll put this in a way people may be able to understand. Imagine you're a parent, and you, instead of sitting down with your family and having face to face talks, you instead do everything via Twitter! Are you getting the picture now? If not I'll elaborate a bit more!
  So say you're communicating everything with all you know via Twitter! How do you really know who may be the one you're really talking with? If the person is sending everything out via Twitter it doesn't always set out the emotional, sensible, severity, honest feeling behind the message! 

 I have a theory as to why he jumps to his Twitter feed! Well there's actually a few reasons why I think he does so! One being that he gets something in his head that he just feels the need to blurt out, and usually without thinking it out to well before he does!
  The other is I believe he is persuaded to instead of speaking directly to reporters! Especially if he is without a script.
If you hadn't noticed whenever he speaks from the hip he says things that don't sound very intellectual! He sounds like he isn't very well versed in the English language because he uses very simple words and seems like he has a hard time coming up with any words besides "great" and "believe me" and how can you not forget when he said he knew more then the generals! Does this sound like a man with any intellectual capacity? If you're like me the answer is "Are you kiddin' me!"

  I believe Trump and his Twitter account are not the way to do business! I believe if he continues to do so we will soon find some very hard times in store for us because of his lack of discipline for control!
  The bigger issue will be whether or not I wake up from this strange haze I seem to be entranced in! Will I ever be able to wrap my head around the fact this all is really taking place!
  I'm certain I will never understand how he won, but accepting the fact he did is a must if I ever hope to find my sanity! Maybe he will surprise me with a Tweet!
  With all the negatives I have shared with my feelings for him I could see the tweet now! Saying "You're fired!" As I'm being deported to my ancestral homeland of Scotland! I might not mind that to much at all at this point!
  Until any of this happens I guess I'll just have to continue in my world of limbo as we hang on the edge waiting to see what gets blurted out from our new President, Twittin' Trump!
Heaven help us all!