Thursday, July 28, 2016

Welcome to my nightmare!

Welcome To My Nightmare!

In the image below a "normal" person may interpret this as a nightmare, Or if like myself, they would see it as a night terror!

But lately my nightmare's have been even more horrifying then that image! Instead these image's below are what I've been witnessing over, and over,and over again!


 Now really how scary is that? If you happen to support Donald Trump I will respect your right to do so! 
  But for myself I see this man as someone that views himself as some kind of hero to the people! Which he is the furthest thing from a hero in my book! I believe with the way he notoriously praises tyrants and dictators and communist countries! He is a national threat!

  I have seen 7 Presidential campaigns in my lifetime in which I was old enough and able to comprehend what was going on though I've been around longer! 
  The first campaign I was able to follow with any great attention and with a small bit of understanding was the race with President Jimmy Carter. Though I remember all the speakings and the debates I feel like then compared to now is like the difference between a pebble and a rock the size of the moon!

  I see Trump talking of foreign policy which BLOWS MY MIND! I hear him say things that are beyond the realm of being a responsible WORLD LEADER! 
  I don't even think he realizes what this is really all about? I think he thinks it's some simple mindless job with cut and dry solutions! The things that come out of his mouth like wanting more countries to develop nuclear weapons! Not coming to the aid of countries in the NATO alliance! What?

  I just don't think he has the capacity to see things  for all it's truly about! This isn't only about money! This is about keeping a planet stabilized in order for anarchy and chaos to not be allowed to take over ruining democracy, Choice, Or freedoms to live and not be ruled!
  Though on the other hand with his praises he does of Putin and China, And even North Korea It's almost as he dreams of ruling in the same fashion which is what should scare the heck out of every person in this country! Can you imagine a person running for president PRAISING DICTATORS, AND TYRANTS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? And people are supporting this guy??? Honestly our forefathers are rockin' and rolling in their grave's!

  This campaign has left me with waking up in the middle of the night with cold sweats and visions of apocalyptic nuclear destruction obliterating everything we know and love!
  I really don't like either one of our candidates, But this is what elections are all about! Choice!
  I'm so sick of hearing about Hilary Clinton's E-mail scandal! I know, I get it! All these claims of how she purposely passed out American intelligence and secrets. But there's no proof to what were on those E-mails and to say such things like she did this all on purpose is ludicrous! Yes it was careless and possibly irresponsible, But it wasn't with INTENT! She wasn't secretly working with a foreign power! Heck Trump doesn't even keep it a secret that he wants to work with Russia! Again are you KIDDING ME???

  Donald Trump, He has risen to stardom because he passes himself off as "Not one of them!" Meaning not a politician!
  This is all so very obvious that he isn't a politician! Because he sure doesn't have much of a clue about things that are all so very incredibly important!
  Things that can change the shape of the world as we know it! They could potentially be on the way to happening if Trump becomes President!

  I may not care for all of Hilary's idea's or how she had handled her E-mails. But, And this is a big BUT! But Trump SCARES THE HELL OUT OF ME! 
  I cannot stress enough that Trump is, And will be the biggest threat to this nation in the history of our country!
  Michael Bloomberg summed it about perfectly when he said this isn't a matter of voting for your party! This is a matter of voting for the most competent and "SANE" person!
  Mike knows Trump and knows how much of a threat he is, and would be! People really, REALLY, Need to heed his warning for the sake of our country and for the worlds future as we know it!  

  Some may just see these words, And hear the talk from people about Trumps capability to serve this nation, And I emphasis "SERVE!"  In his words he would be running it like his business in which the business's he personal ran all went belly up! This is why his business dealings now are chaired! No more dictatorship! Because in all reality Trump is probably a slight millionaire, I seriously doubt he has a cash value of 11 Billion dollars! And this is a widely believed thought, and not just one amongst Democrats and conspiracy theorist!
  The warning signs are there for all to see, But some people think because he is not a politician he will be the answer to all the problems! Which I would agree if it was almost anybody else besides Trump! 
  His talk is irrational and dangerous! His views on people are without a doubt a disgrace! These are all proven and known factors, Though people still believe he is the light on the rocks that will lead them down this stormy shore line that he has painted out as being America!

  He says he alone is the only person that is able to fix and run this nation! He alone? Without this nation "HE" would be nothing! This nation is not his alone, like his personal Kingdom! The people in this nation is what makes it great!
  At times people to me seem like they've gotten lost and are unable to see that they, We, All of us are the power, the voice, the people that make America what it is!
  We don't need the likes of Trump to come and save us! We the people have to come together and solve the problems which lay ahead! We don't need a politician to figure out everything and decide what's best for "US!"
  We need a politician to "WORK" for us and commit to making our wishes and desires happen like real world issues that affect us all ! 
  Trump has this platform in place that does nothing to make America great, Better, Good, Or anything but a mess in the making! And this is no joke!
  If Trump becomes President the last thing in this world he is going to do is Work for us! His agenda is to make life better for him and business's like his! And Mike Bloomberg pointed that out to everyone pretty darn well!
  There will never be any great Trump wall! That's a joke! And make Mexico pay for it as well! That's a bigger joke!
  If anything happens it will probably end up being a war with Mexico because Trump has the temperament and mentality of a fruity teenager going through puberty! And that's SCARY!

  If he does anything remotely like what he says with his foreign policy bologna, America will be screwed all across the board! Talks of raising tariffs, Right sure and what do you think those countries will do in return? If you guessed Raise the price so high on stuff that nobody could afford to buy anything you guessed right!
  And how about when America doesn't go to the aid of a nation under distress in our NATO alliance Because they still owed a bit of their 2%!
  What do you think all of our alias would do? If you guessed throw us out of the club and halt all forms of commerce with placing sanctions on us, You guessed right!

  How about if we pulled our forces out of Europe, South Korea, and Japan because Trump wants more money? Japan alone gives America 2 Billion dollars a year right now! And the majority of people already wants the U.S. the hell out anyway! So what do you think they'll do and say?
  If you guessed they  would say see you the hell later! Yes, you guessed right once again!
  There is a very beneficial reason for the U.S. being in these places we are in besides collecting a check! Which Trump apparently has no clue about!
  I'm not a military genius by any stretch of the imagination, But I at least know that with us being in these places it helps keep the peace and somewhat order with conflicting nations! 
And why is this important? First is because with stability comes a profit in trades, Or even certain things that we may need and they have in the natural resource department! 
  Second is because it gives the U.S. a forward position if a conflict were to arise in the surrounding area! Pretty hard to help, Intervene, Protect, Defend, Or anything when we're 9,000 mile's in the opposite direction and ships aren't all that fast and planes don't do much good on empty!

  You see? Everything he has said by playing on peoples fears has worked, But why? Whats his big plan? The only thing he has said is "we need to be tough, We need to be vigilant!"  This is his solution for fighting terror and terrorist attacks from ISIS!
  That's it! Every time he is asked what he would do? that is his response! What the hell does that even mean? We are doing a lot more right now then just being tough and vigilant! Hell if we went with his plan we would be going backwards! He has not said one thing about what he would do! He says "it's a secret!" That way it will keep them guessing!
  People really believe this garbage! It's freaking insane! People are supporting someone that gives these type of responses! There has to be something wrong with everyone! like they don't understand these are not real world solutions to serious real world problems!
 Oh wait a minute I forgot he did mention something at one point where he said he would contemplate using nuclear weapons fighting ISIS! 

   I totally had forgot the nuclear part until I started rambling away! So this is why I wake up at night with cold sweats and nightmares of a nuclear holocaust! Holy cow!
See talking about things does help! Maybe, Just maybe, All these people are right about how, And what America should try and, to start doing to find common grounds and solutions to real problems within our communities! 
  Not running out and buying bigger more bulky death squad suits! Buying bigger vehicles and guns! America should not be looking for ways to protect themselves from each other! Trump has driven that spike in so far he has literally, by himself, created a division in America! It's us against them! There is no common ground with him! The law and order candidate!
  law enforcement is always right PERIOD! END OF STORY! 

  You will have to take my word on this, And I promise you with all my being, I don't mean this bad and against law enforcement, But even I have had my run In's with a few bad cops and I have the scars to prove them! And I swear with everything sacred in this world I did nothing to promote such hostile actions! So yes I know, even the police can be wrong at times as well!
  I suppose if your rich like Trump, Or O.J. Simpson Heck you could probably get away with murder! But when your a simple common tee shirt wearing American you run the risk of being viewed as less then some!

  But heck I have seen a few articles of where the police and communities have broken bread and have come together and are talking! So little of a cost with such a huge reward! 
  Trump should think of something like this because talking and resolving sure sounds a lot better then isolationism! Or even worse with Trump just might lead to Authoritarianism! He sure does seem to like the way those guys work! Personal I think we should start at a talking point within our communities! 

  With ISIS personally I would take a vote on how my country and my fighting men and women would like to take this battle on! Stay the course we are moving in now! Or risk more lives for a fight that is no longer a matter religion, country, or immigration it's a matter of sanity! Someone should really start questioning Donald Trumps as well! 
  Any person mentally unbalanced finds a reason to commit acts of violence now! ISIS made a plea not only for radical Muslim People when they sent the message out to kill! 
  It gave anyone mentally unstable a cause to commit these acts of horror! This will be a long fight I'm sorry to say! But one we cannot give into no matter what or where!
We can and will prevail!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Making America White Again!

Making America White Again!

Donald Trump is making America White again one shameful vote at a time! The sad thing is it's painting a fairly good picture of just how large the issue is with the amount of people there are in this country that support Trump and share his anger, hate, hostility, and bullshit!
  Please excuse that word, But all of this hate that Trump spreads, and the amount of followers he has, Really brings out the worst in all of us!

  His bombastic comments are like a cancer spreading across our nation ripping it apart by turning citizens against citizens, And opening up a huge racial divide! Religious divide, and even a division among family!
  I see black men in support of Trump agreeing with his insanity, But the crazy thing is these black men sound and act more white then I am! And I gotta tell you I'm about is white is white can get! I have those true Aryan race features that Trump and the Neo-Nazi's alike would love to see join in there making of America great again!

  If you find this offensive, Well it's to bad because what I'm hearing from Trump is beyond offensive and every red blooded American's should find offensive!
  I've said this numerous times in my blogs lately with Trump, About how many Americans have sacrificed their lives due to war, To end, And stop the acts of what occurs due to race issues!
  I can tell a lot of Trumps supporters are "under" educated! As they apparently know nothing of history and, The cost that has been horrifically documented due to the likes of Trumps dangerous language! 

  I feel like a broken record with this Presidential race in the last six months. Mostly since Trump actually started being presidential! If this is what the new meaning of "Presidential" is with these changing times, I must be getting old! Because YES, I FIND IT OFFENSIVE!

  Shame is a word that comes to mind! But with what the children of today grow up with in the things like video games and stuff like this Grand Theft Auto, It is no wonder that shame is a word that the younger generation wouldn't know, Or for that matter probably even feel!
  Consideration, Chivalry, and just plain decency is words that kids can't even spell yet less know! Blame this on our faltering education system if you want! Personally I'd be pointing the finger towards people that don't take the time to provide their children with any sorts of moral foundations!
  Let the kids play video games all the time so these parents don't need to deal with, Or be bothered with responsibilities of raising their own children!

  Granted this is not all parents, Or children! But by looking at Trumps following it appears it's happened way to much! 
  I guarantee if somebody were to do a poll on Trumps younger supporters they would find a very common factor of parental negligence, And a passion with violent video games, Or just the thrill of violence, And violent behavior! 

  The scary sad thing is we are looking at our future! Where are we really heading? America is in a spiral that in the very near future is going to be spinning out of control! 
  Instead of a black person being fed up with what he felt were an over abundant amount of abuses against his race. We just may find another country that feels we are a country of disgust and we are a threat of relative nature!
 Well wait a minute! There are already countries that stand in alliance with Trumps views and hate! As a matter of fact Trump shows all these countries leaders praise in one way or another! He talks highly of Saddam Hussein, Kim Jung Un,  President Putin in Russia and Trump are already planning on working together! THAT'S NUTS!!! 
  Trump praised the way China quelled the Tienanmen Square uprising of students wanting more of a democracy! The way it was taken care of was with the military, Violence, And a lot of kids dead and missing! which means dead as well! Now isn't that funny Trump shows respect to these people?  Not!
  For those that may not grasp this, The countries I speak of are communist countries, Countries ruled with an iron fist instead of what we are supposed to stand for on a democratic platform! DEMOCRACY!
  I have this vision of Trump totally screwing things up if he were to become elected, And in turn I see a lot of horrific things to follow! Military involvement against are own people, I see stuff we are use to seeing in other countries NOT HERE!

  This are true concerns and I just don't understand how the rest of the country can't see this? Trump has committed fraudulent acts to thousands of people and screwing them out of their money through Trump University, and no one cares!
  All of Trumps proposals and ideas on making America MONEY AGAIN! Will in the long run sky rocket our ALREADY out of control national deficit! No one cares!
   Trump doesn't believe in GLOBAL WARMING! Says it's a hoax and wants to make America money but going full blast into coal and oil! The leading cause of global warming! WHICH IS VERY REAL! STILL NO ONE CARES!
  Trump openly lies by claiming he witnessed things on the news like 10,000 Muslims cheering and jumping up and down when 9/11 happened! NOT TRUE! TOTALLY A LIE! 
  Again Trump lied and said he witnessed on the news people that were protesting in 11 cities stop and have a moment of silence for the cop killer in Dallas! TOTAL FREAKING LIE! NEVER HAPPENED! NO ONE CARES!
  I have to say what a PIECE OF SHIT! What kind of person running for President would stoop so low to make scum bag claims like that! OH Yeah, Trump! Just so he can try causing more hate and problems! What a scum bag!

  The bigger issue is still the American people back this piece of garbage up like he's some kind of hero! This is the reason why he claims EVERYBODY LOVES HIM! Because all these people supporting him don't care If he ruins the country, Lies, Steals, Ruins Americans lives, And the number one reason people should think he's a scum bag is because he's a RACIST PIECE OF SHIT!

  So there's this weeks blog! Guess Trump really does bring out the best in all of us! Can't wait to see what the country will look like under a Trump leadership! 
  I'm sorry to tell you America, With Trump as your leader America will never be great again! What will happen though is America will be remembered for the stupid shit they try to teach us in history! Learn from your mistakes again!

  This isn't the America I've stood behind and supported all my years! This isn't the America I want to support! With a Trump as President what I will do is flea this country because I don't want myself associated with any of his horrible beliefs! Plus he will totally sink the country into a dismal pit of despair! What a thing to look forward to America! 
  So when people start wondering where to point the finger when shit goes sideways, If you voted for him start pointing your finger towards yourself! And always remember there was plenty of warnings and plenty of people could see his disgusting ways, But still you voted for him! 
  I'm already personally ashamed right now at the fact so many Americans are supporting his disgusting bullshit! 
  If he loses I think all of his supporters should be rounded up and deported! I'll gladly help with that undertaking! Then we will truly make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 

  We all have our personal views on how we would handle a situation like Islamic terrorism, But all I hear from Trump, "constantly!" Is how we need to get tough and vigilant! I'm sick of hearing that! I want results not requests or suggestions! I want to know what he plans to do?
  He will do what the US is finally making happen now! Which is to little to late! Trump has no wonderful great plans on defeating terrorism! He has no idea what he would do! It's a tricky complicated dance that Trump isn't graceful enough to partake in!

  I've said it a thousand times, When it comes to this religious battle it will never end! The more we kill, The more they'll sprout up! The only way is to wipe them out off the face of the Earth! 
  Unfortunately it's not a way to solve it! So where does that leave us? Stuck with Trump squatting in the corner being tough and vigilant!

  This isn't how I usually like writing but Trump has got me so flustered with his stupid B.S. I'm at wit's end! Much like Justice Ginsburg I to let my feelings slip over the brim! I apologize for the hard language but to get the point of how I feel across I decided to leave it, Because I'm that disgusted!

  People use to stand on faith! Now they don't believe or care about anything except themselves! Shameful America! Just shameful!


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Politically What? Rule of law?

Politically What?
Rule of law?

  So this pretty much sums up Donald Trump and because of this the Republican party stands divided, America stands divided, The world stands in awe at the fact he has been so supported by Americans! Because they were under the impression America stood on principals and value's!

 If a person were to look at the history of civilizations around the world since they all started being documented they would find when a society was as distraught and divided as America seems to be right now, odd strange things can occur!
  So much to the point a large majority of societies started stooping to levels that totally goes against everything that they once stood for and valued!
  People that seem like their ready for blood and violence and their filled with hate and despair!
  You know what happened to most of these societies? Some were overrun by the people! Some were taken over by their military's! And then some just collapsed and fell apart into chaos!
  This is when we see dictator's rise to power! This is when we see the beginning of communism! This is when you see the rise of tyrants that rule through fear and hate! Sound familiar? If not you haven't been paying attention!

  I watched Paul Ryan the speaker of the house leader of the Republican party on CNN's town hall meeting tonight Tues July, 12th try justifying why and how he can, and could support Donald Trump, and it wasn't very selling!
  Ryan was asked several times how he could morally and politically support Trumps idea's and value's?
  Ryan on one hand said there was issue's that he didn't agree with such as Trumps racism! Ryan's reasoning for still supporting Trump even despite that issue was for the simple fact of not wanting to support Hilary Clinton! So essentially he would be willing to sell his soul and moral beliefs, all for backing the Republican party! 
  He is willing to go against  major things in which this country stands for and a lot of people have died for to make a thing such as racial incidents against the law! People should be held accountable for committing racial crimes! Trump would turn these laws into nothing but a joke! How can you place a racist in office that wants to persecute people?

  I'm not sure how you can support a president that holds these value's right open on their sleeve? When these are issues we don't stand for, and what we are not about! With what we have tried changing, and tragically at time's, It's astonishing with so much death just to set it all aside like it was all for nothing! That's not the America I was brought up to believe in!

  Speaker Ryan brought up some more issue's, and when he had done so, he was bringing the factor of  "the rule of law" into play.  Such as with Hilary Clinton and the big email scandal.
  Sighting the "rule of law" and what's the point of it if it only pertains to certain case's, Or for certain people!
  The rule of law seems to be thrown around when some want it to be used for their advantage, But when it's something against them it need not apply!
  One big issue I have is in the case of Hilary Clinton where the FBI found Clinton not guilty! That wasn't what the republican party wanted to hear! So what did they do? They are openly accusing the FBI of being unjust! 
  How the heck is this possible? If the Republican party is going to throw around accusations of the FBI being unlawfully correct, Well gees, in that case how many other people are guilty, Or bigger yet innocent? If the FBI is that incompetent that congress is crucifying their verdict in the Clinton scandal, so much so, they are opening several more case's against her, What does this mean?
  What does this mean? Besides the fact that the Republican party isn't as conservative as they claim! How much money has been spent on this so far? MILLIONS! Heck with it! let's spend the tax payers money like we stole it! 
  The "rule of law!" The law spoke and the Republican party said screw it! This is inexcusable! If your one minute going to stand behind your words of "The rule of law!" There is no in's and out's! You can't say we'll let this happen, But not that!

  A case in point is the ruling from the Hague in the South China Sea issue with China and the Philippines which ended up going against China! China had very strongly and openly said they will not accept their ruling and abide by it in any form or fashion!
  So where does this leave the "rule of law?" If countries just take laws and throw them out the window? How can there be any type of unity or bipartisanship when the rule of law is blatantly disregarded so easily?

  The big question is what will China do now? Then the next question is what will everyone else do if China says screw the international laws? Will America turn a blind eye? Will they throw the word of law out the window like in which the Republican party is standing behind so fiercely in Clinton's case?

  Very confusing and trying times! To make matters worse we have a presidential candidate like Trump slinging so much hate, Fear, and retched comments around, Making the divide in America as bad as he can! He truly is creating a racial divide and he should be held accountable! That's real becoming of a Presidential candidate! Real fitting for a guy that want's to be in charge! He lie's, In those lie's he is trying to make the situation so much worse! He said that in eleven cities that were having protest still, That in every city they held a moment of silence for the gunmen who killed five police officers! 

Where's "the rule of law" there Mr Ryan? How can you stand behind a man that is this dishonest? He openly lie's without you holding him accountable! Way to stand behind the "rule of law!"

  I believe that the Justice of the peace Ruth Ginsburg has every right to say what she has about Trump! After all she is only being HONEST! Of course that is a crime in the Trump candidacy! Only he can be politically correct! He is making a mockery of the Republican party and he is making Paul Ryan look like a fool! The sad thing Mr, Ryan is you are letting him!
  It's funny, Well not really, But Trump says he's the candidate that stands for law and order! What a joke that is! If he stands for law, And with all he has done to stir the bee's nest up more, Is what he thinks of laws for which this country stands for, We mind as while file the rule of law next to the constitution! Filed under trashed! Now that's politically correct!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Race and Racism!

          Race and Racism!

  America has been is a state of anxiety over this last week with the shootings of two African American men by police officer's and then by the death of five police officers by an African American man that was specifically targeting white officers!

                       Our hearts go out to all the families that lost loved ones!

  The big talk is of Race and Racism! It would be a huge lie to say that white America doesn't stereotype people of color and categorically place them in a box, Unfortunately that box is a box of question when it comes to law enforcement!

  I constantly am hearing and have heard for years the problems with America and racism and what needs to be done and how there needs to be a mutual coming together of sorts to obtain mutual respect between law enforcement and African Americans.
  If this doesn't sound odd being in this day and age that we are still experiencing these problems and hearing remarks and comments like this about the disconnect between two races! Because of this disconnect young African Americans are at risk if they don't go to the extreme of obedience when dealing with law enforcement they run the risk of violence ensuing! 
  As I said if this doesn't sound odd in this era of America's infancy? Then we have some serious problems, and I know we do!

  Like I have said, I have been hearing for years how we as a society have got to work on these race issue's and until we do there will just keep on continuing to be problems!
  What I do know is I'm sick of hearing the same talk year after year and incident after incident of the race issue every time another black person gets shot and killed we hear the speech of what needs to be done to fix these problems!

  Everyone just needs to stop talking because the point is moot! Everything that is said is nothing but a waste of breath and nothing more then a political crutch to quell the incident at the time!
  None of these issue's will be fixed until something is done at the heart of the matter! At the heart is minorities living in poverty and getting a sub standard
education from an institution (school) that is falling apart from under funding because America doesn't spend a fraction of what other countries spend on education!

  It's really not just a black problem when it comes to education, But unfortunately they are the people most vulnerable to this problem! When you have a person living in poverty trying to go to a school where the roof is leaking, books are out of date, and the teachers are so under paid their just collecting a check without much care of the directions of their students! 
  Sadly in these hardship scenarios it takes an exceptional kid to want to excel and make something better of their lives because of those crappy conditions it gives them motivation to want to excel! At the same time others see no way out! 

  Since these police officers were shot on Dallas Texas I have heard of the bravery of the officers that do their job with such great risk and so little pay!
  Just that statement alone answers one question, And that question is why would someone risk their lives for so little money? and maybe this is why they don't wait for any chances to be taken and just fire first and ask questions later because they fear for their lives when it comes to it not being worth it from a monetary stand point!
  Granted not all officers think like this, But just from what I've heard from the Dallas police chief making the statement of how under paid they are for such a risky job it certainly makes one think and wonder!

  Until we separate the ghetto mentality and the treatment difference from the rich and poor and provide equal education to both under equal standards and environments we will always have problems! 
  Until this is addressed and fixed! All talk is moot to the point it's nothing but a waste of time! Because nothing will ever get fixed or changed!
  We will just continue to see a person that becomes an officer because for all the wrong reasons! Then they feel greatly under appreciated for the risk they do for the little pay and decide it's not worth the risk! 
  They won't wait until a situation has a chance of rising out out of control, Out of fear and under appreciation they'll just shoot first and worry later! 
  Most of the times the officer doesn't get charged for any crime when it comes to these excessive force type shootings anyways!  So we seem to keep seeing it continue time and again!

  As much as I hate saying it I feel it was only a matter of time before people ended up mad enough that someone finally felt they had to do something overly excessive in order to be heard!
  I keep hearing about how it's not right to shoot police under no circumstance, Well It's not right for the police to shoot innocent people for no reason either!
  The problem is two wrongs don't make a right, But these black shootings have been going on for way to long for nothing to have transpired yet!
  What we are seeing here is Americans killing Americans! It's not Us-vs-Them! Blue-Vs-Black
It's Americans dying! It needs to stop! Americans! Maybe this is what law enforcement needs to be thinking the next time they look at someone of color with hesitation! Not to look at them as of color, But rather as an AMERICAN!

  I strongly support our law enforcement, But at the same time I know from personal experience they can over step their actions! It doesn't mean I would go on a crusade because of it! There will always be a bad apple in every bunch!
  The country needs to come together and find a form of unity somehow! As I said I believe education and the stereotyping of minorities needs to change if everyone else expects change! Until everyone is ready to take these steps keep on expecting the same scenario! Sorry to say!

  Oh and if you think things are bad now?  Do you wonder where Americans stand with racism? Just look at the amount of supporters Donald Trump has and that should answer your question! There's a good majority of the racist in this country! And yes it's a lot sadly! 
  Now imagine if he became president? If you hadn't noticed Trump had never tweeted a thing after either of the shootings of either black gentlemen!
  Even after the Governor of Minnesota spoke, Even after the President spoke, Heck even Hilary Clinton spoke, But still no Trump! Still have doubts if he's a racist?
  When CNN asked his campaign manager about his lack of acknowledgement, his statement was because Trumps wanted to know more about the facts first! 
  Here's a man that Tweets everything! Heck before that Egyptian airliner a couple months ago ever hit the water Trump Tweeted "Another senseless terrorist attack when will we get tough!" He likes causing panic and fear! Perfect for a president! But he couldn't comment on the black men shot by police!
Just some food for thought!

A tribute to the brave men and women in law enforcement! And to the families that lost loved ones! Black, Blue, White Americans need to stop killing each other!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Black and Blue!


The last week has been one of death and horror and racial tension! Live's senselessly being taken on multiple sides and America is at a serious crossroad!

  The police are now being targeted after the shooting of two African American men in two different states across the country, But the police being targeted are from all around the country now and it's not the solution but instead a reasoning why the fears lay in the eyes of law enforcement!

  Five officers in Dallas Texas have been killed along with another seven being injured along with two civilians that were attending a peaceful protest which was one of many around the country, When a lone gunman opened fired specifically targeting white police officers!
  The obvious factor in all of these shootings is it's due to racist beliefs, Or this is what is being portrayed in all case's and now it's running out of control around the country with more officers being targeted due to the killings of the two African Americans!

  This needs to stop and stop now! America is bruised horribly right now and the bruise is black and blue! This country is suffering a black vs blue stand off presently and this is only going to make problems escalate and turn even worse because of people taking up arms and shooting the men and women in uniform that are trying to protect and serve the people! 
  It's not an us vs them situation, Though I understand the view from the black lives matter movement and all of this was only a matter of time in the making with the amount of young black males being killed by law enforcement!

  We have all seen law enforcement go free and not be charged for crimes due to the death of these young black males, But when these deaths continue despite everyone saying action is being taken and doesn't evolve what is to be done next?
  This was only a matter of time! Just as there are only a few bad apples in the police force around the country there will eventually be a few bad apples on the other end of the spectrum as well! Where a few black people will take what they think is the only action to take in order to be heard!
  It is not the right way to handle it AT ALL! All this is doing is making it even more of a reason for the police community to be Leary of what may be waiting for them as a possibility!

  I know it seems like it may be like a one way view where only the police are right and are justified in what they do, But no! It really isn't that way! The police involved in these latest shootings were well on their way to being charged and all this mess would have probably started taking a new direction of ways of handling situations!
  But now with all these latest shootings of police around the country is just going to keep things going the same path! The path of where the black community has to worry about even getting pulled over for a traffic violation!. and whether they may be shot from a jumpy police officer because of the color of someone's skin!

  Is it right? NO! It's not right on either spectrum! It's not right for the police to do racial profiling! As well as it's not right for ANYONE to shoot at and kill the police because of anger! There is no way to try equaling the playing field by killing each other! All it does is turn our future into the reliving of our past. The past in which we can't seem to escape! But escape from this cycle is what we must do if we plan on breaking away from this horrible mess!

  A lot of things have been said on both sides of the fence, And I have to say for the most part it has been positive and for the better! But there have been a few things said by people of importance that will move this country nowhere! The Lt. Gov from Texas has made several rash comments one statement was that the protesters were hypocrites for running from the gun fire! He had made several other harsh statements that were and are totally unproductive in quelling any of this nightmare and it's my belief he is one of the reasons we have these problems within this country is because of to many people like him! 
  Instead of saying things to ease the tension he's making statements blaming people that are showing their feelings of being upset with these horrible murders of black people! He was saying the protesters were blaming all police around the country which in fact isn't what they were protesting! They weren't protesting all police but rather just the police involved with these recent killings and letting all know that something needs to be done and there is obviously some underlying problems within the police around the country!

  I believe that there really needs to be some kind of screening that new hires in the police force must pass before being armed and licensed to kill! I know in some areas there is types of hiring procedures that people must complete, But there are other areas where people come into the force right off the street with no proper training, And in some areas they pretty much just get hired and it's that simple! 
  If a person fears a person of color, Or faith because they resemble a terrorist, Well then they have no place in the force! A person needs to be able to contain there emotions and fears if they plan on being a successful officer of the law or we're just going to keep on ending up with these same problems!

  America is in a very severe state of pain right now! We have so many things at our feet right now it's like a bottle of pop that has been shaken up and once that cap gets a twist she's going to blow!
  We are reeling from recent deaths from an extremist, We are battling terrorism around the world, We are walking the razor's edge of a possible war with both China and Russia! America can't afford this internal war. Nor can we afford to ignore the crying out of the brutal force in which some have to experience because of some bad apple's!
  We must unite and find some form of solidarity or chaos will ensue and consume us all! This is a time for this country to come together or we will lose what separates us from the rest of the messed up world! We need to show we are better then this that's been going on! We need to be able to respect our law enforcement not fear them! Fear them like some seem to think that's what their for! We aren't some communist country where law enforcement forces us to live by their rules or else! We still live in what's supposed to be a democratic country! If democracy fails we all fail!