Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mr. Barron I presume?

Mr. Barron I presume?

Ok I know does anybody really care? Well to sum that question up I would say yes! If you really were searching for an honest no nonsense type of average Joe for the White House you should care!

  This story came out last week of Trump taken and making calls as his own publicist under different names such as John Barron, And John Miller and most Trump supporters barely batted an eye! I think they feel as though any type article that is negative is just a way for media outlets to slander their God like man child!
  I honestly found all of the news of Trump pretending to be someone else about right up to par!
I mean really I can't be the only one that can see through his narcissism? I swear every time I listen to him speak whether for his candidacy or just for various news reasons over the years he's always done this rooster clucking.
  I personally felt like he was hiding something, or had some kind of secret that he was just itching to share but held it back by his eerie tight lipped grimace he has!

 Was he ever nervous of someone finding out about his child like behavior of bragging himself up? I seriously doubt it! A narcissist is the last to know their actually narcissistic! If it's anything I've learned by watching rich people and their eccentric behavior they could care less of what the common rift raft such as myself would think so blah!

  Is it funny that he had done these crazy antics? Well to me and maybe you, yeah! Funny in the way I think he has some serious issues! and it truly makes me nervous of someone doing these type things actually having a possibility of being the leader of the free world! 

  But again his supporters are completely un-phased by these accusations because, Well I could go into a rant at about this point but I think I'll just leave it at because! I'm sure or at least I hope I'm sure anyone with any sense's out there is catching what I'm throwing about the "because reason!" I hope!

  I have to say this whole Presidential race has really opened my eye's and has shown me a side of America that has baffled, sickened, wondered, confused, enlightened, astounded, and hurt my views on how I thought the majority of this country cares of their fellow human beings!

  Along comes this guy that people enjoyed watching on this reality t.v. show and starts throwing around a bunch of crazy talk and I see half of America jump on board with his half witted notions and yeah, it really makes me wonder! 

  I'm going to elaborate my reasons why! and my feelings about why I think there's a problem with all of these things he says!
  First off I'm a kind of guy that doesn't perceive myself like the way other people see me as! I'm 6' 2" tall around 200 pounds not fat by any means, but I don't look at myself as a big kinda of guy! though I am, and I know this because of how people look at me!
  I've had police officers tell me this straight up and added stuff like 'Well you are a pretty big scary guy!" Nice huh! 
  Then on top of my bigness I had to add a bunch of tattoos in my younger days so that helped to the creation of me being scary! So now I'm big and scary! 

  In all honesty I've never looked at myself as any of this, Nor have I ever used any of my appearance to gain myself status in any which way! The one thing I can tell you, because of my big and scariness it has opened my way of thinking because of how people treat me without knowing me in any capacity! 

  I in more then one instance have been treated unfairly just because of the facts I'm disliked because of appearance alone! Believe this or not it's the stone cold truth! and I've heard statements from lawyers saying things like well it's your word against theirs and well look at you! So yeah based on appearance I stand no chance in certain things in life, which is disgusting!
  It has giving me a complex that words can not describe, because in all my true form and fashion I'm a very nice mild mannered person! I love animals and gardening, I love being on the ocean particularly sailing! I care for humanity more then humans care for themselves! And on the other hand I hate humans with a passion because of their ways of looking at their fellow humans! All because I'm big and scary!

  I own a home bought and paid for on a lake in Maine. In this particular spot we have an association which consists of only six home's. 
 I am hated by all but one! I have been vilified and have had situations that have ended up in court because of peoples dislike of me so much that they have conspired and gone out of their way to try and forcing me to move! Crazy as this may sound it's sadly very true! All due to the fact these people fear me by looks alone! 

  I have never said a mean or harmful word to anyone! I do nothing out of the ordinary,  I actually have a large flower garden I had personally put in and maintain meticulously through the years! I'm very concerned about the maintenance and appearance of my yard and home!
  After one of our yearly association meetings and I left all the other members actually sat around and discussed the reasons why they dislike me, which they stated was because I am big and scary! I was told this by the one, and only one neighbor that I actually get along with!

  I should state that two of the six homes are owned by some gay gentlemen if this helps put it into perspective! It's like a reversal hate crime! I should point out that all the court case's have led nowhere for them as I am still here! But it has been costly! which was their goal in hopes I would just cave and say this isn't worth it! I say quite frequently in my articles that you must stay strong in your convictions and this is why I'm still here! Crazy as this may sound it's all very true! What's even crazier is the fact I cannot do a thing about it legally! This is what I was told by my lawyer! But if I was gay, black, female, or anything besides boringly normal, maybe typical or average is a better word, and white I could sue the shit out of this place! Big and scary might get you into the Hell's Angel's! but if your big, scary and timid your screwed!

  So when I see how these Trump supporters jump on the train of his dislikes of people it affects me in a very negative way! It seems to me that humans should have their moral's compass more aligned by this time in our evolution! and I don't see this within his supporters or elsewhere for that matter! All I see is their hurt turn into hate! and in turn that hurt's me!

  And then we see these stories of the man of steel himself acting like he's someone else on the phone talking himself up! If you think this is some kind of  just fun, and silliness, well that's fine for a clown! not for the leader of the free world! 

  There's a movie I had seen a while back on Netflix or the like, where this guy that was far from being the sharpest knife in the drawer goes back in time by accident, and he end's up in this future America where everyone is just plain dumb! and he turns out being the smartest guy in the world!
  People somehow had started going backwards on the intelligence scale due to sitting in front of the t.v. playing video games all the time instead of wanting or having any desire to learn!
  They were so stupid and couldn't figure out why the world crops were dying because they we're giving everything an extra boost by watering all the crops with Gatorade instead of water!

  So once this under average guy see's what their doing and changes their Gatorade idea back to water, everything starts growing again! He ends up being the smartest guy in the world and save's humanity! 
Can you see where I'm going with this story? Because this is the impression I've been getting lately with the way things have been going!
   Truthfully it scare's me! Trump being a weirdo on the phone didn't come as a surprise to me at all! As a matter of fact I think I already knew he was doing things like this all the time in my mind! I mean really have you ever actually listened to him talk? All through the years he always said things in a manner that was like he was hiding something. I'm having a hard time trying to explain what it actually is! It's just a certain way he try's to speak but the look on his face and his mouth are like saying something else! 

  Sure he's far from the first guy running for office, or even was in office that had some whacked out behaviors! FDR and his dress wearing fetish, Abraham Lincoln use to cuddle and spoon with men at night when he slept, Kennedy and Clinton were womanizer's! Does any of these make it right? Well I guess it depends on where you place your own personal moral compass! 

  This country had won it's independence through deceit, lies, and battles! Do you really think the deceit and lies had ended then and there? Heck that's the foundation and pillars that has held Washington D.C. together since the beginning! Trump would fit right in like a square block in a square hole! I can envision him and Putin prank calling each other! I can envision him making fun of president Xi from China and calling him names kind of like the way he regards the Mexican people of being a lesser status in his off color comments! 

  He say's he'll change and become Presidential though if you look at his track record in business you will find all of his bankruptcies transpired while he was the  boss, the CEO, the man in charge of these business's! He would do what he wanted while ignoring his advisers that actually had a clue and railed em all! 
 The one thing he made money at was real estate, and owning property makes money, but it's different then say running a business such as a casino, or any of the other non-real estate business's he failed at! Making money by collecting rent, or making money by the sale of your name isn't like running a country!
 So will this happen if he makes it into the big seat as well? Points people might want to ponder because the money he'll be losing this time won't be just his! Or worse things could possibly transpire! and who will he listen to then as well? Maybe he'll just have a conversation with himself and iron it all out! Oh know it's Mr. Barron I mean Miller! Crap! who am I? 

  Just throwing out some more tid-bit's of factual information for those that choose to believe! Or maybe just want to know!
  Remember to stay strong with your convictions because if not you who will?

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