Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A rift felt around the world!

A rift felt around the world!
T.J. Rockford
From the File's

  Like it's new news, Or maybe it is for for some? nonetheless it's one that should be resonated daily in order for people, especially in America to hear and better yet fully understand!

  The rift I'm speaking of is the rift happening in America as you're reading this during these time's of woe and worry! The worry of in which direction the country is heading, the candidacy, the feeling of a lot of Americans are showing the strong resentment towards the government which in turn is being absorbed around the world!

  With the way things are playing out in the U.S. right now it is making a lot of other countries on edge and highly nervous of the outcome! 
  So what does one do when felt in danger? Well a smart few will run like hell! I know if I were on the other side of the planet right now and was witnessing what is happening amongst the most powerful nation on the planet I would be planning for the worst!

  The worst I'm speaking of is the unknown financial future that may be affecting the whole world very soon! 
 So since the Chinese started their version of the world bank AIIB (ASIA INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK) and was offering loads of cash to be borrowed, as well as all the trading, buying, restructuring they have been involved in, most of our own alias have been jumping ship and opening up to the Chinese embrace! Japan and the U.S. held out the longest to join, but we both have sense expressed an interest to work together.
  What happens then? Well this really all depends on a few things! One of the big problems with this is where China's stance is on topics such as climate, workers rights, Or more importantly Human rights. 
  I should point out China is notoriously horrible towards any type of human rights areas! Which should be of grave concern to all! But it seems when the cheaper things come the less people care! So this will be an interesting area to watch when it unfolds!
  The other issue is China's very non existent in their transparency department! Seems to me this is, or should be a huge issue! 

  The point of China starting this whole banking scheme is to try placing itself as a major world player, Which if looked at as a country just wanting a piece of the capitalist pie, that's fine! But, and this is a big BUT! Imagine a country such as China dominating the world market? With the lack of everything I had just stated above!

  When I look at the the progressive things China has done, and is doing, I personally feel like they are working towards being more then a world player, But more like the dominating world power!
  I had written a previous blog How's your Chinese? Which touches on some of the things China is involved in and has done to advance itself as a player and a power!
  The other thing to point out is the fact China is struggling a bit financially as well. Maybe from moving a little faster then they should of, maybe not!
  China is working at changing their market instead of being the leading nation in making other countries items cheaply, such as clothes. they are branding their own items for the market as well!
  What this will mean is a rise in costs around the board! So if you still want your products made in China expect an increase in price! I wonder if Trump will still continue to have his clothing line made in China? You would think as much as he spews of America values he would of had his clothing line made right here in America with pride, and American values! Like I have stated he is not about pride it's all about himself and the dollar!

   China had started all of this all off of their trading idea they came up with several years ago now and called it the silk road! Having loads of investments now all over Africa, Asia, and into Europe and beyond! 
 The silk road is expanding vastly and rapidly! Of course this being their reasoning for militarizing all the shoals and reef systems. As well they are presently building up a military position on the African continent, right down the coast from the U.S. base. This is all due to their capitalist expansion they have been working on and their supposed reason to protect their investments!
  And if you believe that I got a bridge I'll sell you! Only problem is it's in China!
  It's kinda funny all these countries will jump on board with the Chinese banking and trading scheme but when the Chinese come snooping around some of these other countries back yard territories, say such as India well that's a bit to much!
  For several months now Chinese submarines have been spotted off of a particular strategic location off the coast of India.
  Out of concern India has actually embraced the U.S. in return for some help in tracking and monitoring the Chinese activities off of their coast!

  India has held out for a long time wanting any western involvement and had actually worked with Russia on various military involvements such as their version of the hypersonic missile system! 
  Just so they didn't have to get entangled in American bull, I mean bureaucracy! But in this particular case where the U.S. has the best submarine tracking capabilities on the planet they decided it was time to start talking an alliance of sorts! Because India is getting very concerned about China's ruthlessness, and plans! As are several other nations, Though everyone is still on board with working with them, Like any of that makes sense is beyond me? Hey China thanks for the help but please stay the hell out! NO TRESPASSING!

  With all of our issue's here in the U.S. of course the world is watching very anxiously! If  Trump follows through on any of the B.S. he throws around I fear the rift will become more like a gaping gap!
  He say's stuff people want to hear, But following through with these things especially with foreign affairs will be a very bad idea! 
  There is a very poor outlook with either potential candidate Clinton or Trump! Trump will lead this country down a path I'm unwilling to travel just from a moral stand point alone! Well actually it's a bit more than that, But that's for another very, very, long blog!
  Clinton is just another cog in the machine that is crushing the life out of America right now! If she kept on this path that Obama has started I fear some drastic measures would arise from the good people of this country!

  This is not only a rift felt around the world, this is a huge rift happening right here in America! You have a group of people loving the rhetoric Trump is barking and sadly he really has no plans on what he really would do to start America back on a path to prosper!
  He says things that really will hold little water, but he knows this is what America wants to hear! Once he got to the white house I'm absolutely certain he will be in his glory with his proud as a peacock love of himself! But as for helping America dig out of this mammoth hole were in he will accomplish nothing!
  I guarantee one thing is for certain for whoever gets the big job they will have the weight of the world upon their shoulders, Literally!
  I know building a huge wall even one that bordered the entire Continental United States would matter and do very little! Sure it sounds great we can all huddle in our own private little fuck you the rest of the world bubble, and what will that get us?
  Sure you can say to other countries, hey if you don't pay us more money for our military covering your soil and providing a sort of umbrella of protection we're packing our bags! 
This would be the stupidest move we could make if we followed through with because once they say screw you then what! Because in all actuality it's more of a better thing for us being there then them needing us there from a front position strategical point of view, So what then? 
  Yup it sure sounds good when Trump say's the things he does, But if you know anything about anything it's a load of garbage! 
  The rift being felt now is nowhere near as bad as that of which Trump could possible create if he attempted to apply have of the stuff he rambles on about! 
  So what's the choice, Clinton? Well I suppose with her at least we would already be prepared of what to expect! 4 more years of the bog we're mired in now! 
  Although I may be willing to do that considering the other possible choice! With any luck someone a little more tactical with solutions and ides may arise from the ashes of 4 more years of the past 8! 
  Are you actually that desperate to place your future, your families future, everyone you've every loved future's in the hands of a man that admits he does most of what he does to entertain the people? Not to actually fix anything, But to entertain us for our vote! If people actually make this person the leader of the free world because he is entertaining I'm not sure how I could handle that? Talk about a rift! If you want a person that's entertaining please vote for someone like Howard Stern because at least he's truly real and entertaining, And I actually like him, I could deal with that!

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