It's official, Their here!
By T.J. Rockford
LOOK, UP IN THE AIR, IT'S A PLANE! NOPE! IT'S A METEORITE, NOPE! OH, IT'S SUPER....Ugh Nope, Not him either! Oh, It's just another space ship filled with alien's!
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This U.F.O. was videoed 10 mile's from Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio |
This particular video(Which you can view at the image below) I happened to see it on Fox News. and what's that you ask? What's the big deal? Well that's a very good question! What is the big deal?
Just out of curiosity if you happened to see this, Is this what you thought, No big deal? Did you just brush it off and say, Sure just another hoax? If you did you're probably one of those people up in the 90 percentile bracket that do feel this type of thing is a hoax! Just like Trumps theory on global warming! All a hoax!
I have to admit I'm one of the people in that 10 percentile bracket that do have a bit of curiosity into the U.F.O. phenomena! So does that make me nut's? Just another crazy person that probably believes in Santa Clause as well, Right? Think again!
If you've happened to notice every time something like this pops up on some top news site the census among the news correspondents is that of chuckling and giddy laughing like it's nothing but a load of garbage! Have you asked yourself, Why is that?
Why is it something so possibly Earth shattering, Possibly a life changing event to all humans on this tiny blue marble could promote such a big who gives a hoot response?
Why is it something so possibly Earth shattering, Possibly a life changing event to all humans on this tiny blue marble could promote such a big who gives a hoot response?
The answer to this is because we've all been desensitized into the U.F.O. phenomena! OK I get it your probably saying this guy is one of those conspiracy theorist type of people!
Honestly you couldn't be further from the truth! Because I'm one of the harshest critics of any type paranormal event! Whether it's ghostly affairs, Or yes even the U.F.O. phenomena!
If you're asking why I keep referring to all of this as a phenomena? Well isn't that what it truly is? If you put aside all the disinformation that you have rattling around in your head, Topics that our government has made small of, Phenomena would be the word you're looking for!
Believe this or not! But there are things that are still unexplainable to this day happening all around us! Like how can things survive in the deep dark abyss by a thermal vent that is hot enough to cook you! Though life is thriving! Humans are finding new species of life almost on a daily basis, As is there are species going extinct just as rapidly! So why is it so far fetched that we could be visited by some unknown life form from within our vast Universe?
Or maybe these events some are witnessing aren't from as far away as we may speculate! As I had stated I'm curious into these type event's, which is far from being a radical conspiracy theorist!
Occasionally in researching these event's I do come across that small percentage of hard to debunk can't blame it on swamp gas happenings! As well as there being some highly credible witness's!
So in what class would you throw these case's in? As much as the government has made in the way of off the hook crazy explanations! It has to make a rational person raise their eyebrow doesn't it? Some of these event's really should be questioned! And why aren't they?
So in what class would you throw these case's in? As much as the government has made in the way of off the hook crazy explanations! It has to make a rational person raise their eyebrow doesn't it? Some of these event's really should be questioned! And why aren't they?
Again why aren't they being looked into on any kind of scale? Or just maybe, they are! And we simple minded common folk aren't being told! That's not a so far fetched theory and one that has been voiced from a lot of higher status type people then myself!
I mean really, like it would be the first time our government has kept us in the dark on projects of a military nature! I'm sure if you follow, or know anything about military projects in America you have heard such things as "Skunk Works!" Most of the things created within this department are above top secret!
I will admit that with all the people out there that push the U.F.O. topic a bit to far, and make the whole thing, and everyone in it look like a bunch of nut's!
This is exactly what our government loves to see! It truly makes their job that much easier in a few different ways!
This is exactly what our government loves to see! It truly makes their job that much easier in a few different ways!
The first way is, if there is actually any truth into this phenomena, thanks to the few that push the conspiracy theory a little to far, it helps take the spot light off of any black projects we are into!
Second is the fact that if we are actually somehow fully aware of the phenomena, and in some way have been working on reversing found alien technology, and have actually achieved the making of some bizarre crafts that defy all we understand, and are test flying this stuff, Our government could do it right out in front of us without any repercussion because we've all become complacent to it!
That was a little long winded so in short anything alien is 100% discounted due to it all being bull according to the government! Somehow most Americans just go with the flow, like a flock of well obeyed sheep! If that stings a little, Well it should! Imagine if you happen to one day see something that defies all rational thought and snap off a few pictures, Or even a video. Will you expect the world to jump on board with your findings? Even though you know for certain, 100% unequivocally without a shadow of a doubt, you've encountered something from beyond our known universe, who's going to buy it? Just like the way you had always looked at everyone Else's claims, this is how you will be scrutinized!
The funny thing is whether one person, Or even 100 people send in 100 different images, video's, and claims to proof of an alien armada flying around! In the end the most it might get is a small bit of air time on the news, possibly! More then likely it will just muster up a short column in some backwoods news paper!
That's how desensitized we have become to anything to do with this U.F.O. phenomena! I really hope people realize just how bad this really is! If we all fall into this same type thinking it may just give the government more ammo to control other things in your everyday life, and you may never be the wiser!
Complacency is a dangerous state to fall in! It's a very hard hole to dig out of once it has been dug! And if it's any sort of future thing of importance, where it affects all on a mass scale, But everyone just follows along blindly like those good sheep, you could be looked at just as every other conspiracy nut out there if you try raising a red flag, a foul, Or a call on the governments play! According to some out there our government has gone to some hard core extremes to keep things in the dark and out of the public eye! Why do you suppose that is? When something our government deems so important due to some kind of alien conspiracy talk that it requires them to silence the whistle blower, What could it be they don't want us to know?
Is this why we follow what we're told when big brother speaks for fear of repercussion or possibly something worse? Almost sounds non-American! It definatley falls from the grace of our constitutional rights, whatever they use to be?
Complacency is a dangerous state to fall in! It's a very hard hole to dig out of once it has been dug! And if it's any sort of future thing of importance, where it affects all on a mass scale, But everyone just follows along blindly like those good sheep, you could be looked at just as every other conspiracy nut out there if you try raising a red flag, a foul, Or a call on the governments play! According to some out there our government has gone to some hard core extremes to keep things in the dark and out of the public eye! Why do you suppose that is? When something our government deems so important due to some kind of alien conspiracy talk that it requires them to silence the whistle blower, What could it be they don't want us to know?
Is this why we follow what we're told when big brother speaks for fear of repercussion or possibly something worse? Almost sounds non-American! It definatley falls from the grace of our constitutional rights, whatever they use to be?
The only time we seem to be allowed free thought is at voting time! Under the Obama administration anytime someone has questioned something, Or voiced an opinion they have come under investigation! I have always been under the impression this is not how our country is supposed to be work! Time's are changing and if history has shown us anything it's that life is like an endless circle, as much as we would like it to be like an arrow, old habits are hard to break!
Presently there is the climate skeptics that are under full attack from our government! The sad thing is I'm totally on board with the fact our climate is in danger! and any skeptic out there denying our climate is suffering has certain type agendas of their own! So the sad part is I don't mind seeing this happen, even though the president shouldn't over step his authority! I'm thinking in this case though it just may be the right thing for the fate of humanity!
So is this the same type scenario with this U.F.O. event's? Are we being kept in the dark for the better of humanity sake? It's a hard one to call? But I do know there are some very compelling case's out there into the U.F.O. sightings! And this recent sighting being such a case!
This case is actually a two part story where this actual video was sent to this particular organization that receives videos and images from people all over the world, of U.F.O.'s and event's of atmospheric anomalies!
The odd thing is that a few months prior to this video they had received a couple of pictures in an email and the images are exactly the same shape object of what we see in this video! The kicker is they are from the same state being Ohio, the same city being Dayton, And in the same proximity of Wright Patterson Air Force Base! The same base that has come under loads of controversial U.F.O. knowledge scrutiny!
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U.F.O. video near Wright Patterson Air force Base! |
When I watched the video in it's complete entire version, not just from the news snip it, which was easily available online. I was able to do some digging around and tearing apart at my own discretion!
I have to say it's all very intriguing, And it got me digging around into more sightings captured around the vicinity of the Air Force Base. One more video in particular I have to say was really highly interesting and is the type that makes you wonder what the heck is going on?
This is where I imagine the most of society would just rather turn their heads and look the other way! Almost like it's to overwhelming, and because you just can't make sense of it, so the easiest thing to do is turn a blind eye and not think of it! If you think about it for a second that probably sounds about right! Isn't it much easier to say, NO WAY! NO WAY IS THAT POSSIBLE!
It's so much easier to just deny an unexplainable event then to actually try to solve especially one of the U.F.O. nature! Because really how do you try solving it? Who do you turn too? The government? You already know what their going to say, And the answer is an unequivocal, "NO THEY DON'T EXIST!"
The crazy thing is you could show someone in the government who is supposed to be the people we turn to for help for this type thing, and it could be the most detailed jaw dropping piece of evidence and they will look you straight in the eye and say, NO IT DOESN'T EXIST!
How's that even remotely possible? Just say no and that's the end of the subject! Not even a HOLY SHIT THAT'S AN AWESOME VIDEO! Just a plain no! We've looked into the U.F.O. phenomena and it poise's no security threat to the nation!
Now I hope you caught that last part because this is what was actually said by our government. They said in their findings "they have concluded that U.F.O.'s pose no security threat to the nation!"
This part is usually left out when you see any of those U.F.O. conspiracy documentary shows, But it is true!
So it's not like the government doesn't believe in them, They just don't care! Because until they start invading the country all they are to the higher ups are a nuisance! Like a mosquito that we occasionally have to chase around when they get to close to sensitive areas like military installations or an important government complex type place.
They are very aware something is there, though they don't like having to go into detail and try explaining what is going on! So they just deny it, and it's that easy! Problem solved and everyone goes back on with their lives and everyone that witnessed the event are left holding the bag and looked at like a bunch of fruit cakes!
I'm sure not going to try convincing everyone that all this U.F.O. business is vitally important to believe. Although there has been some very compelling evidence that on a few occasions, well maybe more like several occasions there have been situations that have seriously affected people in numerous ways.
I'll leave those type event's to be believed by the beholder, But I'm going to weigh in on my two cents for whatever it may be worth!
Back in the beginning of this article I had made a comment saying maybe these U.F.O.s aren't coming from as far off as one may think! I really am an avid space junkie and love everything that deals with the study of our universe just because it's so amazing!
Not to mention that it's amazingly huge as well! Just trying to imagine the actually size of the universe is mind boggling! Not to mention the actual amount of matter in the way of stars such as our sun, And planets such as what we're all standing on presently!
To give an idea of size astronomers estimate that there are 170 billion galaxies in our observable universe and this is on the conservatively low end! There could be as many as 1 trillion galaxies! At the 170 billion figure that would figure into 10^23 for the amount of stars like our sun. Yes that's an incredibly large figure but accurate! Then think of what the amount of earth like planets there could potentially be out there, and then ask yourself if we're the only life in this universe? If your like Donald Trump your probably saying we're it ain't no more end of story!
As for myself I guarantee there is absolutely 100% positively life out there besides us! So back to why I said maybe U.F.O.s aren't coming from the far side of the universe, but maybe a little closer. I say this because of two reasons, the first being because the universe is so huge it would take a very long time to get anywhere, even traveling the speed of light if it were possible!
Just to go from one end to the other end of our own Milky Way galaxy travelling the speed of light it would take you 100,000 years!
So now imagine the furthest we can see which is slightly over 13 million light years away and that's how long it would take us to get there travelling the speed of light, 13 million years!
So there would need to be a faster way to travel if anything from a distance was coming to visit us! One of the ways could possibly be via a worm hole if there was such a thing! Which hypothetically, sure there could be such a thing, though we don't know of it yet! That doesn't mean a higher form of intelligent life doesn't know what one is!
The other possibility, and one I kind of am leaning towards, is these U.F.O.s aren't coming across the universe but rather from another dimension! I know it sounds crazy, But one of the biggest things in science and physics is the thought of there being multi-dimensions! Though I do lean towards this thought I almost tend to believe in the possibilities of being visited by both!
I'll give a few reasons why I say this! The first is because of the difference in the type vessels that have been described and some videoed.
There is certain shapes that defy all aerodynamic capabilities, and therefore those I believe may be the dimensional ones! Whereas the typical saucer shape type, or the ones that have a shape that looks capable of flying at high speeds could possibly be from within our universe!
The particular video that this article is in relation to, you will notice the shape of this possible U.F.O. , and it certainly is the furthest thing from being aerodynamic, Or for that matter totally nonsensical in any proficient type shape!
Though if it were from another dimension I suppose this shape would make sense to wherever it came from! Or whatever form of intelligence that may be operating is so far advanced a shape of a ship is obsolete because of the way it travels!
Though if it were from another dimension I suppose this shape would make sense to wherever it came from! Or whatever form of intelligence that may be operating is so far advanced a shape of a ship is obsolete because of the way it travels!
When some of these U.F.O.s have visited us in the past, and have been chased by military from around the world, the pilots have stated that the U.F.O.s made maneuvers that nothing from earth could possibly do! And the speed of some of these craft ranged from 6000 to 12,000 mile's per hour within our atmosphere! Which would by hypersonic by our standards and we're still trying to get the kinks out of our hypersonic missiles, So never mind a ship of any size! At those particular speeds our atmosphere would melt the skin off of any conventional type craft!
So there it is, My two cents! I do believe we are being visited! I know our own government knows and has known! Whether or not there is any dialect between them and us on any level, I dunno there! I could possibly comprehend it if they were from another dimension and we somehow formed a union of sorts, though I don't know why it would be kept so secretive! That's my only hang up with the whole thing! Is why don't they tell us if they are communicating? Or why don't they tell us if they are visiting, if they really are?
Is our government afraid to tell us the truth after all the lying they've done to us over the years? Are they thinking we won't ever have faith in the way our government works because of the way they've treated all, like a bunch of crazy lunatic lying low life's?
I'd have to probably say that's why! How could we trust our government ever again? Or maybe there's a bigger thing going on here then they dare say? And another thing that would get them in even more trouble with the public! Which in fact there are some very wild claims out there of our government knowingly letting these aliens take humans for experimental purpose's! I know that's pushing it a bit far, But really that would make sense for the way they dodge the truth!
I'd have to probably say that's why! How could we trust our government ever again? Or maybe there's a bigger thing going on here then they dare say? And another thing that would get them in even more trouble with the public! Which in fact there are some very wild claims out there of our government knowingly letting these aliens take humans for experimental purpose's! I know that's pushing it a bit far, But really that would make sense for the way they dodge the truth!
Who really knows what's going on? Maybe some day we will all find out! Maybe the aliens are the actual beings behind global warming, because they need the warm high carbon dioxide environment!
That would make sense why all these politicians question the validity of global warming! It would make sense why Trump would back out of our deal with the rest of the world as much as he wants to jump in bed with oil and coal industries to add more crap to the environment!
That would make sense why all these politicians question the validity of global warming! It would make sense why Trump would back out of our deal with the rest of the world as much as he wants to jump in bed with oil and coal industries to add more crap to the environment!
He says its for the profit though I question that because I look how close he is with Newt Gingrich! Ole Newt doesn't believe in global warming! He's probably an alien himself! As a matter of fact he looks suspicious to me! And who names their kid Newt? Only an alien that doesn't know better!
Anyway I know this whole U.F.O. thing is a hard piece of candy to chew on, But it really needs to be seen, and I believe it merits our attention! There have been past presidents that feel as though they witnessed other worldly vessels, Reagan and Carter to name of few! There was one incident that was witnessed by thousands including a Governor from Arizona! That was a huge ship supposedly from the way all describe it! There have been law enforcement, Military personal have come forward, Airline pilots and some incidents are documented with military involvement! The list goes on and on!
So sure I believe! But now what? It's all been pretty much proved by the millions of witness's and Governments, And military around the world! So now what? I guess we're all waiting to finally see what E.T. looks like I guess! Because short of that we'll all be stuck in this endless loop of pictures and video's and people being called whacked out and crazy! It's a never ending story and one that has gone on now for years with little ground being made!
So until then keep your eye's to the sky! You never know what you just might see! And remember if you do capture something on video and need to tell the world not everyone will think you're crazy!
Here's a few more links to some activity happening around Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio!
So until then keep your eye's to the sky! You never know what you just might see! And remember if you do capture something on video and need to tell the world not everyone will think you're crazy!
Here's a few more links to some activity happening around Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio!
This is a particularly interesting video for myself
Considering the length of the video and
what happens towards the end it's
truly amazing!
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