Monday, May 2, 2016

Space the final frontier? Maybe the only!

What after the climate shift?
T.J. Rockford
Rockford files 2.Oooh

In case you didn't know the earth is going to be going through some changes in the very near future. This isn't anything new, but the pace at doing anything about this issue sure isn't moving at any lightning speed! and why?

Well, that's a silly question! Blame it on the all mighty dollar! Yes, money! that means industry must not slow down, Full speed ahead! Because we're in competition with a lot of nations that are blowing us away on every level! So there is no room for climate issues, only room for making money! but at what cost? 

 It's pretty darn bad when everyone knows what the cause is, and what needs to be done, But because nobody can all come together to address the problem to fix it, It's every powerful nation for themselves'!
 Just because China wouldn't agree that there was an issue with the climate back in the 90's, it would have meant having to do something about there industry machine that was in full swing at that point. 
 It meant the United States wasn't going to agree either! If their not going to slow down, well we're not either!

 It is pretty darn sad when you see all these other nations willing to address climate issues and take action, But unfortunately they were mostly Island nations and France. What comes out of France the Le' car! Great loss that was! Don't get me wrong there was more! Just none that would have made as big of an impact as the U.S. and China!

 Though now that the U.S. is struggling some financially and politically! And China is in full swing in leaps and bounds! we need to slow them down! Catching the drift now? China is fast tracking their way to a supreme power nation stance, So now we start jumping on the climate train issue!
 If it works, it works! Though I'm pretty certain this is no time for America to start messing around with an already messed up economy. Though I truly hope we can manage both, A clean climate stable economy future, without getting beat up to much by China!

 So anyway now 2016 everyone finally agreed that there is an issue, and we're all going to address the problem! 
  Well not so fast! Even though everyone agreed and signed the Paris climate accord agreement, All that will come of that, is by 2050 everyone will have there green house causing machinery reduced by 30%!

 So there it is, All fixed, Right? Well considering that scientist just this year (2016) said that if we don't stop everything like 100% right now that the climate will go way pass the 2 degree Celsius planet increase. I'm jumping ahead a little so let me explain, Scientist had said that if the world temperature would rise more then 2 degrees the planet would be in series trouble!
 They said if it rose to that 2 degree Celsius mark that the earth would be in grave, and no getting out of it turmoil!

 Well maybe not that bad, but they do believe some serious weather patterns will start up in a negative way with other issues as well. The weather type events are enough to screw up crops and other agriculture, so yea,I would call that not so good!

 So great news like things aren't bad enough! The really bad news is the planet has already risen 1 degree Celsius since the beginning of the industry revolution.
 Are you grabbing a hold of something? Or maybe you better sit down because if your not catching on to what I am saying and figuring this out, in the big agreement they said everyone would reduce the emissions 30%  by 2050, Understand 30% by 2050!

  Yes that's right it makes no sense! Considering scientist just said if things aren't done right now! at 100%, by 2050 the temperature could potentially rise as much as 2 more degrees by 2050!  Everyone said screw it! We'll slowly reduce our emissions by 30% in the next 30 years! Nice!
  So the sad news is, If we don't do something right now, and everyone stays the course, the planet will rise as much as a total of  6 to 7  more degrees Celsius by 2100!
  Of course I'm hoping these numbers are like on the way extreme side! I'm not like some green environmentalist, but I do understand there is an issue, and it needs to be seriously addressed!

 If you thought 2 more degrees Celsius was bad enough and would make a mess of things, well imagine what 6 or 7 extra degrees will do!
  Honestly I don't even want to tell you, It's that bad! Weather being an huge issue, Ice cap's melting, land disappearing, Oh man, some scientist foretell of some really wicked possibilities, enough to make a person listen and wonder!
  But who are we suppose to believe? Seems like everyone has their own agenda! Government's want to make capital, Capitalist's want to make capital, Even conservationist's want to make some scratch as well to fund their endeavors!
  Some say it's going to be disastrous, Some say it's nothing but a thing and happens all the time on this planet! Man alive, what to believe?
  The rise in temperature is being based before the industrial age until now. According to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research since 1880 to 2012 the rise in temp has been 1.83 degrees Fahrenheit or 0,83 Degrees Celsius! And according to NASA it has risen 0.87 as of 2015!
  The one thing we know for sure is the last 15 years have been the warmest on record, and each year that goes by breaks the years before record!

Below is a graph from the EPA

Like the graph above for the U.S. lower 48 states 
below is for worldwide!

Another model from NASA 

One way to look at this is 10,000 years ago the Earth went through the little ice age because of a 1 to 2 degree drop in temps!
  20,000 years ago when we had a 5 degree drop left most of North America underneath a layer of ice over a mile thick!

 In all reality science doesn't really know for certain the exact impact which could take place for humanity with a temperature increase! Mainly because human's haven't  been around long enough to have witnessed any of these events. Though we do know if certain things do end up happening, what potentially could happen!
  For example if our forests disappear as a result of the climate changing it would be cataclysmic! We can see in the past that the earth has had some very hard times due to climate shifts. There have been a few occasions that it's truly a miracle that the Earth bounced back at all!
  Only by fossilized and sedimentary records to we have some kind of insight to the possibilities. It's all truly enough for me to think that yes, This is an issue!

 The scary thing I look at is the other planets in our solar system, such as Venus! We know that because of all the volcanic activity on Venus and all that CO2 disperse because of it, It caused the planet into a runaway green house effect which had super heated the planet!
  It has remained as such! The hottest planet in our solar system at 500 degrees, even though it's not the closest planet to the Sun, it's still the hottest, now that's nut's!

  Stuff like that I see and it just kinda makes me think a bit! This is what I envision as possibilities happening here due to rising temperatures!  But what I'm thinking isn't for myself, It's what I fear is possible for planet Earth! I fear for my family on planet Earth!
  I'm fairly confident things will stay in the fair range for the rest of my life, being 46, I'm banking on it anyway!

 I always envision the worst scenario! Just because I'm not sure who to believe? I don't run around telling everyone the end world! I just lay out the facts as we're told, and leave that for personal interpretation!
  Trust me, In discussing these topics in certain scientific forums it can get down right ugly! Seems as though everyone has their personal thoughts with various scientific evidence! and it goes both ways in climate change and possible outcomes!
  Truly, I'm not sure about anything anyone say's at this point! But what I do know, is what I see! Then I add it into some of what we're told, Then I try to learn a little something, Then I become an optimistically hopeful, wishing nothing ends up being to severe type of person!

 Though I am presently in the process of selling my home and purchasing a sailboat. Which I plan to live aboard, Not so much because of future climate issue's, but rather I had planned on doing it for years now.  I've always wanted to sail around the world, and traverse far off places of interest! and doing it under wind power, going green!

  I guess the bonus part for myself, will be I'm on the water instead of in a home under the water, ( If the sea happens to rise at some point!)
  Plus I will be mobile, if I need to move in quick fashion without all the pains of being planted in Terra Firma!
  I do plan on having a smaller engine which most have, Though you can traverse without one, and people do and have sailed around the world without them! Look at our past, sailing without engines, we have been doing for thousands of years!

  Being mobile has a feeling of freedom! the freedom to navigate the sea, which might be getting pretty risky in the South China Sea! Will it stop there? Or is this just the beginning of a larger scale issue in the near future? The United States is suppose to be the largest advocate and guardian of this law.

 So what do you suppose will come of this? Especially with the Obama administration playing nice with China in order to keep them on the climate agreement table. Will the U.S. let the Chinese just take that long written law of the sea and just say screw it? let China have their way, Or will Obama do the right thing? Like he should of done on so many other occasions, but instead had coward down and let other nations make the guidelines and scare us off!
  I do know, a president worth his weight in salt, would hold the line to the freedom to navigate the seas law! and then hold them to the climate conversion agreement as well! but I'm afraid I know the outcome for Obama! An embarrassment to us all!

  Whether it's navigating the sea or climate issues, I believe, we all as humans, need to start getting along in these times of uncertainty! Unfortunately what I see is everyone digging in and protecting their own assets in order to be in control!
  For some strange reason I had envisioned the world being more united, and trying to work together for the future of mankind in the 21st century. I'm basing this on growing up back in the 70's and witnessing how the world was then, with the cold war and the such.

  The thing was back in the 80's I had witnessed a remarkable event take place in Russia! All due to a young girl from Manchester, Maine.
She had sent a letter with a drawing, of why can't the U.S. and Soviet Union just get along? She was scared of nuclear war, so relayed the letter to the man in charge of the Soviet Union at the time President Gorbachev!
  The most profound thing happened, he responded! He invited the young girl over to the Soviet Union for a meeting, and this was the beginning of the U.S. and Russia in talks!
It led to our President, at the time Ronald Reagan, and President Gorbachev in an agreement to start the nuclear missile reduction act! All from the start of a very young girl, and a letter of concern!

  This is why I had envisioned the world in a better place by this point! I would like to see the world in a mutual agreement, that there is issue's with the climate! and due to this, we should all be working together to start a major space development program! I believe our future is in the stars! and it's imperative we start now at working together!
  For humanities survival, we do need to look to our universe! and hopefully we will have learned from our mistakes on this planet, and try not to bring our bad habits along with us on our endeavors!

  I know this is a pipe dream with all the chaos in the world today, but like I had said before, I'm optimistically hopeful, wishing for the best for everything!

T.J. Rockford


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