Friday, May 27, 2016


By T.J. Rockford

If your like Donald Trump the republican presidential candidate front runner and you believe that global warming isn't happening, Well your delusional!

Here's a graph of global warming recordings from the
last 135 years! 

  97% of the scientific community is agreed upon, that due to human activity by releasing certain man made gases into the atmosphere it has, and is causing the earths temperature to rise!  
Since the dawn of the industrial age it has, and is rising at an alarming rate!
  As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.    

  So when you see a proven scientific measurement that shows a rise of 0.7 degrees Celsius rise in a hundred years that's alarming!
  What else it shows, this is at our industrial push into the modern era! So then we add the fact we understand our atmosphere and how it works, and the types of gases being released into the atmosphere, and what can, and can't be filtered out. As well as how long it takes to be filtered and then we start doing the math and wondering!

  Wondering what the potential impact could take place due to the rapid rise in temperature? We can play out a role of scenarios which we know aren't really to great for anything living on earth, Or in the waters! 
  We know sea levels will rise, We know that by adding to much fresh water from ice cap and glacial melt off it will affect the salinity in the oceans! Which in turn will create a whole host of problems, and some possible severe problems that we don't quite even understand yet! Though we know it could potentially be catastrophic! If you like gambling this isn't the thing to gamble on!

  Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual.  

  These are figures at the rate at which we are going now without change! So if we actually start to progressively act we may be able to help curb this warming acceleration!
  If we go the path of what Donald Trump has planned "if he becomes elected," Well putting it bluntly we are screwed!
  With Trump in his near 70's he could care less of what happens in the next hundred years! Which gives you a pretty good picture of his character into his views on caring about his kids lives or their kids lives for the future!
  But then again I think I have a pretty good picture of how much his children really give a hoot , By going on their big game hunting trips shooting exotic animals such as Lions, Cheetahs, and African Elephants, Just for fun! It's a rich thing you know!
  The world cries about people killing off the worlds Elephants, But as long as you have enough money they'll sell you a permit! Quite a world we live in! And their showing you just how much they hold it in regard!

  I suppose if your in that upper bracket of financial security maybe your concerns are less because they may feel they can buy their way out of it, Or somehow pay to be able to survive what the rest of most of us will not be able to do! So I guess that shows how much Trump really cares about the rest of America! Or the world for that matter! But we are all pretty aware of his stance on anyone who is not of this country or his ethnicity!

  Every kid growing up in the last 20 plus years has been taught, and is learning of the consequences of global warming. As well their learning of what needs to be done to help solve the issues! 
  Then you have this guy running for president telling everyone he thinks it's a hoax! How smart is that? Considering in the beginning of this article I stated 97% of the scientific community is agreed upon this known climate fact!
  If your willing on gambling on that 3% that isn't satisfied with the findings you might want to know that 3% are the scientist backed by the oil and coal industry! If you can find comfort in that then we're all truly screwed!

  Trump has stated he will squash everything the Obama administration had accomplished in working to curb climate rise!
  Trump will break from our signed U.N. Paris accord that 197 nations have signed!
So you can expect places such as China to follow suit and continue everything as the U.S. in full swing!


 Trump in his talks to the folks from the U.S. energy coal and oil dept stated a slew of things he would do to get them working full tilt in his scheme to make the U.S. money!
  Another thing he is all for is the practice of fracking, Which we know will deplete our fresh water supply, as well as pollute our remaining water supply, and we know it causes a negative affect to the geography which in turn has been causing earth quakes out in the Midwest!
  So in case you didn't think it could get bad go ahead and cast your vote for him and find out how much more worse it can get!
  The one big thing to keep in mind is even if you could care less about your own life or anyone else's on the planet! How about your families live's? How about their future and if you're looking at it from a financial perspective it really won't matter much compared to the actual quality of life there will be on this planet, if this were all to actually happen!

  Trump is the most intellectually defunct person I have ever seen, yet less run for the presidency of this country!
  I just can't believe he has made it this far running for the Presidency with NO knowledge of foreign affairs, Totally ignorant to how this world works on a global scale, And is willing to to accelerate the global warming process 100% with ZERO regard of our lives! Our AMERICAN live's! Our CHILDREN'S LIVE'S! 

  If the people of this country are willing to let this all happen and then sadly to say this country has certainly lost any values! Family values, Moral values, And just plain humanity values! 
  I truly cannot believe people would stand behind this insanity! The sad thing is that global warming is already here and is affecting the world now! It's truly just a matter of time before we all are impacted, But we actually have a choice for the speed of this to happen, and so many are willing to just let it all end now! 


  This country has seen and had rough times, But when all rational thinking is replaced with desperation for making money this is not good for America, Or the world! It's sheer insanity! A form of mass hysteria!
  When people are willing to lay down in defeat and sacrifice a planet, and the one and only planet we live on! All for the dollar! 
 Well maybe we should just kill ourselves off and let this all happen because we for certain have no place in this universe if this is what we are willing to let happen! 
  I thought it was bad from the speed at what we've been moving at to do anything about global warming as it's been, But now with Trumps plan! WOW! It's just amazing he has any supporters at all, I would think!

    It really seems to me that with every new statement Trump says, or even his simple remarks, he tries testing how far Americans are willing to go, and still back him!
  He views women as sex objects and a step below man, He shows extreme prejudice, He has threatened the use of nuclear weapons and promotes for more nukes for the world to have to deal with, He is ignorant to world economics and foreign affairs, His child like name calling is an embarrassment to any respectful intelligent American person, As well it displays his maturity level! And if people were smart they would see Trumps true ignorance! By people showing this man support he is mocking Americans intelligence! It's truly staggering the following he has! As well as sadly pitiful the amount of American citizens willing to stoop and bow to this man's level!

  I personally feel that Trump really has no desire at becoming the President! I mean really why would he want the job? He's already rich! He would be under a great burden and could potentially go down in history as the worst President ever, Or the man that destroyed the world! There's a great legacy to leave behind!
  With all the zany ideas and remarks he makes there is no way it will make "America Great Again!" It's as if he is trying to push people away, But instead it draws more people in! I hate to keep throwing the word intelligence around, But come on America where do you draw a line?

  I would just rather vote for a rock compared to what our choices are, But empowering Trumps insanity is far from the right solution! He will lead the country and the world down a path all will one day regret if they let this happen! And taking it back will be far from an option! Things like "Only if" apply for casino gambling not the fate of this world! Settling for this because of it being what people feel "The only option!" How lost this country truly is, and has become!
Here's a view of a few graphs showing just how much of a "HOAX" Global warming really is Mr. Donald Trump! And mind you these are not unpredictable models! These are factual recorded temp increases accelerating greatly over a course of a few years by the Earths scale of time!


A few web sites that may help people understand  global warming!

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