T.J. Rockford
As we're all aware of we are running into some serious climate changes on the way even if we actually start doing something about it now!
So doing something about it really needs to start wouldn't you say? Yes most governments have jumped on board and agreed that there is an issue and they are all going to start working on lowering certain type's of emissions which is great!
In my personal opinion it's way to little and way to late, But what can we do? Stop everything and then what?
I live in a town that has had a recycling program at our "transfer station" (Fancy name for dump) for quite a very long time now, so that's all good and great! It makes everyone feel like their doing their share in saving the planet, plus it saves the town a bit of cash which trickles down to us in savings!
The problem is it's costly to recycle and we're still adding to the pollution issue when going through the recycling process! But it's a lot less then not doing it so it does help to an extent!
I'm a very concerned person about climate issue's and at time's wish I could do a lot more than I do! though I'm like many and kind of limited to going green because of the cost! Sadly it's not cheap doing the right thing for the world!
The one thing I'm into is gardening and have been for several years now! I have a good sized road side garden that needless to say is the hardest type to keep maintained and keep thriving due to where I live.
Here in the state of Maine we get snow in the winter and with the location of my garden it takes a beating from the plow trucks flying by and spraying snow 15 feet through the air!
So when the roads get sanded down and whatever they mix with the sand nowadays to help melt the snow "which I think is some kind of calcium?" It covers all of my shrubbery and perennials. So come spring time it's an utter mess to get back up to par, But I do faithfully every year!
I live in a rural area where I have around 15 neighbors up and down the road and all the people have been very grateful for what I have done with the area because all that was there before when I first bought the house was an old stockade fence!
So when I started this endeavor I ripped down this pretty good length of fence that was blocking a pretty nice view of the lake I live on!
So it really opened the place up and at the same time made it look nice with all the flowers and shrubbery I've added over the years! Which I don't mind doing as I really enjoy the gardening part!
I've always had a pretty good green thumb which could be contributed to the fact in my youth I enjoyed rockin' the ganj! Which in turn I grew to my particular desire and seemed to have a particular knack at! Which is a whole different story so onward we go!
The point being every year I buy a ton of annual flowers to fill in all the voids and add some really nice color!
Plus it's great for the environment! The bee's, bird's, butterflies, Etc, and even us!
The problem I have always had is when buying all these flowers and what not I end up with a zillion plastic carrying flats and all the plastic pots everything is grown in!
The problem with these items are they are not recyclable! So into the trash the go! And man alive that irks me six ways of Sunday!
For the last week now here in the Vacationland area the weather has finally hit that time of year so we can start planting stuff once again!
Which true to form and fashion I always get an early jump to getting stuff going in the ground, which bugs a few of my neighbors because I always beat them to the punch! and at the same time kinda makes them feel like they have to start making their places look nice as well! Which I think a few dread having to do this kind of thing, but they feel they must keep up like a competition!
So that's another reason why I don't mind doing this kind of thing because I help to enthuse others to help with supplying some much needed environmental friendly life, for other life!
Now this is where the story takes a turn to my dismay! I have been going to a certain greenery for a few years now and have always enjoyed the huge stock and variety of everything they have which is a lot!
Well before I had started going to this place I use to got to another much smaller business that was run by this real old very nice gentlemen!
He had passed away a couple of years ago at the age of 87 which was a great loss! He had started to run this small greenery when he retired from his real world profession and did so right up to the day he passed, faithfully!
I had very good relation's with this man because he was much like myself, real and down to earth!
He didn't run this place like a business, but more like a hobby which he enjoyed greatly!
He was doing what he enjoyed and at the same time made a little extra money and was helping make the world look a little better and be a little healthier!
I had gotten in the habit of always returning all the flats and plant containers when I had finished getting everything in the ground. Which worked out good for him by saving a few bucks on buying more! and me for not liking to have to throw this stuff in the trash!
Well since he's gone now and I've started going to this other much larger place I've had to do exactly what I don't like having to do, by throwing these plastic containers out.
With this nursery being larger they have a very big following, and every time I go there it's very busy and I haven't really had a chance to pin one person down and ask about these container items, until just the other day and it really didn't go to smoothly!
For some reason I envision the type of people that would own and operate a place such as this as being something like me and the older gentlemen I use to deal with!
Down to earth and environmentally aware, or at least environmentally conscience! I mean heck your dealing with the one of the two main ingredient's that makes this world survive!
So anyway I got my big chance to ask! I actually had been there the day before so I happened to have a small stack of some containers, So on my return trip I had them in hand and brought them in with me.
I had went around and picked up all the stuff I had planned on buying and proceeded to the check out and once there I asked this younger guy running the register if by chance they took back their small flower containers? which as I said I had them with me in hand, He just looked at me like I had two heads! like there was something wrong with me!
He had no idea what to say so he blats out across the store to this other women that happened to be the owners wife and she came over and grabs them like it's this big hassle, and very rudely say's NO we usually don't! and just walks away with them!
I'm like kinda dumbfounded trying to collect some sort of thought to what just happened? when this elderly lady standing beside me in line say's gee'z I thought that was very good of you!
The only thing I could come up with to say in this very disturbed state of mind I was in was,Yeah reduce, reuse, recycle isn't that the slogan the world has been telling us all?
Thankfully she said yes your right we should! Which I'm pretty sure she was saying because of the bewildered look in my being!
So as I was leaving in my shocked state of confusion a few things were zipping through my mind as to why?
Why wouldn't they want these things back? It would save some cash on buying new, Plus your a business selling things that are essential for the planet wouldn't you think these type people are some kind of environmentally friendly people?
I'm assuming the answer is no their not! No they don't care about the cash nor the environment!
When I was leaving I was thinking are they just a bunch of capitalist mongers!
But heck their not really even that because if they were they would want the containers back! I mean really I had already paid for them in the purchase of the flowers the first time around so it's not like I was getting a discount!
What's with the attitude I got when trying to do what I would thought a nice gesture! or at the very least a good appreciative deed?
Wasn't really expecting a "thanks for your garbage pal beat it!" There was nothing wrong with the container's, they were as is when I bought them!
So I guess I've learned a lesson! First not all people running a garden nursery are environmentally friendly, Or for that matter friendly at all!
Number two people really need to start changing their attitudes towards the climate issue because it's not a matter of if it's going to happen? cause I hate to break it to everyone, it's already started!
And until people get this sunk into their heads, it's about to get really shitty! And get the I wish I "HAD" done something about it when I had the chance stupid mentality out of their heads and get with the program now!
The ATTITUDE CHANGE needs to start now! There's already a water shortage in places around this world that's seriously on their way to a catastrophic level for people! And then we have people that don't know these fact's because it's not affecting them yet! Or the other few that thinks their being lied to, but that's because their idiot's
With every action people do there's an equal and opposite reaction! and so far it's all been bad! We really need to change this attitude that if we just don't think about it, it isn't happening!
I really have a hard time believing there isn't more people out there as nervous as me about what's happening right now! I just don't get it?
I sure hope my message may find a few and those few actually take heed to what is truly going on because in a very short time things could be going in a direction they are nowhere near ready for, even though there's been plenty of warning!
Attitude is the key to changing! So it's up to each and every person on this planet to take action! Though I know this will never happen because people have this attitude that someone else will take care of all these problems!
Some think their governments will fix everything and make it all fine and better again!
they've been these type people that have been so reliant on the system because it's always taken care of them that it's like their brainwashed into a false existence!
No body is coming to the rescue to save us! This isn't going to happen! I think the one thing that governments around the world should start doing to make people more aware of how serious this is, and that it's not some whacked out conspiracy theory! is to run a new slogan stating something like "ATTITUDE CHANGE BEFORE CLIMATE CHANGE!"
Even though I'm fully aware everything we start doing now is probably to little to late hopefully in this slogan it will bring people too actually take an involvement into trying to do something, which with any luck will help!
With this final note as I was stating about the water shortage, I urge you to follow my blog as I will be discussing the locations in eminent peril right now!
I will also be talking of locations that are in the high risk factor for their water sheds disappearing completely if things are not addressed immediately!
So please adjust your attitude and follow along as I discuss the greatest things affecting the planet, and it's inhabitants here and now, in the next up and coming blog!
Until then stay strong in your convictions and hopefully they will rub off on the person next to you!
One more quick note, If any type nursery were actually environmentally friendly and were trying to do a part in the battle of plastics they would be using environmentally friendly bio products such as below!
There are several types on the market though due to cost a lot of nurseries don't use these type things for fear people won't want to pay the extra cost! Which is actually not to extreme!
The sad fact to the matter is the actual cost we will all be paying shortly will be way greater then a few bucks!
Attitude starts now! If you may encounter the same situation as myself try making a suggestion to your local favorite place you shop about changing to one of the many type products on the market today! Even a true capitalist will probably entertain the idea of switching because it's hard to make money when there's no world left to make money off of! All the best, and Good luck!
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