One would assume with this planet being covered with more water then land this wouldn't be an issue, Well guess again!
The Earth is covered by 71% water and of that over 96% of that water is in the ocean, So that leaves a little less the 3% left as fresh water!
Seems like a small number considering the amount we see in areas such as the great lakes, or for the fortunate few that still have a lake in their back yards unlike some not so lucky people in parts of the world where their lakes have all but disappeared!
We humans are facing some serious and troubling times in the not so very near future! Oops, The future is here! See how fast that happened!
Those that do pay attention already see parts of the U.S. that are facing a water shortage and a crisis. We have been constantly hearing of the shortage of water in California and this has only gotten worse over the years.
It's far from just California that is affected! There is a shortage happening all over the globe! Though we in the U.S. tend to back shelve others issue's until they affect us in some form or fashion directly!
Lake Meade is at a historical low presently and the water department there is letting it dip a few more feet before they start a bit of relief by opening the gates! Which certain areas can fall and rise due to conditions, But the conditions the human race is facing is one that is slipping from our control each and every day!
Our climate is in a change that is heading in an uncertain direction though we can paint a pretty good picture! As for what is going on presently with water shortages in certain areas of the world we do know are because of what humans have done and are still doing!
Human interaction is the cause and affect it's that simple! We see the cutting down and burning of the rain forest in South America and this is being done to create more land for food type essentials such as crops and mostly cattle.
Unfortunately in doing this it has caused a change in how everything works environmentally in this area and the affect is being felt!
South Americas largest city Sao Paulo Brazil is literally almost out of water! Who in the world could imagine this happening? I know I'm having a hard time! For the last few years they have actually had count down's to the day they would be completely at empty!
I think of South America and the rain forest I think of nothing but a damp and wet place! Well thanks to all the deforestation it has changed the weather patterns in that area and this is what happens!
It's not just there where water is going extinct it's all around their neighboring villages and cities as well even Rio De Janeiro is going dry!
It sounds like some crazy conspiracy theory especially considering their location we are speaking of!
This is no conspiracy and it is really happening! So if we see it happening there let's do some hunting!
We see the effects happening around areas of large populations which of course makes sense! The problem is the population! New studies show that more than half the people in the whole world suffer from catastrophic drought conditions at least one month out of the year! Then a quarter of the worlds population is in drought conditions the whole year long!
How are those statistics? Sound alarming? We haven't even scratched the surface, and the surface is looking pretty dry, and scary!
One of the big problems as said is the worlds out of control population growth! With more people come more needs! Needs such as food!
Now agriculture is a huge area of water consumption and you need to see it in this perspective.
Humans need to eat and we eat things such as vegetation from crops. Needless to say it takes an amazingly large amount of water to grow things in case you didn't know!
Now we have to look at food items such as cattle! Cattle eat crop items as well so now we are growing massive amounts of crops for cattle along with humans. It's a whole lot of water!
The next biggest water consumer is industry such as agriculture and mining! With the newer technology of fracking to get to oil it takes a huge volume of water and even worse it pollutes as well! As if the water waste wasn't bad enough we're going to poison the rest of what's left! Makes sense only if your a human!
With the way the climate has been changing and the greater volume of water humans are using mother nature is not providing enough to balance the usage out! We are just not getting the same amount of snow and rains to offset this and there is only one solution! Well there is a couple but I don't think 4 billion out of the 7 on Earth will like being told they need to leave!
The other is our insane consumption of fossil fuels! We have been told what is happening to our climate! We know the deal and now it is getting even worse for the human race and our survival what will we do?
The answer is continue our insane course of self destruction!
Think of how rain is produced by our atmosphere soaking up the moisture from the earth until it soaks up so much it eventually comes back down as rain or snow!
When the water from rivers and lakes have been depleted there is nothing left for the atmosphere to soak up and you can see where this cycle is going!
Of course this is only going to be the issue in certain areas as most of the planet is covered by water from the oceans of the world! But by doing the things we do it is causing a negative impact nonetheless!
South America is not the only place where deforestation is happening! This is happening at a global level even the islands of Indonesia's rain forest are suffering now as they to have been cutting down the forest there as well! And guess what for? If you said oil you get a gold star!
I really just can't get over the fact that we do what we know is the thing that will destroy us all! It's not even a matter of IF! It WILL! The only big question is when and how?
Will we die from a water shortage first? Or will the climate have changed so drastically that some catastrophic event will happen and beat the water shortage to the punch!
I do believe the earth feels what is happening and in order for the earths own survival it will do what needs to be done out of sheer self preservation!
We know this has happened through the earths history and every time there has been something tipping the scales such as climate issues something ends up giving!
We humans have an attitude that we are so smart, We have it all figured out! I see Saudi kings act and look like they are above everything in existence
and nothing will affect them!
I see the Pope and the way he carries himself like this is no biggie shielded
from any dire events!
The same goes to these rich people such as "the Donald" (Trump!) His own arrogance will shield him from all!
Funny thing about him (Trump) was the fact he publicly denounced climate issues as being a hoax and blamed the government for wasting money trying to do stuff about it! Despite the fact that 97% of the scientific community is agreed on reasons for climate issues!
The other crazy thing with Trump is at the same time he's telling everyone it's a hoax his company is applying for permits to build this huge sea wall over in Ireland at one of his golf courses!
All due to the fact they predict that sea levels are rising faster then predicted due to climate change, and they want to protect the golf course!
Talk about unpredictable, and people want this guy to run a country! Our species is out of control!
The truth is no matter your beliefs or religion, if your rich or poor, good looking or ugly, short or tall, fat or thin, blue eye's or brown, your screwed!
Simple as it may not seem we are looking at the beginning of the end! People will deny this and say things can get under control! It's a load of B.S.!
We are in a death spiral and the people smart enough realize this and hence fourth why things are still going and moving as always!
We just can't stop everything in order to save the world! It just can't happen like that!
The people smart enough to see what shape the planet is truly in, and know that no matter how much we cut back stuff like the burning of fossil fuels it won't change anything at this point! Because it will be way to little way to late!
If anybody has doubts just look at the shortage of water and ask yourself, How is this going to be resolved anytime soon?
All of these things were on there way to happening it was just a matter of time! It wasn't supposed to be this quick! I remember all the science talk of projections and what would happen if we didn't do certain things what would happen by a so and so date! Well guess what? That date was way, way off!
Here's a little point to ponder! Back in the early 90's when hurricane Andrew wiped out Homestead Florida, I had gone down to do some work and help out. The devastation that was done was incredible! And it has stuck with me like it was burnt in my brain forever!
It was truly horrific! What was even more horrific is what people are capable of when there is no food or water around!
People had to stand in line for hours upon hours just to get a jug of water and a small bag of sandwiches! These were the people that had lost everything and had nowhere else to go!
I witnessed people at their best and worse all in one shot! I witnessed several beatings!
I saw one guy that was accused of cutting in on the food and water line! He got jumped and beat half to death by 5 other grown men!
His whole nose was bitten off, half of one ear was bitten off, and he was knotted up so bad from the swelling of the blows to the face he looked none human! And yes I said body parts were bitten off! This is what people are capable of!
So now imagine a country, or a whole continent that is running dry of water or near enough they know something needs to happen!
Water shortages will mean food shortages, starvation will be rampant! And yes it always leads to wars, just like the guy cutting in line somebody will get beaten!
lots are bound to die, and yes this was all foreseen years ago! Heck I think this is even in the bible if I'm not mistaken! But I'm more of a hands on, need to see it happening in front of me kind of guy!
Well guess what? It's happening!
I'm sure people will take little heed to what I've just said here, And some will not believe it at all!'
If there is any smart people curious they will probably go online to see if any of this is remotely true, Which they will find it is!
But what happens then? Most will just be thankful it hasn't affected them yet in any capacity! That doesn't mean it's far away from happening though!
Others will say screw it! There's nothing I can do! So that's just what they'll do, Nothing!
Seem's like that is the biggest problem with all of this! No one is willing, Or for that matter cares!
So for the time being in these early stages everyone sitting in their beautiful home's on some serene lake with a view, Such as myself! Enjoy it while it's there! And as a suggestion if you have family I would try to keep that lake view home, as that water in the back yard just might be a gold mine! Or even more important it might be your last chance for survival, That is if can protect it, and yourself just like that guy cutting in line!
There are some factors involved with South America's predicament. One being they had been warned five years before everything started going dry that this was on the way, But did nothing to seek any alternative measures!
Not that there were many choices short of screwing something up even more so!
The point being the more we use the more we have to seek other areas to tap into and then the more we deplete and screw up another form of pour environment!
It's a vicious circle and one that industry with big money at stake care's little about!
When does our survival outweigh the all mighty dollar? For your sake or your children's sake, people better start asking these questions!
How are those statistics? Sound alarming? We haven't even scratched the surface, and the surface is looking pretty dry, and scary!
One of the big problems as said is the worlds out of control population growth! With more people come more needs! Needs such as food!
Now agriculture is a huge area of water consumption and you need to see it in this perspective.
Humans need to eat and we eat things such as vegetation from crops. Needless to say it takes an amazingly large amount of water to grow things in case you didn't know!
Now we have to look at food items such as cattle! Cattle eat crop items as well so now we are growing massive amounts of crops for cattle along with humans. It's a whole lot of water!
The next biggest water consumer is industry such as agriculture and mining! With the newer technology of fracking to get to oil it takes a huge volume of water and even worse it pollutes as well! As if the water waste wasn't bad enough we're going to poison the rest of what's left! Makes sense only if your a human!
With the way the climate has been changing and the greater volume of water humans are using mother nature is not providing enough to balance the usage out! We are just not getting the same amount of snow and rains to offset this and there is only one solution! Well there is a couple but I don't think 4 billion out of the 7 on Earth will like being told they need to leave!
The other is our insane consumption of fossil fuels! We have been told what is happening to our climate! We know the deal and now it is getting even worse for the human race and our survival what will we do?
The answer is continue our insane course of self destruction!
Think of how rain is produced by our atmosphere soaking up the moisture from the earth until it soaks up so much it eventually comes back down as rain or snow!
When the water from rivers and lakes have been depleted there is nothing left for the atmosphere to soak up and you can see where this cycle is going!
Of course this is only going to be the issue in certain areas as most of the planet is covered by water from the oceans of the world! But by doing the things we do it is causing a negative impact nonetheless!
South America is not the only place where deforestation is happening! This is happening at a global level even the islands of Indonesia's rain forest are suffering now as they to have been cutting down the forest there as well! And guess what for? If you said oil you get a gold star!
Will we die from a water shortage first? Or will the climate have changed so drastically that some catastrophic event will happen and beat the water shortage to the punch!
I do believe the earth feels what is happening and in order for the earths own survival it will do what needs to be done out of sheer self preservation!
We know this has happened through the earths history and every time there has been something tipping the scales such as climate issues something ends up giving!
We humans have an attitude that we are so smart, We have it all figured out! I see Saudi kings act and look like they are above everything in existence
and nothing will affect them!
I see the Pope and the way he carries himself like this is no biggie shielded
from any dire events!
The same goes to these rich people such as "the Donald" (Trump!) His own arrogance will shield him from all!
Funny thing about him (Trump) was the fact he publicly denounced climate issues as being a hoax and blamed the government for wasting money trying to do stuff about it! Despite the fact that 97% of the scientific community is agreed on reasons for climate issues!
The other crazy thing with Trump is at the same time he's telling everyone it's a hoax his company is applying for permits to build this huge sea wall over in Ireland at one of his golf courses!
All due to the fact they predict that sea levels are rising faster then predicted due to climate change, and they want to protect the golf course!
Talk about unpredictable, and people want this guy to run a country! Our species is out of control!
The truth is no matter your beliefs or religion, if your rich or poor, good looking or ugly, short or tall, fat or thin, blue eye's or brown, your screwed!
Simple as it may not seem we are looking at the beginning of the end! People will deny this and say things can get under control! It's a load of B.S.!
We are in a death spiral and the people smart enough realize this and hence fourth why things are still going and moving as always!
We just can't stop everything in order to save the world! It just can't happen like that!
The people smart enough to see what shape the planet is truly in, and know that no matter how much we cut back stuff like the burning of fossil fuels it won't change anything at this point! Because it will be way to little way to late!
If anybody has doubts just look at the shortage of water and ask yourself, How is this going to be resolved anytime soon?
All of these things were on there way to happening it was just a matter of time! It wasn't supposed to be this quick! I remember all the science talk of projections and what would happen if we didn't do certain things what would happen by a so and so date! Well guess what? That date was way, way off!
Here's a little point to ponder! Back in the early 90's when hurricane Andrew wiped out Homestead Florida, I had gone down to do some work and help out. The devastation that was done was incredible! And it has stuck with me like it was burnt in my brain forever!
It was truly horrific! What was even more horrific is what people are capable of when there is no food or water around!
People had to stand in line for hours upon hours just to get a jug of water and a small bag of sandwiches! These were the people that had lost everything and had nowhere else to go!
I witnessed people at their best and worse all in one shot! I witnessed several beatings!
I saw one guy that was accused of cutting in on the food and water line! He got jumped and beat half to death by 5 other grown men!
His whole nose was bitten off, half of one ear was bitten off, and he was knotted up so bad from the swelling of the blows to the face he looked none human! And yes I said body parts were bitten off! This is what people are capable of!
So now imagine a country, or a whole continent that is running dry of water or near enough they know something needs to happen!
Water shortages will mean food shortages, starvation will be rampant! And yes it always leads to wars, just like the guy cutting in line somebody will get beaten!
lots are bound to die, and yes this was all foreseen years ago! Heck I think this is even in the bible if I'm not mistaken! But I'm more of a hands on, need to see it happening in front of me kind of guy!
Well guess what? It's happening!
I'm sure people will take little heed to what I've just said here, And some will not believe it at all!'
If there is any smart people curious they will probably go online to see if any of this is remotely true, Which they will find it is!
But what happens then? Most will just be thankful it hasn't affected them yet in any capacity! That doesn't mean it's far away from happening though!
Others will say screw it! There's nothing I can do! So that's just what they'll do, Nothing!
Seem's like that is the biggest problem with all of this! No one is willing, Or for that matter cares!
So for the time being in these early stages everyone sitting in their beautiful home's on some serene lake with a view, Such as myself! Enjoy it while it's there! And as a suggestion if you have family I would try to keep that lake view home, as that water in the back yard just might be a gold mine! Or even more important it might be your last chance for survival, That is if can protect it, and yourself just like that guy cutting in line!
There are some factors involved with South America's predicament. One being they had been warned five years before everything started going dry that this was on the way, But did nothing to seek any alternative measures!
Not that there were many choices short of screwing something up even more so!
The point being the more we use the more we have to seek other areas to tap into and then the more we deplete and screw up another form of pour environment!
It's a vicious circle and one that industry with big money at stake care's little about!
When does our survival outweigh the all mighty dollar? For your sake or your children's sake, people better start asking these questions!
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